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July Wrasslin’ |OT-15| Hybrids are Best for Business


is the idea with this kind of thing to sound plausible for the first couple sentences, then throw in some total nonsense and hope people fall for it?

i'm not very into these dirtsheet things.

It's a joke. Admittedly, it's not funny, but oh well.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The change from WCW 1992 to WCW 1993 is night and day. Bischoff upped the production values basically overnight and the roster from Starrcade 1992 to Superbrawl 3 is almost completely different at the top, not to mention the lack of JR.

1992 WCW, which I watched almost all of the PPVs while dogsitting this weekend, is a crazy beast. Two tag tournaments in the final three shows, none of the good 1993 themes like A Man Called Sting, Bang Bang, Simply Ravishing, the whole NWA/WCW belt reunification nonsense that spills over into 1993 caused by Ric Flair's departure and WCW eventually using that to break free. Tons and tons of cross promotional stuff with multiple Japanese feds, not just New Japan.


So Goldberg has a podcast. I mean I knew he wanted one, I just didn't know it was up and running.

Pretty much zero wrestler interviews. Guess that's good. Variety.

I'd love him to interview HHH though. That be fun.
Lambda I don't recognize the sports entertainer in your avatar anymore. What happened to Shael?

stro hates Chael cause he got big, white teeth and couldn't stand looking at the avatar anymore.

i'll repeat: stro hates Chael cause he got big, white teeth. not only it's cism, but anti-Colgate as well. bike riding motherfucker.


yeah, i need a new gimmick where i make cuntish passive-aggressive replies to everyone who criticizes my favorite company during live broadcasts.

stro hates Chael cause he got big, white teeth and couldn't stand looking at the avatar anymore.

i'll repeat: stro hates Chael cause he got big, white teeth. not only it's cism, but anti-Colgate as well. bike riding motherfucker.

I miss the smirk mirks you, bean, heel with his Greg Jackson avi, and bionic had going on. That should make a comeback.

In fact I think you're the only one not rockin it. It made the posts be seen in a different light.


stro hates Chael cause he got big, white teeth and couldn't stand looking at the avatar anymore.

i'll repeat: stro hates Chael cause he got big, white teeth. not only it's cism, but anti-Colgate as well. bike riding motherfucker.

Mother fuck you you slapdick jock ass motherfucker.
yeah, i need a new gimmick where i make cuntish passive-aggressive replies to everyone who criticizes my favorite company during live broadcasts.

you weren't already doing that?

Some guy claiming to be a smark that I was sitting next to at Battleground said that Kane was the fake Undertaker in 1994.


well he's not wrong about being a smark then. I mean, only a smark would claim to be a smark, for one.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
This didn't get much love earlier, check it out friends;

Oh my god, I absolutely hate this. I hate this with every fiber of my being. This is so bad. Please no. God. Ughhhhh

There's "Fun & Playful" and there's "Self-hate" - this is so repulsive to me.


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
It's low rent Kaiju Big Battel with video game butt rock with emphasis on 'smart fans'.

My friends, we have found the lowest of the low in professional wrestling.
On Sunday my parents flew in to visit for the next four or so weeks. I wasn't sure about subjecting them to Battleground until my Dad subjected all of us to three hours of golf (that he already knew the results of!).

My Dad claims to have zero interest in wrestling, and I do believe him, but he still seems to know who an awful lot of the wrestlers are. I asked him how he knew that and he said 'sometimes it's on' like he doesn't always controls the remote.

So we're watching Battleground (and he got really upset at the Lana comment incidentally) and he keeps criticizing the whole thing, which I didn't mind. It's wrestling. To say 'it's not for everyone' is a huge understatement. I mean, I'm an incredibly rare bird who never watched as a kid and thought my friends that followed it were stupid, who got into it as an adult when I realized that I'd completely misjudged it (after a friend gave me Beyond the Mat and told me to watch it).

Kudos to that friend.

Anyway, my Mum got really mad at him for constantly complaining about it "Just take it for what it is" she said, which I think is a pretty great way of looking at wrestling. I mean, that's what I do. Yes, it has very special things you have to suspend your disbelief in (like why doesn't Orton just slap a submission on Kane and Kane taps out right away, or like, how the hell did Ambrose get in the trunk of Rollin's car and why did Seth send away his security escorts anyway) but the matches don't happen otherwise, and to me that's part of the fun. He's fucking Dean Ambrose. The car probably just opened up and let him in when it saw him coming. Who cares. It was awesome when he climbed out of it, even if you knew he was going to come from SOMEWHERE.

Wrestling is fun. It's theater with a ludicrous amount of fights. I mean, just because I know Juliet and Romeo aren't really in love, or even really called that, doesn't mean I can't enjoy a stage production of Romeo and Juliet.

This is a world in which Vickie Guerrero can have an argument with Miss Piggy like she's real on live TV. That's a world I want to exist. Well booked matches like The Usos vs The Wyatts are exciting. WWEs comedy is highly underrated by people outside it (and I'm not talking about pools of 'shit', or the stuff Vince thinks is funny, I'm talking about stuff like Bo, and most everything Steph does these days... and Goldust and Stardust just... brilliant).

I asked my Dad yesterday if he was looking forwards to Summerslam.

He wasn't.

Tune in next time for more banal ramblings about subjecting my Dad to NXT.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Well, that tweet was made two months ago.

Can't kill my hype for this group, brehs.

I can try:

This has been buggin’ me for a bit so I’m going to talk about it.

Whenever more than three black wrestlers get in the ring on the same side suddenly everyone wants to go “OH MAN THEY NEED TO REMAKE NATION OF DOMINATION!”

I really don’t think the people who keep calling for a reboot of the Nation of Domination understand that it was originally made to be a HEEL stable and a joke making fun of the Nation of Islam movement taking place in the early 90s and that all of it’s members were meant to be outlandish characters of ‘militant black men’ and BLACK POWER archetypes. They did nothing but attack the white wrestlers for perceived slights against them in the name of BLACK POWER! and UNITY and this was treated as a bad thing and they were portrayed as heels because of it.

One of the most notable things that happened to the Nation of Domination is it’s feud with DX, the plucky rougeish face stable full of white guys who’s beef with Nation of Domination essentially devolved into “Stop being so offended! Lighten up!” and I’m gonna be that guy that pointed out that one of the biggest promos against them at the time featured the entireity of DX dressing up in black face and mocking The Nation.

After The Nation of Domination moved on from the ‘militant black people’ stable they just became different flavors of black foolishness in the WWE.

The Rock became what many would would call a Uncle Tom after he sided with the Corporation.

D’Lo Brown became this jive talking mini-thug

Kama Mustafa became The Godfather, a literal pimp.

Mark Henry became Sexual Chocolate

The rest of the members at that point (Farooq, Owen Hart, etc) had been phased out.

So think really hard about this.

Think really hard about how black wrestlers are pushed and portrayed in WWE today, almost two decades after Nation of Domination—A stable, in which I remind you again was made up to poke fun at a big issue with the black community at the time—was created.

Almost all of them are essentially “Boy that guy sure can run fast or jump high! He’s so athletic!” or they are gimmicked to being a jive talking, dancing, rapping, or hip-hop inspired gimmick. And then there is the old standby of being a bling bling sports ego.

Cryme Tyme
Kofi Kingston
Shelton Benjamin
Xavier Woods
Am I 100% against a New Nation of Domination? No. If booked right it could do for someone else what it essentially did for The Rock (and to a lesser extent Mark Henry) and propel them to a higher position and possibly build a main eventer. But WWE’s creative and booking process has proven time and time again since then that it can’t be trusted and I don’t see anything with the current run of how they run things that would make me endorse that.

So yeah, as much as I would love to see a stable full of the young black guys and girls they don’t NEED to be ‘The New Nation of Domination’. Whenever a a group of white wrestlers get together you don’t have people clamoring to call them the The New DX or The New n.W.o. They are just a new stable.
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