I'm watching ECW One Night Stand 2006 on Da Network.
Was this the last time Lawler was entertaining?
I really wanna watch RAWs from 2008-2010.
That period is so lost on me and I really really wanna watch the peak of Cena's terror. Complete with Stand up for WWE montages.
Better DDT than Jake.
In the spirit of thread positivity:
Better DDT than Jake.
Yeah. I have no idea why it starts with 2012 on the Network.
In the spirit of thread positivity:
Better DDT than Jake.
Has Austin fessed up to not wanting to put over Hall since he was on his podcast? I'm sure he blamed Vince, but every interview I've seen basically implies Austin didn't want to do the job. (Fucking shocking, right?)
Has Austin fessed up to not wanting to put over Hall since he was on his podcast? I'm sure he blamed Vince, but every interview I've seen basically implies Austin didn't want to do the job. (Fucking shocking, right?)
What's the benefit of Hall going over Austin?
In what world should Austin have jobbed to Hall at WrestleMania?
To.... build the feud?
I mean Austin had a year left in him and I don't really know how dependable Hall would've been in that program. But what do I know?
The NWO was freshly brought in with a lot of heat. They started a program with Austin to show that they were a big deal. Instead, they fed Hall to Austin after a month because 'Fuck you for getting over in WCW, scum.' It did nothing for Austin winning after one PPV, and it just buried Hall.
The NWO was freshly brought in with a lot of heat. They started a program with Austin to show that they were a big deal. Instead, they fed Hall to Austin after a month because 'Fuck you for getting over in WCW, scum.' It did nothing for Austin winning after one PPV, and it just buried Hall.
Pretty sure it was because they didn't have faith in Scott Hall to put him in a top level, long term feud with Austin. And they were right.
Why would they have brought him in at all if they thought that?
Why would they have brought him in at all if they thought that?
nWo in WWE seemed like dolla dolla bills, y'all.
I mean NWO isn't NWO without it being a group. Then it would've just been Outsiders 2.0
Unless you just want Hogan bullying Kidman around again, and who the fuck wants that?
FUCK YOU Michael Cole.
I had the impression that this was entirely built around hogan turning face with rock being put over. That alone would've killed its heat. And was the NWO brand still that strong in 2002? I don't know I wasn't there at the time but I would've made the same decision as Austin in 2014 eyes.
Why would they have brought him in at all if they thought that?
It could have been, but it wasn't because they quickly gave the fans no reason to want to buy NWO shirts because Vince needed to bury anything that came from WCW. Even Hogan got switched to Hulkamania because, 'Fuck Hollywood, that's WCW and therefore didn't draw a dime. HULKAMANIA! AHH GOT A BONER' I'm shocked he kept Kevin around as long as he did.
Hogan bullying Kidman is fave five Hogan gimmicks.
See this shit right here has to stop.
FUCK YOU Michael Cole.
To sell nWo shirts.
See this shit right here has to stop.
FUCK YOU Michael Cole.
It could have been, but it wasn't because they quickly gave the fans no reason to want to buy NWO shirts because Vince needed to bury anything that came from WCW. Even Hogan got switched to Hulkamania because, 'Fuck Hollywood, that's WCW and therefore didn't draw a dime. HULKAMANIA! AHH GOT A BONER' I'm shocked he kept Kevin around as long as he did.
Hogan bullying Kidman is fave five Hogan gimmicks.
But they didn't. They would have sold just as many without bringing in the NWO because they did nothing with them.
The fuck are you talking about? They weren't expecting the Hogan turn. He got switched to Hulkamania because fans turned on The Rock at fucking Wrestlemania and forced Hogan into a face turn. Not some burying WCW bullshit.
The fuck are you talking about? They weren't expecting the Hogan turn. He got switched to Hulkamania because fans turned on The Rock at fucking Wrestlemania and forced Hogan into a face turn. Not some burying WCW bullshit.
No argument there, but if I'm Austin and Rock is going over Hogan with Hogan turning face, I would not be jobbing to fucking Scott Hall.
No disrespect to Scott Hall.
You are out of your mind if you thought Vince was keeping Hogan heel for one second. He couldn't wait to turn him face and bask in his Hulkamania glory again. Even if the fans booed Hogan at Wrestlemania, it was going to end with a handshake to put over Hogan as a face again. Even Hogan has said as much. because they told him last minute BEFORE Wrestlemania.
The original plan was to treat them like the original nWo, but reactions to Hogan shocked the shit out of them the week before WM and plans changed. And the changing of the plans was the right move once they got to WM and Hogan was the most over face in the universe and went on to draw some money on that come back tour. Whereas Hall got fired and Nash got injured for a year. But sure, it was all a bury WCW thing.
The NWO was freshly brought in with a lot of heat. They started a program with Austin to show that they were a big deal. Instead, they fed Hall to Austin after a month because 'Fuck you for getting over in WCW, scum.' It did nothing for Austin winning after one PPV, and it just buried Hall.
Job to Scott Hall in 2002 brehs.
If you're Austin, you wouldn't job to anybody who's not already a mega star. Even though you don't seem to realize that's how you MAKE a mega star.
2002 Scott Hall should've been restricted to special appearances.
See this shit right here has to stop.
FUCK YOU Michael Cole.