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July Wrasslin’ |OT-15| Hybrids are Best for Business


Please tell me Otunga is the NuNations legal advisor


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The problem is nobody is allowed to be as big and as mighty as John Cena. Folks aren't allowed to step up and shine unless it's in the company's plans.

Beating a dead horse, but Punk was that guy, before and during the MitB 2011 angle he was hot, and after the PPV you can honestly say he rivalled Cena both in merch sales and popularity. Even little Jimmies were drinking the Punk kool-aid. But like always, "fuck him for not being our planned superstar", and the formula WWE always employs to "test" people by jobbing them was put into work.

And when their chosen ones don't cut it, even then they exhaust every possible method of forcing them through everybody's throat, like Ryback. Terrible in the mic, average and hazardous in the ring, but pushed like hell until they realized they couldn't sweeten up that shitcake.

WWE has a lot of potential stars that get the fan reactions and are talented, the question is, will they be allowed to go over the Cena-Ceiling and see if they cut it with a big push, or will they keep relying on the same old, same old methods. You can't job a guy and make him look like crap for months, and then say "well, we tried to push him, but nobody cared".

Jobbing Punk out? How long did he hold that title?

Punk screwed Punk


I don't know if this meets SoulPlaya's approval, but Roman's wife is oh so nice, baby girl.

I don't know how an ass so fat got lost in last night's thread but YO.

Jobbing Punk out? How long did he hold that title?

Punk screwed Punk

But but, you see, he wasn't in the Main Event of Wrestlemania, and often there was a match after his on PPVs, and he didn't have memorable feuds, and other goalpost shifting nonsense to keep the "WWE keeps our favs down" meme going despite having the belt for over a year. And I loved watching Punk, no less.
We are calling that a good Raw now? A fucking Flo Rida concert and Stephanie being arrested for fifteen minutes of dead air? Come on brahs!


WWE has a lot of potential stars that get the fan reactions and are talented, the question is, will they be allowed to go over the Cena-Ceiling and see if they cut it with a big push, or will they keep relying on the same old, same old methods. You can't job a guy and make him look like crap for months, and then say "well, we tried to push him, but nobody cared".

Do you think bringing back jobber matches would help? I feel like having named guys fight each other in every match means someone's always left looking bad, and it removes the "big match" feel that saving the encounter for a PPV used to have. Maybe it doesn't mean as much with the PPV model kind of eroding away now, but even so, you're right. It's hard to get people behind a guy that's always getting the short end of it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Do you think bringing back jobber matches would help? I feel like having named guys fight each other in every match means someone's always left looking bad, and it removes the "big match" feel that saving the encounter for a PPV used to have. Maybe it doesn't mean as much with the PPV model kind of eroding away now, but even so, you're right. It's hard to get people behind a guy that's always getting the short end of it.

Jobber matches are the answer
We are calling that a good Raw now? A fucking Flo Rida concert and Stephanie being arrested for fifteen minutes of dead air? Come on brahs!

The Flo Rida shit was all a smokescreen just so Stephanie could get arrested. HE WAS IN ON IT #ItsaC-O-N-SPIRACY

Also Stephanie getting such a small amount of comeuppance for all of her shit and breaking down over it=glorious pops


I don't know how an ass so fat got lost in last night's thread but YO.

But but, you see, he wasn't in the Main Event of Wrestlemania, and often there was a match after his on PPVs, and he didn't have memorable feuds, and other goalpost shifting nonsense to keep the "WWE keeps our favs down" meme going despite having the belt for over a year. And I loved watching Punk, no less.

Hang on a minute. The claim was "The problem is nobody is allowed to be as big and as mighty as John Cena". And your argument for why that isn't true is "sure Punk wasn't allowed to surpass Cena, but like he was right below him"?


Hang on a minute. The claim was "The problem is nobody is allowed to be as big and as mighty as John Cena". And your argument for why that isn't true is "sure Punk wasn't allowed to surpass Cena, but like he was right below him"?


As the major face of the company? 28 days.

As a midcarder, transitional champ while Rock & Cena lived their "Once in a lifetime" main event fantasy? 434 days.

That would be the sentiment I'm referring to.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So let's say this was what they decided to do. Is it too late for the guys they already have and have already watered down?


Because they can get built up again with

JOBBER MATCHES! It's the perfect fix.



Because they can get built up again with

JOBBER MATCHES! It's the perfect fix.

And managers.

I still wish they'd do an angle where Vince comes back and takes full control of the company somehow, then gets hit in the head or something and thinks it's 1985 all over again, changing the format back to old-style. Then when he snaps out of it in the story, they leave the show that way still.


I am tired of people kicking out of zigglers signature moves. Every time they kick out if the famaousser I just throw up my hands. Why is the wwe into making people's specials look so weak.


And managers.

I still wish they'd do an angle where Vince comes back and takes full control of the company somehow, then gets hit in the head or something and thinks it's 1985 all over again, changing the format back to old-style. Then when he snaps out of it in the story, they leave the show that way still.

You should watch more NXT.


RAW was pretty decent last night. The crowd made it fun, anyway. I was surprised considering I always feel Miami crowds don't cheer all that much. They proved me wrong yesterday!

Ambrose and Reigns got great reactions. Kane and Orton didn't get all that great of a reaction, which I'm surprised.

The Miz vs Dolph match was alright. It got into decent territory because the crowd was into it, especially at the last few minutes. There was a pretty loud "this is awesome!" chant too from the folks in the arena. Especially in my section.

Kinda bummed out Bray didn't get the reaction I was hoping for. Of course I became a ultra mark at his entrance and cheered as loud as I could. Once he started talking I listened intently but the crowd was giving him a tough time by chanting 'WHAT!' at him.

Any segment with Stephanie on it had a great response from the crowd. We had no clue what was happening at first once the rapper performance had ended but then the crowd responded appropriately once they understood what was going on. I have to admit... having most of the arena go 'YES! YES! YES!!' when Stephanie was put on hand cuffs was great.

Fun times. I wouldn't mind going to another raw as long as its as decent at this one. No way finding out until you are there though. =p


So not worth it
I am tired of people kicking out of zigglers signature moves. Every time they kick out if the famaousser I just throw up my hands. Why is the wwe into making people's specials look so weak.

It's not his finisher, people kick out of everyone's signature moves all the time.

RAW was pretty decent last night. The crowd made it fun, anyway. I was surprised considering I always feel Miami crowds don't cheer all that much. They proved me wrong yesterday!

Crowd sucked last night.


Do you think bringing back jobber matches would help? I feel like having named guys fight each other in every match means someone's always left looking bad, and it removes the "big match" feel that saving the encounter for a PPV used to have. Maybe it doesn't mean as much with the PPV model kind of eroding away now, but even so, you're right. It's hard to get people behind a guy that's always getting the short end of it.

Yes! Jobber matches absolutely need to return! Not only for the reasons you've covered, but also because without them WWE feels small and claustrophobic.


You should watch more NXT.

Watching any would mean watching more. I think I've seen about five matches ever from NXT, if that. I've always been under the impression that it's the AAA-league to WWE's MLB. The presentation of what I saw surely sold it to me as such, which has its charm and all, but still.

I think my problem is that the show I want, doesn't exist and isn't viable any more. Whether that's the world and media changing, or good ol' bjork changing, I don't know. But I couldn't tell you the last time I got legitimately excited to see anything related to wrestling. So I dunno, maybe I complain because my time has passed and it's not "for" me any more?


Watching any would mean watching more. I think I've seen about five matches ever from NXT, if that. I've always been under the impression that it's the AAA-league to WWE's MLB. The presentation of what I saw surely sold it to me as such, which has its charm and all, but still.

I think my problem is that the show I want, doesn't exist and isn't viable any more. Whether that's the world and media changing, or good ol' bjork changing, I don't know. But I couldn't tell you the last time I got legitimately excited to see anything related to wrestling. So I dunno, maybe I complain because my time has passed and it's not "for" me any more?

The show you want is NXT you just haven't accepted it yet. Give it another shot. Promise it's good.


Watching any would mean watching more. I think I've seen about five matches ever from NXT, if that. I've always been under the impression that it's the AAA-league to WWE's MLB. The presentation of what I saw surely sold it to me as such, which has its charm and all, but still.

I think my problem is that the show I want, doesn't exist and isn't viable any more. Whether that's the world and media changing, or good ol' bjork changing, I don't know. But I couldn't tell you the last time I got legitimately excited to see anything related to wrestling. So I dunno, maybe I complain because my time has passed and it's not "for" me any more?

You definitely need to watch more NXT.


We are calling that a good Raw now? A fucking Flo Rida concert and Stephanie being arrested for fifteen minutes of dead air? Come on brahs!

One bad segment means the whole thing was bad! And Steph getting arrested wasn't really dead air since the crowd was really hot for the whole thing


I like how they played up Cesaro's fall. Paul Heyman just needs to disappear. He will be just as bad as Cena in this feud....

Nah. I'd probably skip any Brock talking segment without Heyman and his promo last night was great.

If you need reminding as to why Heyman is there, go watch the Raws from after Wrestlemania 28....



As the major face of the company? 28 days.

As a midcarder, transitional champ while Rock & Cena lived their "Once in a lifetime" main event fantasy? 434 days.


I don't see how people can't understand how holding the title means nothing if he was kept playing second field for Cena the entire time.

Punk wasn't "the guy". Cena was. Title or no title.



I don't see how people can't understand how holding the title means nothing if he was kept playing second field for Cena the entire time.

Punk wasn't "the guy". Cena was. Title or no title.

For fuck's sake Cena was main event-ing B-tier PPVs. Who can forget Cena/Laurinitis getting top billing over Punk vs Bryan for the title? Fucking ridiculous.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
There's a reason why Punk couldn't main event much when he was the champion.

He just wasn't as big of a draw.


Heyman is da God.

And nothing beats Cena-tier. We all know this. Cena > everything in the company. Beating him clean is like the highest achievement one can get.

As for Cesaro, at least he was the only wrestler to ask HHH outside of the authority to get a title shot.


There's a reason why Punk couldn't main event much when he was the champion.

He just wasn't as big of a draw.

That makes no sense. He can't be more of a draw before he's given the ball and built into a draw. That's like saying "this foundation isn't a house, I should stop building it and go to the crumbling house I live in already".

How come Orton got 0 crowd reaction last night? Isnt he the top guy after Cena?

Orton is maybe number...4 at most. He hasn't been number 2 in about four years.
There's a reason why Punk couldn't main event much when he was the champion.

He just wasn't as big of a draw.

Punk was Bret. There's nothing wrong with that at all. And he got a huge run out of it, was the #2 guy in the company for a good few years, and got two PPV paydays with Rock which were probably pretty damn substantial too

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
That makes no sense. He can't be more of a draw before he's given the ball and built into a draw. That's like saying "this foundation isn't a house, I should stop building it and go to the crumbling house I live in already".

Not really but ok. He isn't interesting enough. Changing where his matches are on the card doesn't make him more interesting.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
How can you even say that when he was never put in a position to be a huge draw? Dude felt like a placeholder champion for his entire reign

Cena's legacy is beyond titles, Punk was given everything. All the tools. Just couldn't do it. No big deal. He's gone now, which says a lot.


Not really but ok

Peope said the same about Bryan in 2013, "oh he's not a draw, you can't push him". As though people start out as a draw. By the time he got injured this year, Bryan was a draw, for ratings, merch, the works.
By that logic, Reigns isn't a draw right now, so I guess he should never be pushed past Cena.


For fuck's sake Cena was main event-ing B-tier PPVs. Who can forget Cena/Laurinitis getting top billing over Punk vs Bryan for the title? Fucking ridiculous.

Yup. It's not something hard to grasp.

Punk got to main-event when Cena got injured (or when he wrestled against Cena) and then he got injured.

Then there was the whole Rock feud.

How this is making him the man or giving him the ball to run with it I don't see it.
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