It's sad when you always have to go into WWE PPVs now saying "well it's a shit show but one match might be good".
It's sad when you always have to go into WWE PPVs now saying "well it's a shit show but one match might be good".
It's sad when you always have to go into WWE PPVs now saying "well it's a shit show but one match might be good".
XPac is on "Who ever is paying me lately" team
Don't get worked, Mark Anthony.
Raw Tag Team Champions Cesaro & Sheamus vs. The Hardy Boyz (30-Minute WWE Iron Man Match)
Spoilermatch ends in 50/50
2000 - 2001 was better.Wrestling friends... I am here today to tell that 2001-2002 were the best years of WWE's life.
Who are these guys?Love it when I see a dude wrestle for the first time and become an instant fan;
That reverse GTS, goddamn
Who are these guys?
Where are you finding this stuff Monsoon?
Fuminori Abe's the guy in black trunks, TORU's the other one.
The new Nicopro youtube channel;
It's the GUTS World show that aired yesterday.
Love it when I see a dude wrestle for the first time and become an instant fan;
That reverse GTS, goddamn
Really cool of his opponent to force himself to spin around so he can get a knee in the back of his neck
Yeah, really not liking it.Reverse GTS seems like a needlessly unsafe move to have in your arsenal.
Cheers, it's that subscription YouTube channel that was discussed recently?
That "reverse GTS" looks like an incredibly brutal counter to the attempted arm drag.
Really cool of his opponent to force himself to spin around so he can get a knee in the back of his neck
2001-2002 before 1996-1997?
remember the end of both sasha and bayley's careers when they faced off at nxt takeover in the main event and had a 5 star match? that was good wasn't it. sure glad they retired after that pinnacle and went on to other things.
Fuminori Abe's the guy in black trunks, TORU's the other one.
1998 doesn't ever get any love, but it's my favorite. That's when Stone Cold was firing on all cylinders and the Austin/McMahon feud went into overdrive.
1998 doesn't ever get any love, but it's my favorite. That's when Stone Cold was firing on all cylinders and the Austin/McMahon feud went into overdrive.
Bayley Club will be running wild in New Japan in '18. Hollywood Bayley's gonna have all the strapz.
Lets play a game. You can put the WWE/Universal title on anyone in the WWE main roster between now and Wrestlemania. Who do you give a title run? No taking anyone from outside WWE and no calling anyone up from NXT.
My vote goes to Miz. Dude has earned another title run and he's pretty much the top heel in the company in my eyes. WWE should see it that way too.
Honourable mention goes to Neville. This one is more out of left field, and relies on WWE abandoning the CW division very soon. Neville is in the prime of his career and I want him to get that monster push outside of the failure that is the CW division. Dude is fantasic on the mic and in the ring. He'd be perfect for the main event scene. Have him be a shock Royal Rumble winner.Oh and I'm not breaking the rules. Neville is on Raw which is main roster.
Samoa Joe.
Bayley Club will be running wild in New Japan in '18. Hollywood Bayley's gonna have all the strapz.
2001-2002 Stone Cold, Vince McMahon and Kurt Angle is the best TV WWE has ever produced. Anyway, 1996-1997 was WWF, c'mon fella.
2001 - May 2002 was WWF too, friend.
The wrestling may have been better. But the characters were shit. Also, Hogan was Undisputed champion, soooo
Umm, why does that matter to Hollywood Bayley? She's taking over!NJPW doesn't have a women's division.
I thought that's what they were doing when he won the title at EC. Sigh...Bray. Let the guy not job for a year and actually build some momentum.
Or this. Joe is fantastic.
NJPW doesn't have a women's division.
Umm, why does that matter to Hollywood Bayley? She's taking over!
Will the first boy she kisses be Suzuki?
Hex, you know I'd rock your bod. And not in the good Data West way. I'd lay you right down! And not in the good Data West way! You're old and weak. Good day, fatty.
Dave says a Summerslam plan isAlexa/Nia
Prepare for Champ Nia