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July Wrasslin' |OT| All this G1 talk is making me Climax.


Like I've said before I hope people are keeping track of all the must see (4 star+) matches NJPW keep giving us this year.

I've missed so much :(
If you think wrassle fans can be bad enough

Went and saw Tim and Eric earlier, lots of marks making the show about themselves

-A guy in the back who kept screaming "YEEEAAAAH DRINK SOME PISS!!!!" and "MAKE A NEW SEASON!!!"
-People in the front row who kept filming the show, Tim told them multiple times to stop filming until threatening to kick them out, dude still waving his phone around because he's part of the show, so Tim just snatched his phone from him
-Dumbass friend waved around his phone during a video segment and a stagehand crawled down from backstage and snatched it from him as well
-People including/surrounding these dumbasses standing up during the show to react to jokes because they need attention and the comedy show is about them



Official GAF Bottom Feeder
WrestleGAF brothers, I need advice on a hair style.

Mohawk or Mullet?



Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"

Paige looks like she's emulating Kate Moss...I really hope people are trying to get her help because it looks like she's subsisting on cocaine and vodka.
This Ibushi/ZSJ match is incredible.

HHH is an idiot for not booking this in the CWC.

It was really something special.

Though given the CWC finals were for the CW title, I can see why it didn't happen there. Now of course it could have happened before the finals, but I think they were betting on at least one of them signing, and when neither of them did they kinda had no choice.


Just got back from a DDT show. It was my first wrestling event ever, so there is some newbie bias, but I had a lot of fun. Every match was different and the show kept moving. I honestly don't know a lot about DDT outside of some of the more popular comedy matches, but the show had a good mix of straight up comedy and serious style wrestling. Excuse the terrible pictures, I will bring a real camera next time.

I got in about thirty minutes before the show started and it opened with a dark match that was pretty basic. The DDT promoter then spent about twenty minutes talking about the upcoming tour schedule. I wouldn't recommend coming early.

A few notes about the presentation. Before every match, they threw confetti into the ring. They then had seconds to clear the ring of confetti, which mostly consisted of a few guys rolling around so it would stick to them and then escaping the ring. It looked cool, but after every time you had the ref and other wrestlers throwing out stray confetti strings. Even fans brought their own confetti which they threw after the match. Another interesting thing is that for crowd spots, stable mates aka other wrestlers help herd people away so there's room for the spot. The show moved VERY quickly too. Once a match ended, the next match began almost instantly.

Takagi Sanshiro & Ohashi Toru & Hirata Collection A.T. vs Danshoku Dino & Antonio Honda & Oya Ken
Loser gets deported. I don't really know the history behind this match, but for some reason Hirata's team WANTED to lose, so essentially Hirata had to fight five guys. Hirata's team was eventually defeated, and thus must leave Japan. Hirata hugged the ringpost, but he was eventually suplexed by one of the guys who cleaned up confetti and then several people dragged him out of the arena.

Tetsuya Endo vs. Shunma Katsumata
Katsumata got most of the offense, but Endo walked away with the win. It was a pretty short match and I didn't take any pictures, WHOOPS. Endo is the number one contender for the top title and made another appearance.

Masahiro Takanashi & Saki Akai vs Makoto Oishi & Yoshiko
Intergender tag match. Yoshiko is apparently a somewhat famous joshi considering she has her own Wikipedia page. She got most of the offense in the match, with Takanashi selling big for her. A fun spot was where Takanashi and Akai were both pinning Oishi, but Yoshiko breaks it up with a running senton, essentially killing her teammate as well. Saki Akai was a stick, but she did have a cool spot where she bodypressed a guy being held up for a suplex. Takanashi managed to get a pin on Oishi to win, and the girls stared each other down.

Oh by the way, Oishi is in a boy band stable that sang after the match. Oh also, DDT has some five-man tag team championship that will be on the line at the upcoming Ryogoku show.


Road To Ryogoku 4 Way Tag Match: HARASHIMA & Soma Takao Vs KUDO & Yukio Sakaguchi Vs Akito & Diego Vs Mike Bailey & MAO
Boy is paying attention to eight people at the same time hard. Four people in the ring at the same time, with the first pinfall winning. Bailey and MAO were the most over, and Bailey's gimmick is that he's the karate kid. He delivered some nice looking kicks, including a fun spot where the did these standing alternating kicks. Both also moonsaulted their opponents off from the turnbuckle to the outside. Harashima and Takao picked up the win.

Next was a fifteen minute intermission before the three title matches. They took apart the ring which was pretty surreal to see. It looks like they put in different padding as well, which makes since considering the bigger bumps were yet to come.

KO-D Tag Team Titles: Shigehiro Irie & Kazusada Higuchi (c) Vs Shuji Ishikawa & Mad Paulie
Irie is a hefty guy with a green mohawk, and he was one of the most over guys on the entire card. The opponents were Ishikawa, whose back is covered in deep scars, and Mad Paulie, who looks kinda like a mix between Bam Bam Bigelow, the Road Warriors, and the color purple. This was one of my favorite matches on the card, with four big guys just hammering the hell out of each other. Higuchi's finisher is some sort of very lame looking slam, but he managed to win with it. Female boxer Ayumi Goto presented the belts to the tag team.

HARASHIMA comes out and talks about his apparent title shot and introduces his tag partner: Naomichi Marufuji. The whole place was pretty shocked to see him there, but after googling it seems like he was at least rumored to attend. I certainly didn't expect to see him, which was a cool surprise. He and HARASHIMA will go for the belts at the Ryogoku event next month.

DDT Extreme Title – Ladder Match: Daisuke Sasaki (c) Vs Joey Ryan
Joey Ryan's gimmick is that his cock is so powerful that it sustains no damage, and that he can throw people with his penis. I made none of this up. This was a mix between a ladder match and hardcore rules. The match was basically a series of hardcore spots, so here's a few (please remember that Ryan's penis is invincible):
+Ryan immediately topes Sasaki during the entrance and grabs a ladder.
+Sasaki drives a ladder into Joey Ryan's penis, only for a shockwave effect to hurt Sasaki's hands.
+Ryan is about to grab the belt, but Sasaki pulls out a picture of a girl and starts kissing, it which infuriates Ryan, who then hops off the ladder.
+Ryan pulls out a sucker from his trunks and sticks it into Sasaki's mouth
+Sasaki puts a metal bat into Ryan's trunks, then a trashcan between his leg, and hits the Van Daminator on Ryan's private parts. Ryan completely no sells this, as Newton's third law of physics states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This spot got a "holy shit" chant which is hilarious in Japanese.
+Ryan pulls out a sucker covered in spikes and sticks it into Sasaki's mouth
+Ryan suplexes Sasaki onto some Legos. There was a brief "Lego" chant.
+Both men climb ladders, Ryan throws off Sasaki with his penis, but Sasaki bounces off the ropes and knocks down Ryan's ladder
Sasaki ended up with the victory. After the match, some guy challenged him to a hair vs. hair match which will be at the Ryogoku event.



KO-D Openweight Title: Konosuke Takeshita (c) Vs Keisuke Ishii
Takeshita is shredded, Ishii less so. However, Ishii was certainly more over. There were some pretty brutal spots, like a reverse neckbreaker onto the barracade and a german suplex on the apron. They were throwing each other into the crowd early on into the match. Ishii got a lot of offense early on, including a cool double underhook suplex. Takeshita won with a fisherman brainbuster. It was a pretty solid single bout.


THEN TAKESHITA WAS ATTACKED FROM BEHIND BY NAOMI YOSHIMURA. I'm not sure what happened, but Yoshimura somehow got an instant title shot. He had some sort of gauntlet that he took off, maybe that is like the DDT MitB? I have no idea but there was ANOTHER title match.

KO-D Openweight Title: Konosuke Takeshita (c) Vs Naomi Yoshimura
Yoshimura got some brutal offense in early on, including powerbombing Takeshita through a table, who barely got back into the ring at the 19 count. Takeshita slowly built up the advantage and finished off Yoshimura with a rather anticlimatic lariat. I gotta give Takeshita credit though for going through two rather long matches back to back where he was on the receiving end of a lot of big spots.

The DDT promoter congratulates Takeshita. Number one contender Endo comes out and both men talk trash. Takeshita offers a hand shake, but Endo just spits in his face. Blows are dealt, but Endo gets the better of him and then hit a damn shooting star press on Takeshita to end the show.

If you ever have a chance to see a DDT show, I would definitely recommend it. Every match was different and there was a mix of funny comedy and good wrestling. Nothing was a five star match, but I wasn't bored at any point.
I've yet to pop my DDT cherry. Want to start with the empty arena match.
Catching up on the G1. I think I should get some honorary points just from sitting through all this wrestling!
I've fallen behind. I'm sure I sat through night 4, but I don't remember a thing about it.


HARASHIMA comes out and talks about his apparent title shot and introduces his tag partner: Naomichi Marufuji. The whole place was pretty shocked to see him there, but after googling it seems like he was at least rumored to attend. I certainly didn't expect to see him, which was a cool surprise. He and HARASHIMA will go for the belts at the Ryogoku event next month.

Whoa, RIP Higuchi and Irie. Great write-up though! Glad you had a great time.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
someone please give Paige a cheeseburger, jesus christ o_O
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