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July Wrasslin’ |OT-15| Hybrids are Best for Business

EVOLVE announced Zack Sabre Jr. for their New York triple-shot in October!

Mildly interested. I wish they wouldn't do triple-shots, though - there's little chance I'll order all three, as the cards are never that great. The roster's too thin and Gabe's booking is questionable, at present.


Dirtsheets (NoDQ.com specifically) say that Mark Henry is rumored to be a part of this, too.

Btw, is there an explanation for Kofi's pecs? Jericho got it sort of going on too.

Mark Henry? Hall of Pain Beast Mode Monster Mark Henry joining as the 400 pounds of muscle



I'm assuming the gif is an accurate depiction of your hype levels for the current CHIKARA product?

No, this is:
Not sure if HHH is just a better part-timer than he was then, or Bryan and HHH have that chemistry. Leaning towards the former, but I can't really judge based on multi-man matches afterwards.

Triple H was working at Bryan's pace and it showed. A Triple H paced match would have been slow and boring. That match was the opposite. It was a combination of Triple H stepping up his game, Bryan being a tremendous worker, their chemistry, and that crowd going absolutely nuts at Bryan winning. The planets aligned, but I think everyone expected them to.

Look at H's face when Bryan kicks out of the pedigree. He gets that look of "uhhh shit. Only A+ players kick out of that..."
EVOLVE announced Zack Sabre Jr. for their New York triple-shot in October!

Mildly interested. I wish they wouldn't do triple-shots, though - there's little chance I'll order all three, as the cards are never that great. The roster's too thin and Gabe's booking is questionable, at present.

The EVOLVE match scheduling is weird in general. You'd think they'd put on the best matches for Saturday evening shows, but they save the best stuff for Sunday afternoon shows. Makes no sense.
I hope Kofi's heel turn promo involves him saying how he's had enough of people mocking his visually peculiar chest, he can't help the way it looks!
And his moveset shift now involves more aggressive jumping.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Right, but that's got zero to do with the booking. Cena's just willing to go along with what they're doing and is healthy, Austin got fed up and went home, and was beaten up before he ever even got to WWF. They've always always booked a superhuman on top and maybe the guys who are more fun to watch get a belt, maybe they don't. It was going on in the 80s, it was going on in the 90s.

If Austin had continued to be pushed for as long as Cena, people would've been tired of him as well. It happened to Hogan, too. The problem isn't Cena, he's just showing up for work. The problem is, who takes the spot? If you're him and you feel some obligation to this company that made you a millionaire, you want to leave it in good hands. Who takes the spot? Roman Reigns? Orton can't do it. Kane is 200 years old. Big Show is a booking disaster. There is no answer in the talent pool they have now.

So while it is a problem, what's the solution? Staying the course until the next superstar comes down the line, apparently. He's just not here yet.

Build a roster of credible top guys. They don't have to be the top guy or in the upper card, but you should be able to put them in an upper card feud in an emergency circumstance if the need arises and make it believable. Owen Hart, British Bulldog, Yokozuna, Bret Hart, Stone Cold, Mankind, The Rock, HHH, all of these guys either had or flirted with the main title yet also went to the tag division, IC title, and various non-title midcard feuds.

The reason why WWE is in the predicament they're in is because they don't have that fluidity with their superstars anymore, so no one has credibility as a main eventer outside of like, orton, cena, and lesnar. Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett should be credible main event threats right now, but they're not. If Cody or Wade were to suddenly be thrust into the main title picture, it would seem out of place and not believable.

See the following exchange from the june thread:

I think Cena winning was pretty obvious. Orton was just recently a huge flop as the champion and it's be weird for him to get the belt since you'd have no direction to go. Reigns and Cesaro are way too early. Del Rio is lol, so is Kane. Sheamus is essentially a mid-carder and fits nowhere. Bray didn't feel like a contender either after the Cena fued. That leaves your safe option in Cena. This just shows the lack of starpower in the WWE roster. They have Cena, Orton, and Bryan. The other main eventers are all part timers like Triple H, Lesnar and Batista.

They need to make an effort to establish the Shield, Cesaro and Wyatt within the next year because if they mess up there, they're going to be even more stuck in 1-2 years time. So far, they're doing well with them all except Cesaro who seems to be going downhill since Wrestlemania.

The bolded is precisely because they fall back on Cena (and to a much lesser extent, Orton) and focus on him all the time.

For instance, during the NXT/Nexus invasion and angle, Wade Barrett had absolutely no problem fitting in at the top of the card, cutting a 15-20 minute promo to start off RAW, having the spotlight on him, etc. And with the deck stacked for him at... Survivor Series I think it was, with Wade Barrett vs Orton for the title, and Cena as the guest referee (and a member of Nexus, against his will), I remember the build up for the match not being about Wade Barrett and Nexus knocking on the door of greatness, of capturing the title, of conquering the WWE. No, it was "What will John Cena do?" It wasn't about Wade Barrett. It wasn't about Orton. It wasn't about the title. It was about John Cena. The fucking referee.

And Mr. Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect screwed Wade Barrett out of a title win, shoving him into an RKO.

Then they had Cena bury Nexus and Wade, literally. You built up all this momentum for someone, then instead of giving them that one push to stardom, you ignore them, and fall back on Cena. And Barrett's been stuck in the midcard ever since, neglected and forgotten until BNB.

Similarly, Cody Rhodes has always been entertaining in the ring and on the mic, popular, and safe to work with. After Legacy, we got his successful Dashing character, and they went with the logical step of a lengthy IC title run, which really elevated the midcard and the status of the title. But after he lost the title, instead of doing the logical thing and doing a lengthy singles feud with someone in the upper card, or pushing him into the title picture, they paired him up with Damien Sandow and made them a tag team. The push never came. He's 29, so there's still time for him to become a huge star with 5 or 10 years of upper-card credibility (for reigns of his own and rubs to other wrestlers), but he could have been a generational star like Orton, Cena, The Rock, HBK, etc.

There's no reason why Barrett should have fallen off the face of the earth for 3 years after Nexus, or why Cody should have gone from his IC title reign to the tag division instead of a title feud, or non-title feud with someone in the upper card. Let's hope they don't fuck up Bray Wyatt or the Shield like they have with so many others, but after that Cena feud with Wyatt, and with reports from dirt sheets over the last year of HHH constantly having to prevent Vince from dissolving and depushing the Shield and its members... I'm still worried.
Meltzer also talked about how the Punk/WWE situation is still really weird and they are very, very unhappy with how it's gone down and how he's been acting since his contract expired. Sounds like something legal may be going down.


Meltzer also talked about how the Punk/WWE situation is still really weird and they are very, very unhappy with how it's gone down and how he's been acting since his contract expired. Sounds like something legal may be going down.

Looks like Punk's money is about to go up in legal fees.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, specifically talking about how he doesn't remember much about the last 6 months because of "concussions" and "staph infections".

whoa, whoa, whoa

That's interesting...


Yeah, specifically talking about how he doesn't remember much about the last 6 months because of "concussions" and "staph infections".

He is not even serious in that interview. In fact the only moment he sounds serious was when he mentioned that he got married.
Also something to note: Punk is basically Ono level of trolling people on social media, so never trust him. Ever.

Dude is carny as fuck


He straight up says at the end of that interview that people on social media will take it all dead seriously and hold him to that like a soulbound contract. They always do, they take everything he says at face value, dead seriously.
My guess is, on the subject of "will you go back to WWE", he's not even thought about it. If he feels like going back eventually, he will, if he doesn't, he won't. People seem determined to act like he's making some kind of grand plan.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Corey Graves is the look they wanted CM Punk to have. Shitloads more handsome.


Why is the Austin/Bret submission match at WM13 under Specials on the WWE Network? I was all excited thinking it would have other content or something rather than just be the match, but they should have saved that for a WM Rewind.
We do know that WWE was still paying Punk his downside and merch money while he was absent. That could have been part of their strategy in that they were paying him, fulfilling their end of the deal, and now they think they can go back now and sue him for that money and more.
Bronson gets it. But don't limit this to Punk, no wrestler is ever honest.

Pretty much. It's easier to keep the divide in WWE/Hollywood and such, but in the indies, fans tend to get far more interaction with celebrities and get more personal attachment.

They aren't your friends. They're trying to sell you something. A ticket, a DVD, their merch. Keep the divide and you'll have a lot more fun with things, and they will too.

We do know that WWE was still paying Punk his downside and merch money while he was absent. That could have been part of their strategy in that they were paying him, fulfilling their end of the deal, and now they think they can go back now and sue him for that money and more.

Highly unlikely they would do that. Sets a real bad precedent. It would piss off a lot of the talent.


We do know that WWE was still paying Punk his downside and merch money while he was absent. That could have been part of their strategy in that they were paying him, fulfilling their end of the deal, and now they think they can go back now and sue him for that money and more.

Thing is, they wouldn't want all that bad press, plus Punk is still money so there's no point in burning that bridge like that. I honestly think they did it to leave him with a good impression if he ever wanted to come back
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