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July Wrasslin' |OT| All this G1 talk is making me Climax.


The last thing Aries did on 205 Live was form an alliance with Jack Gallagher. Think he saw a comedy angle coming and decided to get out while the getting is good?


The CW division is not only too small, it's in such a deficit for big talents.

This is what they've got left, and how I would personally rank them as talents:
  1. Akira Tozawa
  2. Neville
  3. Gran Metalik
  4. Mustafa Ali
  5. Jack Gallagher
  6. Rich Swann
  7. Cedric Alexander
  8. Brian Kendrick
  9. Lince Dorado
  10. Noam Dar
  11. Ariya Daivari
  12. Drew Gulak
  13. Tony Nese
  14. TJP
  15. HoHo Lun?
The talent is too good, there's NO way they could mess it up

There's NO way, you say.

There's no way they could fuck up Bayley. She could be the female John Cena!

There's no way they could fuck up the Summer of Punk.

There's no way they could fuck up a Shield reunion.

There's no way they could fuck up a WCW/ECW Invasion angle.

Their event this Sunday is Great Balls of Fire. If we want to be generous, it's referencing the 1989 bio-pic about Jerry Lee Lewis. If we're more realistic, it's a show named after a song from 1964.


The CW division is not only too small, it's in such a deficit for big talents.

This is what they've got left, and how I would personally rank them as talents:
  1. Akira Tozawa
  2. Neville
  3. Gran Metalik
  4. Mustafa Ali
  5. Jack Gallagher
  6. Rich Swann
  7. Cedric Alexander
  8. Brian Kendrick
  9. Lince Dorado
  10. Noam Dar
  11. Ariya Daivari
  12. Drew Gulak
  13. Tony Nese
  14. TJP
  15. HoHo Lun?

That roster should be more than good enough for a compelling 1 hour show. CWC didn't have many angles, but they treated it as a sporting competition and the stories in the ring felt more organic. If they just loosened the noose around the high flying stuff a little bit, people would turn around on them


Speaking of Neville, I'm genuinely curious who gave him promo/character work training before he came back as a heel. It's night and day from before. Unless he's one of those guys that just naturally excels infinitely better as a heel.

Probably the latter


The talent is too good, there's NO way they could mess it up


I do find it funny how Vince spent so many years trying desperately to find another flippy guy to become the next Rey Mysterio/Rob Van Dam and then when he's got a roster loaded with flippy guys he decides they should all barely do flippy stuff.


【LOS GATOS de Japon】


For my Los Ingobernables de Japon fam

内藤哲也 Naitō Tetsuya.‏ @DestinoDeJapon 7h7 hours ago
Replying to @ElTimeBomb
Hiromu why you do this?

Hiromu Takahashi‏ @ElTimeBomb 6h6 hours ago
Hiromu Takahashi Retweeted 内藤哲也 Naitō Tetsuya.
Meeeeeow. ��


You guys know WWE fucking up talent that were amazing in developmental is nothing new right?

They were doing the same thing from FCW - WWE. Look at Dean Ambrose. They kinda got Seth Rollins right, but he was groomed for the main event in FCW.

Hell, look what they did to Low Ki / Kaval.


You guys know WWE fucking up talent that were amazing in developmental is nothing new right?

They were doing the same thing from FCW - WWE. Look at Dean Ambrose. They kinda got Seth Rollins right, but he was groomed for the main event in FCW.
NXT was a pretty different beast than FCW by the time we got to Four Horsewomen.


You guys know WWE fucking up talent that were amazing in developmental is nothing new right?

They were doing the same thing from FCW - WWE. Look at Dean Ambrose. They kinda got Seth Rollins right, but he was groomed for the main event in FCW.

Hell, look what they did to Low Ki / Kaval.
Developmental territory is best considered like college football.

Not everyone or every trait translates 1:1. They're similar but different enough to where results aren't guaranteed.

Plenty knew Bayley wasn't going to work. Everyone knew Adam Rose was fucked.
That roster should be more than good enough for a compelling 1 hour show.

WWE has the most talent any company has ever had, and it will only increase in the coming years when they inevitably get Ricochet, Kenny, and the Bucks.

And absolutely none of it will matter because they can't even put together a consistently compelling one hour show with a fraction of it, let alone utilize it all effectively in the 7 to 10 hours they regularly have weekly


Developmental territory is best considered like college football.

Not everyone or every trait translates 1:1. They're similar but different enough to where results aren't guaranteed.

Plenty knew Bayley wasn't going to work. Everyone knew Adam Rose was fucked.

Also, College football is better.


Developmental territory is best considered like college football.

Not everyone or every trait translates 1:1. They're similar but different enough to where results aren't guaranteed.

Plenty knew Bayley wasn't going to work. Everyone knew Adam Rose was fucked.
Bayley was already working in front of arenas. I don't buy that argument.

Completely predictable that it would be savaged on RAW? Sure, definitely.

Adam Rose was just an awful gimmick. Shit sucked objectively.


To be fair Becky's booking kind of sucks now but it's still better then NXT where she was always the odd one out of the horsewomen and not really focused on outside of the one Takeover match with Sasha.

Becky is way more over now then she was in NXT. Her feud with Charlotte on the main roster got her over huge.


Neville v Tozawa is on the pre-show. Enzo vs. Big Cass is on the main card.

All you need to know about the CW division.


Even before then he was rising above it. You think anyone else would have done as good with Anger Management?
Sure. And look at JeriKO. There are still times when great talent get something over on their own. But almost with out exception their momentum is immediately squashed afterwards.

See; Daniel Bryan's feud with Kane after Mania 30. That was TNA bad.


Sure. And look at JeriKO. There are still times when great talent get something over on their own. But almost with out exception their momentum is immediately squashed afterwards.

See; Daniel Bryan's feud with Kane after Mania 30. That was TNA bad.

I feel like Bryan vs Kane was Vince slapping fans in the face for hijacking his Mania XXX.
The CW division is not only too small, it's in such a deficit for big talents.

This is what they've got left, and how I would personally rank them as talents:
  1. Akira Tozawa
  2. Neville
  3. Gran Metalik
  4. Mustafa Ali
  5. Jack Gallagher
  6. Rich Swann
  7. Cedric Alexander
  8. Brian Kendrick
  9. Lince Dorado
  10. Noam Dar
  11. Ariya Daivari
  12. Drew Gulak
  13. Tony Nese
  14. TJP
  15. HoHo Lun?
Damn, Finn Balor unranked. Rip the push
Talent can rise above their booking, look at Daniel Bryan.

I'd argue Jericho has done even more with less than Bryan ever did

Even if you put aside his recent run where he got a clipboard to be the most loved thing on the roster, there were instances like the time he came back from a hiatus and spent weeks getting cheered for 5 to 10 minutes without ever saying a word. Anybody else would have gotten booed or WHATed out of the building trying either of those things, let alone have their career stalled
The CW division is not only too small, it's in such a deficit for big talents.

This is what they've got left, and how I would personally rank them as talents:
  1. Akira Tozawa
  2. Neville
  3. Gran Metalik
  4. Mustafa Ali
  5. Jack Gallagher
  6. Rich Swann
  7. Cedric Alexander
  8. Brian Kendrick
  9. Lince Dorado
  10. Noam Dar
  11. Ariya Daivari
  12. Drew Gulak
  13. Tony Nese
  14. TJP
  15. HoHo Lun?

I feel like there is a big drop off between Alexander and Kendrick.

I wonder if WWE is buying time to bring up some NXT people to better fill this out? Who the hell knows

As I've said in the past, the biggest WWE problem is the sheer amount of talent on the roster. There's just too much there and it's likely making it even harder to build a coherent product


I'd argue Jericho has done even more with less than Bryan ever did

Even if you put aside his recent run where he got a clipboard to be the most loved thing on the roster, there were instances like the time he came back from a hiatus and spent weeks getting cheered for 5 to 10 minutes without ever saying a word. Anybody else would have gotten booed or WHATed out of the building trying either of those things, let alone have their career stalled
Jericho is a once in a lifetime type of talent. He also has the advantage of coming up in the territory system where you HAD to know how to get yourself over in any situation.


Didn't Mysterio and Guerrero win both CW and Heavyweight titles? What's the shame in winning both?
I don't care about smaller guys going for the title, personally, when Neville fought and almost beat Rollins for the title 2 years ago he didn't look out of place at all.

Eddie was like twice the size he had been as CW Champ by the time he won the WWE title though.

However, Rey is one of the worst booked WHCs of all time, which never made any sense because he was unique, over as fuck and a merch selling machine.


I'd argue Jericho has done even more with less than Bryan ever did

Even if you put aside his recent run where he got a clipboard to be the most loved thing on the roster, there were instances like the time he came back from a hiatus and spent weeks getting cheered for 5 to 10 minutes without ever saying a word. Anybody else would have gotten booed or WHATed out of the building trying either of those things, let alone have their career stalled

This is what makes Jericho comebacks exceptional, you never know what career ending shtick he'll take from the creative team and get it over.
Jericho is a once in a lifetime type of talent. He also has the advantage of coming up in the territory system where you HAD to know how to get yourself over in any situation.

I feel like it's not fair to Bryan to imply he didn't have to know how to get over with his history in indies.
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