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July Wrasslin’ |OT-15| Hybrids are Best for Business



At a wedding today. Refrained from deep fried appetizers going around and just had two carrots and baby tomatoes instead. Drinking water n gonna minimize alcohol intake. Feeling good, bros.

You're allowed to enjoy a little bit of bad food every once in a while. Having a cheat day doesn't mean eating everything in sight. Just have a little bit, and you'll be fine.

Not that I'm trying to pressure you. ;)


You're allowed to enjoy a little bit of bad food every once in a while. Having a cheat day doesn't mean eating everything in sight. Just have a little bit, and you'll be fine.

Not that I'm trying to pressure you. ;)

I had a big lunch and no breakfast, so gotta eat moderately.
Sometimes it's just so hard to believe that this is the company that gave us the attitude era.

Eh not really, they have no competition and lately with creative it's been let's throw a bunch of shit at the wall and see what sticks. If said shit sticks let's ram it down the fans' throats until they hate it and we are back at square one.

Also the Attitude era was being written by at most 6 people. Most times even less. Now there are what 20+ writers in creative and everything has to be run through Vince, H, and Steph. Creative meetings are long and drawn out where nothing gets done and if something does get planned Vince has his usual change of heart and has everything rewritten the day of the show. Talent are also given no rope to be creative. None of the talent has the balls to stand up and say "No this idea is shit and I won't do it" there were plenty of guys like that in the attitude era.

The WWE has no motivation right now, no WCW out there kicking the E's ass in ratings for 80+ straight weeks, they are setup to sell merch, ad time, and please the investors not the fans.
Yo I don't give a fuck about what you eatin' Alucard! This look like Food-GAF to you?! :p

You've got more willpower than I, I just ate a pound of London Broil, a pound of mashed potatoes, and 6 honey biscuits




Haggar, white Blanka, Vader, Earthquake, Rey Mysterio, Muta, a Baba/Andre in the body of a giant English dude, Tiger Mask. It's a solid roster.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I could only imagine keeping arcade cabinets if I was like stupid rich so that
A) I could get whatever I wanted and pay whatever to have it restored
B) I wouldn't have to worry about the power bill because Jesus
C) I would have the ROOM for it because I can't imagine stuffing those cabinets in a garage, and one would never be enough
D) I could pay somebody to come do maintenance, so I don't shock myself to death.
Back in my day we had psychology in our matches, we told stories, we had it all --


i don't know if anyone actually complained about it, just wanted an excuse to post this gif.


It kind of makes sense for someone like Hawk to no sell a piledriver. KVE no quite as much. A lot of super faces have no sold piledrivers. Hogan, Sting, Warrior, LOD, KVE, probably Cena at some point.



Also you should watch

That's a terrible gif to use if your argument is that he's really good, because that looks super telegraphed and overly thought out, just like generic indie dudes.

Finished season one of Twin Peaks. God damn god damn god DAMN that Audrey. Shucky ducky quack quack. The dream sequence with the Man from Another Place is probably the single weirdest scene I've seen on a television show. Pretty dope show. I'm into it. Cooper is the best.
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