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July Wrasslin' |OT| All this G1 talk is making me Climax.


It's sad when you always have to go into WWE PPVs now saying "well it's a shit show but one match might be good".

Eh, match wise, Tozawa/Neville should be great, the iron man tag could go either way and of course the title match. At least those three should be alright.
It's sad when you always have to go into WWE PPVs now saying "well it's a shit show but one match might be good".

Neville vs Tozawa shoulld be good, Hardyz vs Sheasaro will be good just the story sucks, Roman vs Strowman should be fun, Sasha might be able to guide Bliss to a good match, Enzo should rag doll nicely for Cass and the main is going to be insane.

Only match that looks to be shit is Wyatt vs Rollins
Great Balls of Fire is going to be less of a trainwreck than that Friend Zone thread at least.

People dragging others and posting pictures of them.

Folks going "I send them pictures but he's totally not interested"

That was just on the last page.

Edit: What's Balor doing tonight, nothing?


First appearances of black t-shit, black cap Naito is so weird. He just shows up in a 6-man tag match and acts disinterested and vaguely heelish to his teammates. He hangs out on the apron, walks around the ring, generally avoiding the tag for half the matches then usually gets a hot tag towards the end.


Stevie Ray did an interview recently talking all sorts of stuff. His story with Arn and Tenta in WCW is hilarious. That MF'er Arn knew who was the real boss.
Love it when I see a dude wrestle for the first time and become an instant fan;



That reverse GTS, goddamn


remember the end of both sasha and bayley's careers when they faced off at nxt takeover in the main event and had a 5 star match? that was good wasn't it. sure glad they retired after that pinnacle and went on to other things.
Cheers, it's that subscription YouTube channel that was discussed recently?

That "reverse GTS" looks like an incredibly brutal counter to the attempted arm drag.

Yep, the draw of it's the smaller indie and joshi promotions that are covered - there's a few NOAH, NJPW, AJPW and BJW shows, but they're usually pretty uneventful smaller house shows. It's great to have regular access to the likes of K-Dojo though, and more exposure for promotions like GUTS.

Really cool of his opponent to force himself to spin around so he can get a knee in the back of his neck


Watch the left hand of the dude delivering the move, he pushes off on Abe's shoulder to spin him around - it's the same setup as the Yokosuka Cutter. Here's Braun doing it; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHx8E7YMhgI


remember the end of both sasha and bayley's careers when they faced off at nxt takeover in the main event and had a 5 star match? that was good wasn't it. sure glad they retired after that pinnacle and went on to other things.

New Japan should start a women's division to help these poor women out. Jesus fuck


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
1998 doesn't ever get any love, but it's my favorite. That's when Stone Cold was firing on all cylinders and the Austin/McMahon feud went into overdrive.


Just watched Okada v Styles, so good.
Again, the difference between new BC and old BC is huge.
New BC deserves the success it gets.
Old BC was so tedious literally being a line by line NWO copy interfering in every little thing.
I can't even remember 96-97 without checking the old internet to job my memory. Most of that attitude era stuff bleeds into one for me. I've sort of wrapped all the bits I liked from 96-99 into one neat little parcel, happily ignoring the ton of shit that no doubt happened in between the nuggets of gold.


1998 doesn't ever get any love, but it's my favorite. That's when Stone Cold was firing on all cylinders and the Austin/McMahon feud went into overdrive.

1998 had many shitty WWF PPVs, many were just one match shows though I do have a soft spot for Summerslam and I guess King of the Ring was quite the spectacle and Survivor Series gave us quite the story.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Lets play a game. You can put the WWE/Universal title on anyone in the WWE main roster between now and Wrestlemania. Who do you give a title run? No taking anyone from outside WWE and no calling anyone up from NXT.

My vote goes to Miz. Dude has earned another title run and he's pretty much the top heel in the company in my eyes. WWE should see it that way too.

Honourable mention goes to Neville. This one is more out of left field, and relies on WWE abandoning the CW division very soon. Neville is in the prime of his career and I want him to get that monster push outside of the failure that is the CW division. Dude is fantasic on the mic and in the ring. He'd be perfect for the main event scene. Have him be a shock Royal Rumble winner.Oh and I'm not breaking the rules. Neville is on Raw which is main roster.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Lets play a game. You can put the WWE/Universal title on anyone in the WWE main roster between now and Wrestlemania. Who do you give a title run? No taking anyone from outside WWE and no calling anyone up from NXT.

My vote goes to Miz. Dude has earned another title run and he's pretty much the top heel in the company in my eyes. WWE should see it that way too.

Honourable mention goes to Neville. This one is more out of left field, and relies on WWE abandoning the CW division very soon. Neville is in the prime of his career and I want him to get that monster push outside of the failure that is the CW division. Dude is fantasic on the mic and in the ring. He'd be perfect for the main event scene. Have him be a shock Royal Rumble winner.Oh and I'm not breaking the rules. Neville is on Raw which is main roster.

Bray. Let the guy not job for a year and actually build some momentum.

Samoa Joe.

Or this. Joe is fantastic.

Bayley Club will be running wild in New Japan in '18. Hollywood Bayley's gonna have all the strapz.

NJPW doesn't have a women's division.


2001-2002 Stone Cold, Vince McMahon and Kurt Angle is the best TV WWE has ever produced. Anyway, 1996-1997 was WWF, c'mon fella.

2001 - May 2002 was WWF too, friend.
The wrestling may have been better. But the characters were shit. Also, Hogan was Undisputed champion, soooo


Hex, you know I'd rock your bod. And not in the good Data West way. I'd lay you right down! And not in the good Data West way! You're old and weak. Good day, fatty.
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