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July Wrasslin’ |OT| The Ring’s a Field, the Field of War, That’s Where We Lay the Law



Bray's got good taste.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I watched all of TNA for the first time in awhile to see how the transition back to the six sides of shit went.

Pretty good show. Time flew by because I was playing Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate though.


Just finished Impact. What a show. That was as good an episode of TNA as I've ever seen. Tons of great wrestling, a hot crowd, and a nice ending segment.

Hot Impact stuff:
-Opening segment and tag match
-X Division gauntlet
-Lashley vs. Hardy...so good!
-Everything about the closing segment after Devon came out

Warm Impact stuff:
-MVP/Kenny King vs. Roode/EY
-Knockouts match

Annoying Impact stuff:
-Dixie in the final segment

Seriously, that was good.


30 minutes into NXT and I'm kind of "ehh" on it so far. Three nothing matches. At least I'm getting some Tyson Kidd goodness right now.


Adam Rose returns to NXT, goes back to being Kruger, re-debuts on RAW as Kruger, gets into a feud and turns up for his PPV match as Adam Rose. Split personality gimmick.

Everytime I see him, my mind immediately goes to split personality. Something about the way he plays Rose feels too forced even by pro wrestling standards. It'd be easy to work that into a split personality gimmick.

you shut your mouth, Kidd is doing the best work of his career


Damn straight. Amazing heeling going on.

NXT crowd booed the shit out of her throughout her match during the tapings, including doing a "Batista is Better" chant, and made her cry at one point

That really happened?


why did wwe get rid of lashley btw?

for just being boring or did he look at the COOs nose the wrong way

Few reasons why he left:

-He thought his 100k WrestleMania bonus for the Hair vs Hair match against Umaga was too low and complained loudly about it.

-Michael Hayes being a racist douche

-His girlfriend refusing to do a love angle with Edge. She claimed she didn't want to do a storyline with a racial component. Storyline didn't have race in it at all IIRC so real reason was probably "I don't want to kiss a white guy" or "I have a boyfriend now, I don't want to do any love angles that don't involve him". Regardless WWE's position was "You're 100% disposable. We'll have someone else do it. bye" and released her. Alicia Fox got called up and did t instead(Edge cheating on Vickie with the wedding planner).

-Lashley pulled a Lawler and tried to use the "If my girlfriend goes, I go" card and like Lawler it didn't work.
Listen friends, if we're gonna sit here and judge people in wrestling by how they compare to Batista, that basically eliminates everybody but Punk and Cena, and one of those is retired. It's just not fair, let's have a heart and be kind pls
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