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Journey |OT| Perfect Strangers

PSN is such a piece of shit.

If I try to buy Journey I get some weird error code.. "error 80023102"

And then if I go to add funds to my wallet and do it that way, I get a non descript "The funds could not be added to your wallet."

The service may be free ,but even when you want to give it money and pay for something, it just doesnt work. Jesus where the hell do I even edit my account? I was thinking, oh, maybe it's an expired credit card (I really don't buy much on PSN because 90% of the time it's some pain in the ass like this, and aftr the hacking and account management fiasco from 2 years ago I've been hesitant to trust them with my info), but as far s I can tell, I can't add payment details or modify existing ones anywhere in the Store.

I never have funds on my wallet. I try to buy the game, PSN says "yo broke dude" and asks how would I like to add funds (CC or ?). I add the CC and it just adds the exact ammount for the game I was initially buying! Never had a problem!

That being said. Check your PSN account details and check if you have stuff like Address and postal code correctly filled up!

Good Luck!


Bought this game after reading through this thread. It's so good. Finished it the same afternoon with a single (first timer as well) companion. It was rough seeing him getting mauled by the monsters in the snow level, unable to do anything. We made it through together though.

Today I got shown the way up until the snow level by a white robe, he showed me almost everything in one go, he really was my mentor. When he suddenly started meditating and left I immediately starting chanting that he shouldn't go. So silly to do, but this game really captivates you.

Then another white rober showed me the way to my own white robe through the remaining levels. Ready to take upon my own mentor role right now.


Unconfirmed Member
I just completed my first Journey. Met 5 different people along the way but ended up going through the last couple of areas and the end with one companion.

Everything about the experience was beautiful. Thank you again to the master artists at ThatGameCompany. <3 I think I'm going to play through it again after dinner tonight, heh.
I beat it last night in one sitting. Like Flower before it, this is the art game fully realized. Beautiful in all areas. I want to go back and collect everything, because I'm sure I missed a lot.


Is it possible to get stuck in the game? I was with someone who had a much longer scarf, and they effortlessly flew up to a high point which you clearly needed to get to in order to progress. Mine was fairly short, and every time I tried to fly that distance, I fell short. The other person flew it a couple times more to show me, but I couldn't reach that height. Is there always a way out regardless, or did I screw up by not finding the glyphs to get a longer scarf along the way? I had only been playing maybe 30 minutes at that point. Really frustrating.
Is it possible to get stuck in the game? I was with someone who had a much longer scarf, and they effortlessly flew up to a high point which you clearly needed to get to in order to progress. Mine was fairly short, and every time I tried to fly that distance, I fell short. The other person flew it a couple times more to show me, but I couldn't reach that height. Is there always a way out regardless, or did I screw up by not finding the glyphs to get a longer scarf along the way? I had only been playing maybe 30 minutes at that point. Really frustrating.

It sounds like you were in the first area. Rest assured, you can get anywhere you need to go with a scarf of any length. Do some more exploring! It sounds like your partner was rushing you.


I literally went :C when I saw this.

PSN is such a piece of shit.

If I try to buy Journey I get some weird error code.. "error 80023102"

And then if I go to add funds to my wallet and do it that way, I get a non descript "The funds could not be added to your wallet."

The service may be free ,but even when you want to give it money and pay for something, it just doesnt work. Jesus where the hell do I even edit my account? I was thinking, oh, maybe it's an expired credit card (I really don't buy much on PSN because 90% of the time it's some pain in the ass like this, and aftr the hacking and account management fiasco from 2 years ago I've been hesitant to trust them with my info), but as far s I can tell, I can't add payment details or modify existing ones anywhere in the Store.

Instead of saying "it's shit" maybe you should check account management .?? ( in the network section not in the store) .. i love when it's automaticly the PSN fault when a number a variables external to it might cause this problem to you ..

Anyway i hope you solve this so that you can try journey.


I just finished the game for the first time, and I did it with just one other person. It was amazing, and we were helping each other all the time, which made my eyes a bit teary at the end :(


Played it for the first time tonight, then came and read this thread, then played it a second time. Each time I did it all in one sitting.

The first playthrough I met six different people, all of them on their first or second run. My second playthrough I met a
player on the second level and stuck with them for the entire rest of the game. It was awesome travelling through almost the entire game with the same person -- they took the time to show me every single secret. At the end of the game,
it's amazing how different it feels to die with someone at your side.

One of the greatest gaming experiences I've ever had.


Just finished the game for the second time. I must be really lucky, because this time I also got to stick with the same person for the whole journey. It was amazing, again.
At the very end, we did the whole trip together, moving slowly, and during the very very last portion we kept chirping (?) all the time, one after the other. It's pretty amazing...


Anybody else become possessed by this game? I don't think I've been this fascinated with a gaming world since Demon's Souls. I've been playing through 1-3 times daily for the past week, mixing it up sometimes as
White Cloak
, sometimes not. It's incredible.

Anyway, I've just come across Robin's talk at the Smithsonian ("It's all in the Design") where she talks about TGC and a bit about Journey. I don't think this has been mentioned yet:

On the same page is another talk with Kellee on the future of gaming, in case anybody is interested.


I've already beaten the game twice, but yesterday I watched my friend beat it start to finish. I'd almost say watching it was more interesting than playing it. His reactions were priceless.


Finished it twice now. Second time through, I played with one companion all the way through.


Takes on a whole different feel when it's played like this.

We were helping each other all the way, he showed me a couple of items that I missed on my first play through, too. All the while, we were chirping away to each other in celebration as we found stuff. If one of us got left behind or couldn't find the other, we'd wait for each other and chirp to let each other know where we were.


I still can't believe how utterly gorgeous the ending of this game is.
The music is amazing, so uplifting compared to the bleakness of the previous section
. Guaranteed to put a smile on your face as you play.

Completing it from start to finish with the same co-op partner really is something special. Although the game isn't particularly challenging, there's still a real sense of achievement when it ends.

An incredible game that I will no doubt play again and again and the first PS3 game I have owned that I will actively try and Platinum.


Finished it for the first time today. Really liked the music and art style, but otherwise feel sort of cheated. Certainly not worth the $15.... Finished it in about an hour, and doesn't seem like i missed a ton of stuff other than some of the collectable glowing hieroglyphics things. Probably had my expectations to high, but Flower was amazing.

Would buy the soundtrack if it's on sale anywhere.

Also look forward to seeing how people
will feel about this game in a few months... Like if it will be goty contender. It's certainly unique which is always a good thing... Just didn't quite gel with me. Might give it another run in a few weeks.


Finished it for the first time today. Really liked the music and art style, but otherwise feel sort of cheated. Certainly not worth the $15.... Finished it in about an hour, and doesn't seem like i missed a ton of stuff other than some of the collectable glowing hieroglyphics things. Probably had my expectations to high, but Flower was amazing.

Would buy the soundtrack if it's on sale anywhere.

Also look forward to seeing how people
will feel about this game in a few months... Like if it will be goty contender. It's certainly unique which is always a good thing... Just didn't quite gel with me. Might give it another run in a few weeks.

I definitely think that it will be discussed during the GOTY debates toward the end of the year, but I don't think that it will top anyone's list due to the brevity of the experience.

That being said, it is unrivaled this year with regard to the impact of its first/second playthroughs. The game probably won't retain all of its charm as the months go by and white robes take over completely, but those of us lucky enough to experience it as intended (playing with others who are also experiencing it for the first time) will never forget it. I still find myself thinking about the game and some of the moments that were particularly affecting, and I have played through the game about four times now. The ending was really something, especially after having played all the way through with a single companion.
I definitely think that it will be discussed during the GOTY debates toward the end of the year, but I don't think that it will top anyone's list due to the brevity of the experience.

That being said, it is unrivaled this year with regard to the impact of its first/second playthroughs. The game probably won't retain all of its charm as the months go by and white robes take over completely, but those of us lucky enough to experience it as intended (playing with others who are also experiencing it for the first time) will never forget it. I still find myself thinking about the game and some of the moments that were particularly affecting, and I have played through the game about four times now. The ending was really something, especially after having played all the way through with a single companion.

It's a lock for my GOTY, there's nothing else that has a chance of topping it :D
Damn, a really big oversight/flaw in this game (not sure if IS addressed). But playing your first time with someone playing their 2nd/3rd+ time, really kills the experience. Since they are just looking for shit instead of reacting to the experience...

I'm worried playing through with my gf for the first time now. Hope it has the same impact... because I played with a dbag during one part that just ran in circles spamming chirp. Really killed the mood...
Well there will always be assholes online. This game makes it easy to ignore them, though.

Yea, but I think a big thing with this game is finding someone to experience the game w/ and sticking together. I feel as time passes, there will be less first timers and connecting to someone who's already beaten it 10 times is not so fun. There should be/hope there is a system that connects first time players to first time players, if there are any.


Someone over on the GFAQs boards pointed out that you can make your character fall flat on their face and stay that way.

Apparently if you run in a straight line, then pull the left stick back for a second before pushing it forward again, it will cause your character to stumble. If you do this again in quick succession, it will make your character trip and fall flat onto its face. It will stay in that position until you move the left stick again.

I've never seen this, and I'm not home at the moment to try it. Supposedly people have been doing it online as a sort of prank, playing "dead" to confuse their companion. Can anyone else test this out?


I finally bought this and played it last night. Very different feeling and enjoyable. I think I met 8 people on the way.

I didn't know about the robe linings for people on multiple play throughs so I assumed everyone was on their first haha

Very cool experience. The musical score is phenomenal and really sets the game off

My only complaint is how it ends....
I don't like the straightforwardness of the rebirth theme...


I definitely think that it will be discussed during the GOTY debates toward the end of the year, but I don't think that it will top anyone's list due to the brevity of the experience.

You mean "media" lists? It's going to top many GAF lists.


Not sure if this has been discussed yet - but if there was some sort of figurine for the Journey "person" you play as, I would totally buy one.
Are you sure you were online? I had my buddy play through it at his house, and at the end it said we met about 5 people or so

lol im postive i was online. Ive been playing every day since two thursdays ago, usually from 7pmEST to midnight. 100%, fully white robed and everything...
What does the white robe look like? I don't think I've seen any screenshots

Just like the red robe, except it's....white....with a golden trim. Find all of the symbols and it's yours if you can find it in the introductory area.

Thanks Philooch, I love to play me with some virgins.
Do the white collectable things reappear upon a second play through?

I restarted the game and I swear I got those first two, but they were visible again.
Do the white collectable things reappear upon a second play through?

I restarted the game and I swear I got those first two, but they were visible again.

Yeah the symbols will always be there on every playthrough.

I know it seems weird, but Ive never experienced a game where it's actually enjoyable to really help someone out and show them the ropes, that is if they want your assistance. It really doesn't feel like a chore.


Do the white collectable things reappear upon a second play through?

I restarted the game and I swear I got those first two, but they were visible again.

Yes, they always appear, but you don't have to grab all of them in one playthrough to get the white robe. But they grow your scarf, which is why you'd want them to show up every time you revisit the game.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Do the white collectable things reappear upon a second play through?

I restarted the game and I swear I got those first two, but they were visible again.

Yep. They do re-appear. Albeit I think those you already collected lack the sparks around them or something. Not totally sure.
Yep. They do re-appear. Albeit I think those you already collected lack the sparks around them or something. Not totally sure.

That's why I'm asking. I don't think I collected all of them on my first playthough, but I want to know how to identify the ones I haven't gotten yet. :/
Did the music in the desert (pink sand) remind anyone else of the soundtrack to American Beauty? A couple of the keys reminded me of Thomas Newman's work.


Did the music in the desert (pink sand) remind anyone else of the soundtrack to American Beauty? A couple of the keys reminded me of Thomas Newman's work.

I'll have to listen to it again to see if I can hear any similarities. Journey's OST really needs a full release, and supposedly one is in the works. Apotheosis alone is one of the best songs in gaming.
I'll have to listen to it again to see if I can hear any similarities. Journey's OST really needs a full release, and supposedly one is in the works. Apotheosis alone is one of the best songs in gaming.

I agree and I'm unfamiliar with the titles. When does that song play? I love the entire soundtrack but the standouts for me are the Desert, Sandsurfing and when you're underground and it suddenly starts to feel like you're underwater. That whole sequence was a prime sensory overload.


I agree and I'm unfamiliar with the titles. When does that song play? I love the entire soundtrack but the standouts for me are the Desert, Sandsurfing and when you're underground and it suddenly starts to feel like you're underwater. That whole sequence was a prime sensory overload.

Apotheosis is what plays during the game's climax/finale. I posted a link to it on the previous page of this thread.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
So .. a question to someone who has maybe experienced this or seen it happen directly and can give me a definite answer one way or the other ...

Can the
dragon robot monsters actually "Kill" you in the game? Take your whole scarf and end your journey early?
... I didn't think it was possible but I was helping someone through the entire game yesterday and we made it to that last level ... got about halfway through and then ran into those bad boys again ... my companion did not follow me very well and strayed out at exactly the wrong time ... after the swoop (the second time it had happened to him in the same area) I looked for him for like almost 5 minutes... Gone. Was actually kind of sad. He had done soooo well ... but that last climb can be seriously rough.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Bought a ps3 a couple of days ago and this was one of "those little psn games I've been meaning to try/buy".

Played through it today.

Journey alone justified me re-buying a ps3. I'm still speechless over what this game turned out to be.


Bought a ps3 a couple of days ago and this was one of "those little psn games I've been meaning to try/buy".

Played through it today.

Journey alone justified me re-buying a ps3. I'm still speechless over what this game turned out to be.

Awesome! Time to earn yourself a white robe. ;)
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