Randy Savage v Ambrose
Taijiri vs Dolph Ziggler
Taijiri vs Dolph Ziggler
Chyna vs Charlotte.
1986 Largest Arms and Back Hulk Hogan versus 1994 American Made Lean and Mean Hulk Hogan.
Prime Taker vs. Prime Vader (I know they wrestled, but I consider Taker's prime to be when he was having MOTYs every year at WM)
Sid Vicious vs Prime Kane
...there's a Prime Kane?
Kane never left his prime....there's a Prime Kane?
Appernslty Bischoff has a podcast
ZZ vs. Lesnar
At least two will be back. I'm not saying whowho though, I'm sworn to secrecy.Ryback.
Cody Rhodes.
Wade Barrett.
Damien Sandow.
Think how much better SD would be with these fellas.
At least two will be back. I'm not saying whowho though, I'm sworn to secrecy.
I almost expect Raw to get him since they're getting Jinder Mahal; however, I'll be pissed if they just job him out. Heath deserved so much more and he's a great heel, I guess at least I can be glad that he still has a job and everyone likes.I am going to be beyond pissed if Raw gets the One Man Band.
Though if both brands use him exclusively to put over returning talent I would laugh my ass off.