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July Wrasslin' |OT| All this G1 talk is making me Climax.

Roman lost the match and in the act of a coward tried to murder Braun after the match ended. The cowardly heel leaves while staff attempts to rescue sympathetic face from the wreckage. Said face ends up walking out on his own power despite near death due to his own bravery and heart. Commentators talk for ages about what a terrible act this was by the cowardly heel and this has no place in sports entertainment.

How is this not a double turn?
WWE is doomed in #5years regardless of anything that happens.

In the unlikely event Anth0ny leaves us the Five Years Friends will still carry the banner.
Fuck Anth0ny


Data West and Friends: What's the best YouTube channel thing for watching old WCW Saturday Nights, etc.?

Thank you.


10 minutes of Fuck You Roman after Wrestlemania, the assault on Braun... I'm rather certain they are fucking with the audience on purpose. And hell, it works. Both are Vince guys and get more of a reaction than most of the roster
10 minutes of Fuck You Roman after Wrestlemania, the assault on Braun... I'm rather certain they are fucking with the audience on purpose. And hell, it works. Both are Vince guys and get more of a reaction than most of the roster
You're forgetting the Rumble as well



Heyo Trinidad and Tobago flag represent!


It is July 2017 and Finn can't even get placed on the preshow of a PPV

I'm convinced Vince decided to put the title on Jinder after the spot where Mahal elbowed Balor in the face and legit knocked him out for a second.

"...LOOK AT HIM. He just knocked out that indie vanilla midget with one hit. Give him the title."

"But sir, that doesn't make any sen-"

"Ruin Smackdown while you're at it."


Will never get why people won't simply make their own portbeg thread. Its forbidden because it derails threads, but voicing your demand for a game should be fine.


Did sasha go off-script on alexa last night?

While i do think we are seeing a kind of rivaliry like bret/shawn (not as much hate ) but its pretty clear they dont get along backstage , and maybe im just being worked but did anyone notice last night there was a moment after the finishing of the match , after the big spot that sasha went off-script a bit and kicked alexa.

at this point before the kick everything seemed to go as plan but that sasha kick alongside the way alexa reacted(just kicking wherever by instict) really stood out to me as an off-script kick due the alexa´s reation to it.

dont know if someone can gif it but i would appreciate it.
Last night was the first PPV I havent stayed up to watch this year (UK here) and Ive actually avoided (just) the results of all the matches. Is it worth tuning into tonight and should RAW be worth a watch as well?

Cheers folks.
Wow. Took aaaalllll the way to post #8 in the Fire Pro OT to get a Switch post. >_>

Well, I mean, to be fair, a lot of people's first exposure to this series was on GBA. I'm buying this on PC and PS4 just to support this series, but I'd love a Switch version and would probably play that one like 5x as much.

unlike wwe 😌

Alright then, cowboy. How about a bet.

If WWE is still in business on July 10th, 2022 (exactly #FiveYears from today), you have to take a 1 year ban. If you're right though and WWE is nothing more than a memory by that day, then I eat a 1 year ban. You up for it?
Did sasha go off-script on alexa last night?

While i do think we are seeing a kind of rivaliry like bret/shawn (not as much hate ) but its pretty clear they dont get along backstage , and maybe im just being worked but did anyone notice last night there was a moment after the finishing of the match , after the big spot that sasha went off-script a bit and kicked alexa.

at this point before the kick everything seemed to go as plan but that sasha kick alongside the way alexa reacted(just kicking wherever by instict) really stood out to me as an off-script kick due the alexa´s reation to it.

dont know if someone can gif it but i would appreciate it.

I said the same thing to my wife last night. Between that and Sasha's mean spirited shooting she came off real unprofessional last night.


Braun should walk out with blood all over him tonight

I'm going to regret even thinking this... where can they go after a Last Man Standing and Ambulance match?

Exploding ring death match?

Edit: it's going to be Loser Leaves Raw, isn't it...


Alright then, cowboy. How about a bet.

If WWE is still in business on July 10th, 2022 (exactly #FiveYears from today), you have to take a 1 year ban. If you're right though and WWE is nothing more than a memory by that day, then I eat a 1 year ban. You up for it?

I read "then I eat a 1 year ban" as "then I eat your brain," which would be much more exciting.

Also, let's not envision a world where any of us are still posting in WrassleGAF in 2022. That's just disturbing.

Lastly, speaking of stupid babby ban betz, was someone else involved in NeoGAF Vince McMahon's foolish ban bet? Or did he just bet himself like a madman?
I read "then I eat a 1 year ban" as "then I eat your brain," which would be much more exciting.

Also, let's not envision a world where any of us are still posting in WrassleGAF in 2022. That's just disturbing.

Lastly, speaking of stupid babby ban betz, was someone else involved in NeoGAF Vince McMahon's foolish ban bet? Or did he just bet himself like a madman?

GAF won't be a thing in '22. Eventually either people will be depressed-tired of Switch port begging and move on, sick of being annually wrong about console generations dying out and move on, or be right about console generations dying out and when it happens be bored and move on. So there goes at least 75% of the userbase within #5Years which no site can withstand and survive. (I never expect to be alive at the end of any 3 year period so I definitely don't expect to see this happen myself, so I'm not taking any baby troll bet bait on any of this)

As for friend Sunny, his shine was extinguished by only himself, yes. A brave man to only bet himself against nobody


So if you dig on the idea of a joshi promotion in the late 90s with a heavy emphasis on shoot-style mat wrestling, then ARSION might be the promotion for you

I haven't been in WassleGAF much recently (since I haven't been watching for the past year or so), but it's nice to see how things have improved around here in general. Shame it'll all go down the tubes once SunnyMac gets back and this thread returns to it's regularly scheduled programming of shitting on indie geeks, acting like creeps to pics of female wrestlers and unironic attempts to justify WWE's terrible booking as the fans intentionally getting worked into changing the channels.
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