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July Wrasslin' |OT| All this G1 talk is making me Climax.


Yeah, I actually liked Test quite a bit. Big Cass is super bland. Hopefully he can find it.

Also Test had a way better big boot.

Pump Handle Slam. Running Boot. Top Rope Elbow. Test was flawed but at times fun, he had impact.

Summerslam 99 was his best match against Shane McMahon.


Please stop nicknaming everything


Yeah, I actually liked Test quite a bit. Big Cass is super bland. Hopefully he can find it.

Also Test had a way better big boot.

Test's career was so weird.

He got super over with the Stephanie storyline.

But the end game for that was to push HHH to the main event and they basically had no plans for Test afterwards probably because they didn't think he would actually get over.
Most interested ive ever been in Japanese wrestling. She's a star Vince!
Vince would be completely lost.
And the whole "Leave us alone" reaction right after does not help.
It is a shitty thing to be honest.
She was one of my favorites and she had the world in front of her, and she would very much be in the mix right now if none of this shit happened.
It is honestly one of the sadder stories in the past few years because the chances for come back grow smaller.
Del Rio doesn't give any fucks, he uses women up and then moves on to the next.
Paige will be lucky if she does not end up with a kid or two before it happens.

I can complain a lot about the booking since Sasha, Becky and Charlotte got called up and where they went with that angle but that disappointment doesn't come close to reaching how disappointed I've become with Paige creatively since shortly after she got called up. She was supposed to be the chosen one.

Reminds me of you and gonorrhoea.

Antibiotic resistant gonorrhea.


I'm sitting on a plane with fat model Hex and now he's fat looking at my phone. :O

I can't help that your mom is a good cook among other things she does well. Now get out of my space before I go Harrison Ford on you and kick you off the plane.
And you should be ashamed of that wallpaper


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
OT: any of you peeps getting FF XII tomorrow?

The whole reason to re-release a game like FFXII is to be able play it without having to dig out a 16 year old console. So buying it on a console that's going to be dead and irrelevant in a couple of years seems pointless.

I'll grab the PC version when it stealth releases in a few months.
The whole reason to re-release a game like FFXII is to be able play it without having to dig out a 16 year old console. So buying it on a console that's going to be dead and irrelevant in a couple of years seems pointless.

I'll grab the PC version when it stealth releases in a few months.

lol i can't with your reasoning.


Is it true sasha and alexa dont like each other in real life

I can definitely see Sasha being a bit jelly and she does not strike me at the time that compartmentalizes well.
She saw herself as equal to Charlotte and the next big thing, and then all the sudden Alexa came in and no matter what people say she owned it on the mic and she has done good solid work in the ring.
Plus she has a compelling history which WWE has taken advantage of.


Did sasha go off-script on alexa last night?

While i do think we are seeing a kind of rivaliry like bret/shawn (not as much hate ) but its pretty clear they dont get along backstage , and maybe im just being worked but did anyone notice last night there was a moment after the finishing of the match , after the big spot that sasha went off-script a bit and kicked alexa.

at this point before the kick everything seemed to go as plan but that sasha kick alongside the way alexa reacted(just kicking wherever by instict) really stood out to me as an off-script kick due the alexa´s reation to it.

dont know if someone can gif it but i would appreciate it.

Thank you.

unprofessional as fuck by sasha....but she´s just a big mark for herself....


I'd love to meet that guy. Seems like a genuine person.

Actually real question, where has he been?
Did he get injured?
Let him and Titus have a run.
Give Mark a solid tag title run for a few months if they won't give him another belt.
It is a good time for it.
Actually real question, where has he been?
Did he get injured?
Let him and Titus have a run.
Give Mark a solid tag title run for a few months if they won't give him another belt.
It is a good time for it.

Mark works behind scenes now. Does a lot of scouting for new recruits.

Also doing voice acting for cartoons apparently.


The whole reason to re-release a game like FFXII is to be able play it without having to dig out a 16 year old console. So buying it on a console that's going to be dead and irrelevant in a couple of years seems pointless.

I'll grab the PC version when it stealth releases in a few months.

Not really, the switch to x86 should keep BC flowing. I'll have finished FFXII by the time the new consoles come out anyway. <3 that game.
I can definitely see Sasha being a bit jelly and she does not strike me at the time that compartmentalizes well.
She saw herself as equal to Charlotte and the next big thing, and then all the sudden Alexa came in and no matter what people say she owned it on the mic and she has done good solid work in the ring.
Plus she has a compelling history which WWE has taken advantage of.
I doubt it's a jealousy thing. Sasha and Alexa potentially disliking each other has people pointing to examples back in the NXT days for proof and NXT Alexa was nothing to get jealous about compared to NXT Sasha.

Plus for all we know we're getting worked. It seemed Sasha pretty clearly spoke to Alexa after the double knees thing to check she was alright.
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