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July Wrasslin’ |OT-15| Hybrids are Best for Business


A mark crowd who don't realise they're marks and believe the reality of the sport protects them from being worked.

Could be worse, could be a mark crowd who don't realise they're marks and believe their knowledge of the business protects them from being worked.


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
So when did you guys figure out something funny was up in professional wrestling? Pre-internet.


That was probably where the illusion shattered for me.
The recent talk about sitcom endings and no one mention the most morbid of them all. The Dinosaurs ending.
Oh that is one sitcom that I actually did watch all the way through. Wasn't exactly a kids show, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. And yeah that ending was fucked. My dad didn't even joke about it either when I asked what happened. "They're all dead"
I was thinking about this for a little bit. People always want to compare wrestling to tv instead of calling it 'fake' or to movies or whatever. To give it that same level of respect. While it's laughable that anything WWE does thinks it's respectable, I was thinking... If you want it to be treated that way, why do you get so butthurt when someone calls you by your 'real' name?

Like do they think Henry Winkler goes into a twitter spat every time someone doesn't call him Fonz?

His name is Arthur, thank you very much.

HHH's real name is Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Chyna's real name is Chyna.


So when did you guys figure out something funny was up in professional wrestling? Pre-internet.


That was probably where the illusion shattered for me.

I don't remember not thinking something was fishy. That didn't stop me from completely buying in until the nWo got stale.
I was thinking about this for a little bit. People always want to compare wrestling to tv instead of calling it 'fake' or to movies or whatever. To give it that same level of respect. While it's laughable that anything WWE does thinks it's respectable, I was thinking... If you want it to be treated that way, why do you get so butthurt when someone calls you by your 'real' name?

Like do they think Henry Winkler goes into a twitter spat every time someone doesn't call him Fonz?

Like every other actor they play a "public persona" that is just as much bullshit as a wrestling character. Their public personae are usually their stage/wrestling names so to use a birth name infers a personal relationship that doesn't actually exist no matter how much some thirsty loser fan wants it to.

Henry Winkler plays a public persona called "Henry Winkler", not the Fonz so I dunno why it would bother him.

Thomas Mapother plays a public persona called "Tom Cruise" and insists that he is referred to as such in media appearances, takes it as a slight when he is called otherwise.

Same goes for Vin Diesel, Nic Cage, Charlie/Martin Sheen, etc.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
been super busy lately but am going to try and finish G1 day 2 tonight at work since its slow. Watched Davey Boy jr vs Nakamura, that was alright, probably the best of day 2 so far. I really like Nakamura

and just watched yugi nagata vs honma, nice stiff match, I also really like honma, his falling headbutts crack me up everytime :p

edit: Lance Archer (who wasnt in day 1) vs Naito was fun, the finish was lame tho, you couldnt even see the ref count the 3 :/ I love Naito (dude has springs for legs the way he jumps) and Archer was probably my favorite american, well, not counting AJ of course.


“Cejudo had people in WWE believe he was going to SummerSlam, essentially as a recruiting trip, told company he’d make his decision there.”

“WWE had hopes of Cejudo becoming company’s elusive Hispanic babyface superstar, with idea that he could be a replacement for Rey Mysterio”

So when did you guys figure out something funny was up in professional wrestling? Pre-internet.


That was probably where the illusion shattered for me.

When Undertaker's casket was set on fire with him inside.

The SECOND time. Taz and Cole(?) acting like it had never happened before is what clued me in.
So when did you guys figure out something funny was up in professional wrestling? Pre-internet.
WCW Steamboat hits a top rope splash that clearly makes nearly no physical contact with the other guy, but he gets the pin anyway.

Always knew it was fake, but I figured they were just really stiff which was fun in the same way you fake fight siblings and hit them but not that hard.


So when did you guys figure out something funny was up in professional wrestling? Pre-internet.


That was probably where the illusion shattered for me.
Rocky III broke the kayfabe for me when I was 9. Thunderlips straight up implies the whole thing is a work, and I had yet to get into wrestling, so since I started watching I always knew it was scripted. Instead I focused on if the blood was really or not.


I know some wrestling gaf marks get riled up whenever I say it, but this is an excellent reason why I sometimes root for broken down drug addicted conmen to overdose on a fatal cocktail of painkillers and vodka.

What a shitty thing to say. You never let me down dream.


So when did you guys figure out something funny was up in professional wrestling? Pre-internet.


That was probably where the illusion shattered for me.

i never figured it out on my own. i think my mom spoiled it for me one day cause she was a hater. even then i didn't notice it until i started back watching it recently. i couldn't identify the signs of fakeness as a kid.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Shelton vs bad luck fale was surprisingly good. I like Sheltons finisher, but I'm a sucker for those "out if nowhere" finishers

Goto vs Takahashi was also good, Day 2 while not as good as day 1 has at least improved (although I think this day2 playlist is inverted lol)

That's 2 wins for Shelton too, dat japan push

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Bob Backlund is so great running for President.

Also Bam Bam Big Yellow is the only one who gave a fuck during the main event...and gets punished for the main event sucking.

Also while 1-2-3 Kid was legit injured and not in the tournament Razor Ramon, Owen Hart, Double J, Lex Luger and probably some other dudes I can't even remember weren't. So much better than the roster we got. Even if you wanted to put Mabel over why do it with them instead?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Forget Miz Wrestlemania or some other snarky answer. Hell forget December to Dismember. King of the Ring 1995 has the title of worst WWE/F/G/H/It doesn't matter what letter you put after it PPV.

Still better than the worst WCW ppv...but not by much. Have never seen anything but the best TNA and ECW ppvs so I don't what to comment on those.
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