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July Wrasslin’ |OT-15| Hybrids are Best for Business

All In The Family
That 70s Show despite how bad the later seasons were


non canon


Why do tv shows have such a difficult time putting together a good finale.

Writing episodic content and writing to wrap up a long arc/series are two separate animals. Especially true for 90's sitcoms which rarely ever used long arcs and typically had identity issues as writers came and went over the show's run, slowly altering characters as they went.

Even shows that do continuity heavy stories have problems with it because it requires a lot of planning to get right. Takes a lot of set up, can't be too obvious and still has to work as a capstone for everything that came before it, some of which was out of the writers' hands (i.e. breakout characters, plots being rewritten due to problems with the talent, mandates from producers that break the important plot points, etc. etc.) Writers' room politics comes into play for a lot of finales, especially if creators come back after leaving the show for several seasons.
Best sitcom ending is Blackadder, I'd say, especially given the heavy subject matter of the situation;


On a similar note, the last episode of M.A.S.H. got goddamn heavy.

There haven't been many (any?) sitcoms in recent years that ended before overstaying their welcome, I don't think.
I thought Arrested Development ended before it got stale but then they went forward with the Netflix season (which wasn't bad by any stretch but nowhere as enjoyable as the original seasons).


This week’s Scott Hall story revolved around an incident this past week, when many of the biggest names in the business, including Ric Flair, Bill Goldberg, Kevin Nash, Bret Hart and Edge, were in Phoenix for an autograph convention. They were asked to sign a giant birthday card for six-year-old Danny Nickerson of Boston, who is battling terminal was battling cancer and may not have much time left to live. Everyone there, and there were far more names than just the ones mentioned, including but not limited to Christy Hemme, Candice Michelle, Angelina Love, Lita, Sean Waltman, Maria Kanellis, Lisa Marie Varon, Taryn Terrell and Brooke Tessmacher, not only signed, but went on camera to give personalized wishes. Goldberg, in particular, who was clearly choked up, spoke at length to him and told him to call him at any time if he wanted to talk. Hall refused to sign the card. The reaction from a number of people in the last few days was not just how incomprehensible it was, but that in Hall’s case, it’s even worse because he made top dollar in wrestling during a boom period, blew his money on drugs, then got fans to pay for a number of surgeries including a hip replacement in a fund raiser, and then he pulled this. Goldberg had real problems with Hall to begin with, but if you know Goldberg when it comes to children battling health issues or having problems, I don’t even want to think about how he’d feel about Hall now.

I know some wrestling gaf marks get riled up whenever I say it, but this is an excellent reason why I sometimes root for broken down drug addicted conmen to overdose on a fatal cocktail of painkillers and vodka.
I was just watching a compilation of all the promos leading to the debut of the Wyatt family on RAW, to be honest to me that has been one of the best worked introductions in the history of WWE. It is amazing how they were able to go from such a promising group of young stars (especially Bray and Harper) and managed to turn it into a complete laughingstock of a stable. I still think there is salvation to the group, and I think that they need to do a couple of things to make them feel relevant again:

1. Have all of them win the belt at the same night. This will bring a lot of credibilty to the stable, and make them instant top guys.

2. Add more members to the stable. I would add at least 2 more guys and 1 woman. Remember the first promos where they had people chanting at Bray's house? Bring a couple of more guys/gals in and re-inforce the fact that the movement is INDEED growing.

3. Make them full blown heels again. All babyface stuff need to stop, today. No more chanting stupid songs to the crowds, or mentioning town names. Go full badass and take anyone that stands in your way.

4. Make Bray's top priority to gain more people to the cause, and the new guys should come in as recruiters. Make them beat up anyone that wont listen to the message.

The Wyatt Family was probably one of the most interesting things WWE has brought us in quite a while (that and the Shield, but that's another post for another day right there). I hope that they dont continue hurting the stable by feeding them to Cena/Usos, etc.

So you would have them sing "You've got the whole world..." crap and say "Miami, we're here." and get beat up by the Usos rather than be the most promising heel stable that's been in the WWE for the last 10 years? To each their own, I guess....

Smaller, tighter stables are better in my opinion. You don't need to add more members to show that the movement is growing. The commentators were already selling that. The ENTIRE fucking crowd was/is into it. That isn't enough? They had a ton of kids out there singing. They were doing fine without adding people. I'm not opposed to adding members, but only one, MAYBE two. Male or female if it's just one, and both if it's two members.

The problem is when stables get too large, they start getting tiresome and silly, like what happened with NWO. And it brings a lot of problems for when the group eventually disbands. Whoever didn't get over in the group is fucked. And the larger the group, the harder it's going to be for everyone to become popular. If the Wyatt's were gonna bring in other members then it should be slow and calculated. It will help whoever they're bringing in.

The other way to make the group larger is if they joined in already established group and formed a supergroup (Corporate Ministry). If they Wyatt's joined up with the Shield, then that would've been a different story. It alleviates some of the aforementioned problems.

As for your argument about them doing babyface shit and how it should stop, I disagree. I do tire of the song (granted he hasn't been doing it much), but the crowd is into it and there's nothing wrong with that. The guy made his character his own. He's very clearly a heel, he just doesn't need to do a bunch of typical heel shit. Just because the crowd supports him, doesn't make him a face. I think him announcing his arrival to each city is really cool actually. If we're going off of crowd reactions, then a bunch of faces are heels and a bunch of heels are faces. There is absolutely no reason for him to be a cookie cutter heel. The way he is now is what makes him one of the most interesting heels in a long time. Or he could just go the Del Rio route and attack his enemies, call them perros, insult the crowd, come out in expensive cars and flaunt, etc etc. And I'm not just picking on Del Rio because a lot of the heels over the previous years have been lackluster, and it's probably because they follow the typical heel guidelines. Some of the better heels recently were/are really over with the crowd because they're connecting with them through different means. Barrett has been awesome with his bad news gimmick and the crowd always says it along with him. Is this a bad thing? He insults, but he's funny about it, and he's still a heel. The Real Americans "We the People" chant was and still is quite over. And while Cesaro was still in The Real Americans, the giant swing was one of the most over moves in the company. Hell, his entire moveset is over. He's still a heel.

There's quite a few other examples too.

I'm sure there's some stuff I forgot to mention. Hopefully I think of it later.
I know some wrestling gaf marks get riled up whenever I say it, but this is an excellent reason why I sometimes root for broken down drug addicted conmen to overdose on a fatal cocktail of painkillers and vodka.

So I take it Hall's recovery fell apart. When did that happen? Is Jake Roberts still doing ok?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I love the New Generation Raw theme. The only theme I love more is the old SNME theme. the Jim Johnston one. Not Obsession.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
You didn't think you couldn't be more embarrassed to be a wrestling fan then they changed the Raw theme to butt rock with a guy front and center in overalls and a beanie hat.

The cartoony, fun and playfulness of the 80s and 90s replaced with the buttrock.
You didn't think you couldn't be more embarrassed to be a wrestling fan then they changed the Raw theme to butt rock with a guy front and center in overalls and a beanie hat.

The cartoony, fun and playfulness of the 80s and 90s replaced with the buttrock.





I know some wrestling gaf marks get riled up whenever I say it, but this is an excellent reason why I sometimes root for broken down drug addicted conmen to overdose on a fatal cocktail of painkillers and vodka.

You want someone to die because they didn't sign a greeting card?


Some News. On why TNA wasn't renewed:

Multiple sources report that there are two key reasons Spike doesn't want to renew - they didn't believe the product was cost effective for what they pay for it and the fact they were outright lied to about Vince Russo's status with the company. TNA had already denied Russo working for them and when Russo meant to e-mail TNA employees but accidentally e-mailed Mike Johnson of PWInsider, TNA went into panic mode because Spike had made it clear they didn't want Russo involved. We noted earlier today that Russo is once again done with TNA.

On Sting:

The latest word on Sting and WWE is that they are hopeful to get a talent contract signed before SummerSlam. Sting is coming to Los Angeles for SummerSlam weekend but is not currently scheduled for the show itself

Sting has had talks with Vince McMahon before but never met him in person. Their first meeting will likely come during SummerSlam weekend

Get it done Vince. He basically a member of the roster with a dvd, figure and in the videogame.


Christ, these "Four Horsewomen" are really blowing their opportunity to work the UFC Universe. Why would you ever smarten up a mark crowd?


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
MMA needs to stick to having no personality. They're really bad at promos. Everyone's like Lana without an accent. And don't even get me on their 'conning' capabilities when they get worked weekly by Dana.


MMA needs to stick to having no personality. They're really bad at promos. Everyone's like Lana without an accent. And don't even get me on their 'conning' capabilities when they get worked weekly by Dana.

Why would you ever tell them to stop when anyone who is marginally successful at it gets over? Sets a good example, paves way for the future of the business.
Heel said:
Christ, these "Four Horsewomen" are really blowing their opportunity to work the UFC Universe. Why would you ever smarten up a mark crowd?

A mark crowd who don't realise they're marks and believe the reality of the sport protects them from being worked.

BHZ Mayor said:
Yeah...definitely glad I didn't click this at work.

Good call.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I was thinking about this for a little bit. People always want to compare wrestling to tv instead of calling it 'fake' or to movies or whatever. To give it that same level of respect. While it's laughable that anything WWE does thinks it's respectable, I was thinking... If you want it to be treated that way, why do you get so butthurt when someone calls you by your 'real' name?

Like do they think Henry Winkler goes into a twitter spat every time someone doesn't call him Fonz?
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