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Judge Dredd Mega-City One TV Show in development


Why do you think that?

Because I don't like TWD and think that despite their otherwise excellent programming, a property like this would end up like that. Or best case scenario you get something like hell on wheels, a show that skirted with excellence frequently but nobody seem to really know what to do with it over there.


Today i saw Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Starring Stallone, it reminded me of His take on Dredd cos the planet setting in gotg 2 was a little Cyberpunkish, my day was really great cos of the film, not Stallne haha (Stallones dredd is not the best but i can watch it as a guilty pleasure)

I come home, i see a Deadpool Animated show has been announced, my day was even better

Then i see my youtube subscriptions and i stop dead in my tracks when i see a Dredd T.V Show had been announced and my day, well holy shit, my day is now at awesome status.


If we can't get Urban, please get Olivia Thirlby back in there as Anderson.



Hollywood love to make everything into a crime of the week show with cops and It boggled my mind how theres never been a Judge Dread TV show.

A Judge Dredd/2000AD show done convincingly would always have required one hell of a budget, and certainly something that anyone would dream of attempting in previous decades. Even today with cheap, fairly convincing special effects being commonly utilised in a lot of television shows...I'm fairly sceptical Mega City One and its vast, sprawling nature is something they'll be able to visually re-create in the same way it was depicted in the comics. Hell, that was something they struggled with in the most recent film adaptation, and that was obviously given a higher budget than pretty much anything any television show gets to work with day to day.
If it's about new Judges, I bet Dredd is gonna be a background cameo like character. If Urban does get involved, can see him appearing once in a while briefly

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
What's that? Sorry, google is giving me nothing.

Here. It's a Wagner penned story where Joe becomes temporary Chief for a corrupt sector. There's quite a large cast, so most of the focus is away from Dredd. It's pretty dang good, even it lacks the early-mid era satire I love.

To be fair, I'd say that the best Dredd stories are rarely about Dredd himself. When they started giving him character development he lost a lot of his power as a dig at fascism (heaven knows we could do with some of that now).

Well... except in the Democracy and the Necropolis/Deadman storylines. They were all pretty sweet. Again though, big casts for the most part, especially Necropolis.


No bald cap? Lies!
Get Urban and Thirlby and somehow work Michael Ealy in there and I'll be throwing a party every night it's on.


Here. It's a Wagner penned story where Joe becomes temporary Chief for a corrupt sector. There's quite a large cast, so most of the focus is away from Dredd. It's pretty dang good, even it lacks the early-mid era satire I love.

To be fair, I'd say that the best Dredd stories are rarely about Dredd himself. When they started giving him character development he lost a lot of his power. Well, except in the Democracy and the Necropolis/Deadman storylines. They were all pretty sweet. Again though, big casts for the most part, especially Necropolis.

Interesting. Thank you for sharing. I'll be sure to check this out if I get the chance.


I think any combination of that would be terrible.

No sale.
If about Urban, gtfo.

As per channels, ideally it would end up on HBO, Starz, Showtime or Neyflix, but here I have the feeling we should be happy if it doesn't end up on Syfy or Chiller tbh.


If about Urban, gtfo.

As per channels, ideally it would end up on HBO, Starz, Showtime or Neyflix, but here I have the feeling we should be happy if it doesn't end up on Syfy or Chiller tbh.

I'm not interested in seeing Urban re-cast as the character on a dollar budget production or network series.

Funky Papa

While this is good news, Judge Dredd and Helix are two properties I'd never want to see again in the same paragraph.

Edit: Count me in for more Urban and Thirlby, btw.


This will NOT work on Network TV. For the grime, blood, and grimness of Mega City One, it needs Netflix or otherwise.

I'm not prepared to be on-board yet, but will pay attention to updates. My Mad Max strategy and it worked out great.

Bob Coffee said:
Get this on Netflix with urban and thirby plz.

If this sentence came true, I would have a hard time whether to scream at the highest decibels or defecate spontaneously. Or maybe both.


Here. It's a Wagner penned story where Joe becomes temporary Chief for a corrupt sector. There's quite a large cast, so most of the focus is away from Dredd. It's pretty dang good, even it lacks the early-mid era satire I love.

To be fair, I'd say that the best Dredd stories are rarely about Dredd himself. When they started giving him character development he lost a lot of his power as a dig at fascism (heaven knows we could do with some of that now).

Well... except in the Democracy and the Necropolis/Deadman storylines. They were all pretty sweet. Again though, big casts for the most part, especially Necropolis.
I agree that Dredd works generally best when in contrast to a colleague (goat Dark Judges arc with Anderson), but imo the story -has- to have Dredd. And not just as a footnote.


I'm not interested in seeing Urban re-cast as the character on a dollar budget production or network series.


USA, FX, AMC or TNT can provide more than a bit budget as demonstrated many times (The Last Ship...). The concern is the amount of gore & violence allowed, and I'm pretty sure that between TWD, The Strain or Legion and a few others (heck even on Fox with The Exorcist) those concerns have been dealt with.
Now if Dredd had to have nudity, it would be a different story obviously...


Please give us Karl Urban.

Eh. This doesn't sound like a terrific idea.

I'm sure Urban is expensive. If they follow other judges and only use Dredd sparingly, I could see it working. If the show gets popular enough that they can afford Urban he could become a regular in following seasons.
If there is a team of Judges, that means less likely for a show centered on Dredd and Anderson. But man, it would be great if there were Urban and Thirlby cameos every now and then.


I'm kind of interested. I don't read comic books or watch comic book movies generally, but I enjoyed the most recent Dredd film a lot. Something about the spare plot and it being just on the edge of a spoof but never spilling into being one.

There doesn't seem to be much information here about this but even the name 'Judge Dredd: Mega City-One' is hinting to me that this is gonna be over-stuffed and not really have any of the specific appeal the movie did for me. Could still be interesting but really, if it was me, I'd just get Urban and Thirlby back as the two main characters (with Anderson being the real main character and Dredd getting comparatively little development, just like the movie), and then flesh out the cast a bit from there.


Still very early, an announcement like this at this stage is there to test waters and generate buzz to get financiers and network/studio interest, but it's way too vague even for that stage in the process. It's just saying "hey we're trying to make a thing" with nothing else and the likelihood of response being lukewarm and the project stalling is high.

If this announcement said "Urban attached to star" then you might have something worth announcing, otherwise it's a lot of lip service.
Interesting news!

Didn't Karl Urban meet with the director of Dredd a year or two ago to discuss future use of the Judge Dredd character? I wonder if this was the end result?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Yeah, that's looking likely.

That's why I'm not getting too excited yet. SyFy is doing better with The Expanse and The Magicians, but they still got cheap-o stuff on the block. And even The Magicians is extremely cheap, they just use their budget wisely. What else has this production company produced? I've never heard of them. People are talking Netflix, HBO, or AMC...I look at the details and I see Crackle, or Syfy at best. Filmed in Vancouver of course.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I agree that Dredd works generally best when in contrast to a colleague (goat Dark Judges arc with Anderson), but imo the story -has- to have Dredd. And not just as a footnote.

Definitely. What I'm saying is I think (and it may just be me) the stories work best when they're not about Dredd.

He's a caricature; a pretty powerful one in my opinion. Attempts to humanise him dilute the message, one I think is very timely. I haven't read it in the last few years, but as I recall his only significant character development has been doubting the Judicial System twice, maybe three times. It's lead to a couple of good runs (previously mentioned), but he's such a solid constant there's only so far you can go before he's not Dredd any more.

It's the same reason I think Hitman/Agent 47 movies don't work. They focus on him rather than the people around him.

They want to keep it as gritty as the movie, but add in some of the comedy and levity of the comic.

Sounds promising, if by "levity" they mean "satire".
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