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Journey |OT| Perfect Strangers


Man, the whole world was empty this weekend. I took a Journey on three seperate occasions and not once did I find anyone o_0

I wonder how many people are waiting their week before playing again to pickup the "Return" trophy. I've played through about 5 or 6 times, the last couple as a
white robe
. I've collected all of the other trophies except for that one. I've been wanting to get back to it but will wait until my week has passed.

So .. a question to someone who has maybe experienced this or seen it happen directly and can give me a definite answer one way or the other ...

Can the
dragon robot monsters actually "Kill" you in the game? Take your whole scarf and end your journey early?
... I didn't think it was possible but I was helping someone through the entire game yesterday and we made it to that last level ... got about halfway through and then ran into those bad boys again ... my companion did not follow me very well and strayed out at exactly the wrong time ... after the swoop (the second time it had happened to him in the same area) I looked for him for like almost 5 minutes... Gone. Was actually kind of sad. He had done soooo well ... but that last climb can be seriously rough.

He probably either lost his network connection or quit thinking that
losing most/all of his scarf
would hinder him in the rest of the game. The first time it happened to me, I restarted the game. Luckily, I was playing alone so I didn't leave my companion wondering what had happened to me.


Regarding soundtrack release got this today:

Dear ---- ,

I know I already said it, but thank you for signing up for this newsletter! The last couple weeks since the release of Journey have been far beyond any of my wildest expectations. The reactions both to the game and my music have left me completely stunned. My most heartfelt thanks to all of you for playing it, commenting here, Facebook, Twitter, etc. It's been overwhelming in the best way.

So, first off, a little business. The free, bonus JOURNEY MUSIC BUNDLE is coming!! I will send out another (far less wordy) newsletter on Wednesday (March 28th) which will contain the download link. I am very excited about this! None of the music will ever be for sale and none of it is in the actual game itself. It was all done especially to send to you all, as my thank you for signing up. In other words, this is not the Journey soundtrack but more like a tangent to it.

Meanwhile, many of you have been generous with your time in asking me questions from the signup page. My HUGE apologies if I don't answer yours individually. I am still working through them and so if you check back periodically there will be more answers on there. But here are my answers to the ones that were asked the most often:

1) Will the Journey soundtrack be for sale (and in what format)?
Yes, yes and yes! The Journey soundtrack will definitely be for sale! I am not permitted quite yet to announce the details but they'll be forthcoming very, very soon! The most up-to-date information will get posted to my Twitter and Facebook pages (linked below) and I'll probably follow that up with another of these newsletters. Also, after over 5 years of waiting, the flOw soundtrack is coming soon too!! I prepared the album last year, and created a special bonus track for it with Tina Guo, my wonderful cellist on Journey. You can hear a taste of it here.

2) What was the process of collaborating with thatgamecompany?
Working on the music for this game was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had, and part of why that is because of how long I was able to work on it. TGC's previous game, Flower, came out in early 2009 and virtually the moment it came out they started work on Journey. I was hired at that point, before the game existed in any form. It was merely a concept. I started by writing this piece, on the first day, based on a conversation with Jenova Chen about what the spirit and tone of the game would be.

Shortly after that Sony gave me a PS3 test kit, which would let me run builds of the game as they were being generated each night. Then, for the next 3 years I worked very, very closely with both thatgamecompany and Sony to create the music and test it out in-game. My routine became to download the build first thing in the morning, identify an area that needed music (or current music that needed revising), and compose a sketch of the new track. I'd then send this to Jenova with detailed instructions on how to implement it, which he would do usually that same day. Then, that night the build would get made and the following morning I could play the game with my new music in there and test it. 99% of the time I immediately didn't like it and would scrap it and try again. Again and again and again!

In other words, I never had to rely on concept art, or video captures or any of that sort of thing. I didn't even have to drive to thatgamecompany or Sony's offices in order to test the game. I could do it all myself, any time I wanted. And in hindsight, I can't imagine how I would've done it without that.

I've done a fair number of press interviews lately, many of which get into even more detail on this subject. Feel free to check out my Press page if you're interested!

3) What are some of your inspirations?
This questions has been asked a bunch of different ways, but the answer is pretty simple. I am a great believer in Thomas Edison's famous quote that genius is "one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration." In my case, specifically with regard to Journey, the inspiration comes squarely from thatgamecompany. They are true geniuses and visionaries. They also happen to be really wonderful people and I consider myself lucky-beyond-words to call them my friends. To be able to collaborate with them goes even beyond that. So they are the inspiration. The rest is simply a matter of working really hard to try and make it better, all the time. I wish I had some romantic story of sitting on a mountain top or in an open desert and being struck by the muses, but honestly it really does just come down to elbow grease.

As for inspirations in the biggest sense, I have many. I come from a primarily classical background, so composers of that vein have had the biggest impact on me. Bela Bartok is probably my all-time favorite, and from the world of Hollywood Jerry Goldsmith is my ultimate hero. I would also put Leonard Bernstein and Gyogy Ligeti at the top of the list. Beyond those four, there are too many to name.

4) What are you working on next?
In terms of games, my next major release will be Pocket Watch Games' Monaco. You can hear a taste of my score here. I've been working on this game a while already and so for a while it was overlapping with Journey. But, as you can hear, the musical styles are very nearly the opposite of each other! Monaco is entirely solo piano, in a Ragtime / silent era style. Crazy fun!

Other than that I have a few game projects I can't quite talk about yet but will definitely be sending links and such about soon. I also have a few new films, including one I'm very excited about called Strangely in Love, directed by my old friend Amin Matalqa. Most of you probably haven't seen our first film, which was called Captain Abu Raed. You can see a scene of it here. And here is a cool Behind The Scenes look at our recording sessions. This film is very, very good and well worth seeking out on Netflix or Amazon. It was the world's first Jordanian feature film and it won the Audience Award at the Sundance Film Festival in 2008. It was one of the most cherished professional experiences I've ever had, and so I am immensely excited to be working again with Amin on this new film.

My other major project is a new work for the Boulder Symphony, as a follow-up to our first collaboration called 'Gray Rain.' The new piece is called 'Inter' and it will be premiered May 18th and 19th.

Ok that's enough for now! Somewhere in the world, right as you opened this email someone started playing Journey and now as you finish reading it, they're probably watching the end credits! I promise to keep the next email a LOT shorter!

All the best,
Austin Wintory

TLDR: Go sign up for the newsletter RIGHT now for free Journey music that didn't make it into the game and won't be released. Official soundtrack coming soon.
I've made 2 friends play it, it's interesting how one of them totally ignored other players and at the end it was like "you met this 15 guys in your Journey"


GAF parliamentarian
Regarding soundtrack release got this today:

TLDR: Go sign up for the newsletter RIGHT now for free Journey music that didn't make it into the game and won't be released. Official soundtrack coming soon.
Yup. Austin Wintory's fanbridge can be found here if you want to follow his work and be notified of the Journey OST release.


This is the most beautiful game I've played since Portal 2 and Nier. Soooo goooood. I helped a guy get white robe and a bunch of other trophies yesterday and it was a really fun experience. We stuck together from the broken bridge (which we passed without completely rebuilding) to the very end!


Man... I started a new game and met up with a fellow white robe in the first area. We flew around in sync, chirped to keep each other afloat, criss-crossed as we slid along with the sand currents, and even took a moment to meditate with one another. We progressed along in perfect harmony to the second area, where the seemingly choreographed surfing/flying continued, both of us chirping happily along the way.

Then, without warning right before the end of the second area, I watched as he knelt down at the top of a dune and then slowly dissolved into the sands. Just like that, he was gone.

I thought I was gonna play all the way through with him, but I guess it wasn't meant to be. :(


I just saw a white robe guy tripping around me. i couldn't tell if he was doing it on purpose or not. it was really weird. he would run back and forth and then trip and fall flat on his face. anybody ever see this? or know how to purposefully trip?


I just saw a white robe guy tripping around me. i couldn't tell if
he was doing it on purpose or not. it was really weird. he would run back and forth and then trip and fall flat on his face. anybody ever see this? or know how to purposefully trip?

Yeah, you can do it on purpose. I posted about it earlier. You can even play "dead" by lying face down for long periods of time.

Someone over on the GFAQs boards pointed out that you can make your character fall flat on their face and stay that way.

Apparently if you run in a straight line, then pull the left stick back for a second before pushing it forward again, it will cause your character to stumble. If you do this again in quick succession, it will make your character trip and fall flat onto its face. It will stay in that position until you move the left stick again.

I've never seen this, and I'm not home at the moment to try it. Supposedly people have been doing it online as a sort of prank, playing "dead" to confuse their companion. Can anyone else test this out?


I'm speechless....

That was seriously the best couple of hours I've ever spent on a game.

Everything is amazing, the visuals, music and gameplay, oh and one of the best multiplayer experiences ever. I smiled so much, and was even saddened by losing my companions at different times when I assume they quit.


Neo Member
I just finished this in one-sitting with mostly the same player untill the very end and it was a truly wonderous experience. The connection i had with that complete stranger by the end of the game was something i never would've thought possible.

I wasn't much of a fan of TGCs previous games but they got my attention with this one for sure. A truly amazing experience.

Now give me the soundtrack! =D


Bought it yesterday to play it together with my gf but she was not interested and read a book instead so i stopped after 3 minutes. Going to play this today after work alone with lights of and sound turned up. Can't wait.

So, should i avoid people with white robes and details and look for ppl who look like me? I like to find someone to play it through together but i don't want a "veteran" pointing me to everything.


Bought it yesterday to play it together with my gf but she was not interested and read a book instead so i stopped after 3 minutes. Going to play this today after work alone with lights of and sound turned up. Can't wait.

So, should i avoid people with white robes and details and look for ppl who look like me? I like to find someone to play it through together but i don't want a "veteran" poining me to everything.

Yeah, I would recommend trying to stick with people who also have clean red robes. Playing through with another newbie is definitely ideal.


Neo Member
So, should i avoid people with white robes and details and look for ppl who look like me? I like to find someone to play it through together but i don't want a "veteran" poining me to everything.

You can't really "choose" who to play with. Another player just appears in your world and you can't really communicate.

The person i played with already completed the game (i think, they had a normal robe but with more inscriptions on it) and it was still an awesome experience. He led me to some "secrets" here and there but it was all very organic and intersting. If anything it just added to the whole experience


You can't really "choose" who to play with. Another player just appears in your world and you can't really communicate.

The person i played with already completed the game (i think, they had a normal robe but with more inscriptions on it) and it was still an awesome experience. He led me to some "secrets" here and there but it was all very organic and intersting. If anything it just added to the whole experience

I can "choose" by avoiding/ignoring them or not? I would only do this if i have the impression that he is rushing me through or something.

Did someone play this with an Ambilight TV? Must be really nice.


Sorry if this has already been answered, I can't really find it in the thread.. But can we talk story?

I know the game isn't supposed to be taken literally, but what exactly happened? What I gather are these people are basically either stars, heavenly beings, or some form of aliens. They came from the sky, the robot stone dragons destroyed their civilization, and they all died. Then you come down from the sky, experience the journey, die or pass out at the mountain top in the snow. Then return to the sky. I also don't fully understand who the white beings are.

Again, I know it may not be something that's fully meant to be explained, but I loved the game so much I just want to understand more.


the robot stone dragons destroyed their civilization

close... they should be classified as mechanical, not stone. and it should be noted that the white robes built them for the impending faction war over the dwindling cloth resource. they are used to steal the cloth of the enemy, and are powered by the divine cloth/life itself. one of the cutscenes shows white robes on two warring sides both riding/piloting the sentries.

so really, the cloth collecting/caging war machines were really destructive, but the white robes destroyed their own civilization through their violent greed and abuse of natural resources.

the white robes should be taken as some form of "ancestors" and "spiritual guides", but that's where we get to all sorts of speculation, because they have the power to revive and extend your scarf on the mountain, which is interesting.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
So I'm still on my high from finishing the game the yesterday...


Have I repressed the ending or did :

.... did I actually die :(? The camera focusing on one of those gravestones, maybe signaling the end of my journey? And that whole ending, the blissful heaven-esque climb to the top with the clothanimals and waterfalls... I was dead. Ending up as another gravestone among the sea of others who never reached their destination.


So I'm still on my high from finishing the game the yesterday...


Have I repressed the ending or did :

.... did I actually die :(? The camera focusing on one of those gravestones, maybe signaling the end of my journey? And that whole ending, the blissful heaven-esque climb to the top with the clothanimals and waterfalls... I was dead. Ending up as another gravestone among the sea of others who never reached their destination.

You did die.... and then you get reincarnated. You become a 'star' and travel back, you come past all the places you've been in your journey. In the end you, as a star, shoot into the sand.... which is exactly how your game began.
So you live once more... more experienced (notice your robe) and ready for a new Journey

Endo Punk

So I tried the falling down trick and played dead, my companion ran in circles and also fell dead. We just stared at the screen for 10 mins looking at out fallen friends. I couldn't stop laughing.





Well I gotta buy this.


My GF bought this to play at my place. I gave it a shot after she had played through (which I didn't pay attention to). She loved it. I think it's absolutely a waste of time and money.

This game is honestly tremendously boring. I don't understand the hard-on that the gaming community has for this game. It looks nice, kind of, sometimes. It has no interesting gameplay mechanics, it has two environments, and it feels incredibly slow. The best parts of the game involve two 30 second intervals of going at a faster than snail pace through the environment, and the end of the game when you can stop "playing."

And I use the term "playing," in the loosest of senses. This "experience" has zero challenge, zero reward, zero gameplay. No interesting characters, no excellent combos, no weaponry or sorcery, just a dull stroll through two environments. You can honestly just smash forward on the controller and get through a majority of the game.

Very slow paced, would not recommend or play again. It's like the entire game is a huge quick time event of some faceless red block walking through a dessert.

Please look more into this game if you haven't purchased yet but are going to. CERTAINLY not worth $15.



Just played it for the first time, pretty amazing experience and I was lucky enough to play with someone else on his first run

It was so awesome how we slogged through the snow together, huddling together behind cover from the wind and monsters, then when we got to the final area it seemed like he rushed off on his own to finish and I was a little sad, then when I got to the very end he was waiting for me and we walked the final walk together. simple but felt great


Bunch of stuff...[/IMG]

I could see some people not enjoying it, I actually went into it thinking this was going to be yet another hyped up GAF indie game.

I think what worked for me is that it somehow struck emotions in me, and the exploration was amazing. It actually gave me the same feeling Ico did when I finished it. The online companions really make the game something special as well, you communicate with people when there is really no communication method.


Did I just take troll bait?


I could see some people not enjoying it, I actually went into it thinking this was going to be yet another hyped up GAF indie game.

I think what worked for me is that it somehow struck emotions in me, and the exploration was amazing. It actually gave me the same feeling Ico did when I finished it. The online companions really make the game something special as well, you communicate with people when there is really no communication method.


Did I just take troll bait?

Exploring for what? There is no NEED to explore. No incentive! You don't build a stronger character, get some sick loot, battle an epic beast, etc. You look around at some environment... Cool...

Not a troll, honestly didn't enjoy the game :/


GAF parliamentarian
No interesting characters, no excellent combos, no weaponry or sorcery, just a dull stroll through two environments. You can honestly just smash forward on the controller and get through a majority of the game.
Is this a Tom Chick parody?


Exploring for what? There is no NEED to explore. No incentive! You don't build a stronger character, get some sick loot, battle an epic beast, etc. You look around at some environment... Cool...

Not a troll, honestly didn't enjoy the game :/

Ah, well if you make an effort to collect the shiny things to elongate your scarf there is exploration.

Different strokes for different folks. It really was an amazing experience for me, I actually got a bit sad when I lost a companion.
Exploring for what? There is no NEED to explore. No incentive! You don't build a stronger character, get some sick loot, battle an epic beast, etc. You look around at some environment... Cool...

Not a troll, honestly didn't enjoy the game :/

No offense, but I feel sorry for people who can't find enjoyment in game-world exploration unless there's a guaranteed reward


Ah, well if you make an effort to collect the shiny things to elongate your scarf there is exploration.

Expand your scarf only to have it reduced? And with an elongated scarf you can do what? Jump slightly further?

100% not worth it.


Another important thing I never mentioned about the game, I loved being thrown into a world and having to figure things out on my own. No annoying tutorial pop ups (ok there were a couple), no BS loading screens, no chatting with people. It took going through most of the game for us to somehow figure out you can give each other scarf power by chirping or touching.


No offense, but I feel sorry for people who can't find enjoyment in game-world exploration unless there's a guaranteed reward

Maybe I'm just not seeing what you guys saw in game. Did the art really strike you as AMAZING? Worth exploring? I felt it was very just, blah. Certainly not as interesting of background / art as other games.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Expand your scarf only to have it reduced? And with an elongated scarf you can do what? Jump slightly further?

100% not worth it.

You're being disingenuously redundant.

It's ok to not like the game but if "trudging through sand and other materials for an hour is not fun" was all you got from the game then maybe it wasn't meant for you in the first place.


Another important thing I never mentioned about the game, I loved being thrown into a world and having to figure things out on my own. No annoying tutorial pop ups, no BS loading screens, no chatting with people. It took going through most of the game for us to somehow figure out you can give each other scarf power by chirping or touching.

There are two buttons man! I don't mean to insult you in particular, but you it doesn't have an explanation because it doesn't need one. X: Jump. O: Chirp. Be sure to chirp at lots of shit.


GAF parliamentarian
I can't help but visualize the conversation going something like this:

Girl: Oh, I just finished Journey, it was an amazing, beautiful experience.
Guy: Give me the controller and watch me beat your highscore without breaking a sweat.

Makes me laugh.


You're being disingenuously redundant.

It's ok to not like the game but if "trudging through sand and other materials for an hour is not fun" was all you got from the game then maybe it wasn't meant for you in the first place.

That's just fine, I agree that it wasn't meant for me. But the entire thread is people explaining how amazing Journey is. I'm assuming there are other people out there that I can save $15 for.


Maybe I'm just not seeing what you guys saw in game. Did the art really strike you as AMAZING? Worth exploring? I felt it was very just, blah. Certainly not as interesting of background / art as other games.

Yes it did strike me as amazing, as did the music that somehow seemed to react to where and what I was doing. I smiled so much during the game (the sideways slide through the ruins?) and felt all warm and fuzzy.

This is coming from a burned out gamer that nitpicks the hell out of everything.

There are two buttons man! I don't mean to insult you in particular, but you it doesn't have an explanation because it doesn't need one. X: Jump. O: Chirp. Be sure to chirp at lots of shit.

No offense, as I really do see some people not liking it, but I think you missed a lot of what you can do in the game and most of it comes from discovering it yourself.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
I'm assuming there are other people out there that I can save $15 for.

Fine. I'll join your cause.

For those of you who need weapons and complex character building systems & mechanics in your game don't buy this game.

For those of you who want to try out something new and genuinely interesting then buy it.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
I knew something was missing. TGC needs to patch in a leveling up system and item looting ASAP.

Some sick ass loot, purple scarf with +10% against enemies' bites.
Level 5 perk : your chirps emit a sonic boom rippling through stone and sand that stuns your foes, keeping them in place for your execution move.
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