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That Shibata/Akiyama match is up there to show to friends as an introduction to wrestling. Quick, violent, out of control. It's real to them dammnit.


They should give Brock an MMA gimmick now. Instead of suplexes, he just ground and pounds dudes into dust
That would be new and refreshing... so that shit ain't happening.

Instead of Lesnar being forced into the title picture, the WWE should bring in Mark Hunt to form a Super Samoan heel faction with Roman Reigns, the Usos, Rosey and Rikishi.
Pit the Samoans against the Canadian Coalition of Brock, Owens, Bobby Rooooooode, Zayn, Jericho and Breeze.
Tease tension between Lesnar and Owens until the inevitable break up and give them a match at Mania.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
They should give Brock an MMA gimmick now. Instead of suplexes, he just ground and pounds dudes into dust
They sort of did that a little when he first returned. I remember him making Cena bleed with his ground and pound. Also there was a cool ground and pound spot in one of his matches with Taker.
man I wonder when Bill Simmons will get a wrestler on his show. The shoot interview we deserve on Any Given Wednesday, especially if they get some booze in them.


Could not be more right. Brock can save WWE if they play their cards right.

Brock alone cannot. The greatest challenge for WWE now is building a man loved by the crowds, who feels credible vs Brock and who would be face of the company material.

I can't think of anyone who really fits the mold right now for that.
With Brock I feel like that'd be easy to accomplish as well. Just have a bunch of pre-taped segments in the can with Brock standing around with the belt looking tough while Heyman shits on whoever for a few minutes. If they want Brock to be a heel he can add in that the fans don't deserve Brock's presence in X arena/city.

Could not be more right. Brock can save WWE if they play their cards right.
My biggest problem and it's because I'm a Brock mark is that NO ONE other than a supernatural being like Demon Kane or Taker should be beating Brock. I still believe the streak shouldn't have been conquered Taker and as do others like Bret, Cornette, JR & Ric; great minds of the business there . But Lesnar shouldn't have lost to Cena or Hunter, plain and simple. If they're going to have someone other than the two I named beat him, it should be done huge ass fucker like Henry, Big Show, or that big ass Iranian Hulk guy. They're giants and they're legit.

I may throw in a shoe for angle because he's legit too but no one else. And that leads me to saying if you give him the title, eventually someone has to beat him and the guys I've listed will never be champion again. Especially since they would have Roman beating him which is bullshi.

Yes, this is fake but if you're trying to legitimize your business or make it look strong, Brock shouldn't be getting beat by mere mortals. What made Shamrock so great is, other than a cage match where you had to escape, he never lost clean. Vince did good business with that. Steve Blackman whooping his ass was good because Blackman was a legit lethal weapon, he could've killed anyone backstage in the blink of an eye if he wanted to.

I don't want to seem like I'm complaining because I'm not, I'm just trying to make some sense here. DC is correct with his statements but they don't care. Lesnar isn't a mark for the business(which is great) so he's not going to protect himself, so they need to do it for him. He just wants to get paid lol.
So I did some Googling 'cause I was curious and it seems Brock Lesnar Guy hasn't even actually met Lesnar at all.

I wouldn't be surprised if Lesnar has no idea this guy exists.
So I did some Googling 'cause I was curious and it seems Brock Lesnar Guy hasn't even actually met Lesnar at all.

I wouldn't be surprised if Lesnar has no idea this guy exists.
I could've sworn he caught up with him in the air port once. And Brock didn't even smile, he looked as if he wanted to two piece him.


So I did some Googling 'cause I was curious and it seems Brock Lesnar Guy hasn't even actually met Lesnar at all.

I wouldn't be surprised if Lesnar has no idea this guy exists.
I hope this is true because Brock Lesnar Guy fucking sucks.

He's one of those douche bags who hunts down exhausted wrestlers at airports and makes them take a picture with him. He has a ton of pictures of online.


WWE can build the credibility of someone enough for them to look good and look like they SHOULD be beating Brock. That's the nice part of all this being fake, it is very easy to build someone up with solid victories.

Of course WWE could also go the cop out route of Brock losing in a 3 or 4 way match without being pinned, but that doesn't really build anyone.
WWE can build the credibility of someone enough for them to look good and look like they SHOULD be beating Brock. That's the nice part of all this being fake, it is very easy to build someone up with solid victories.

Of course WWE could also go the cop out route of Brock losing in a 3 or 4 way match without being pinned, but that doesn't really build anyone.
I had no problem with the way Seth won at 31, the beast wasn't pinned so it was cool. If you give away your attraction so many times though, it's no longer an attraction.


I hope this is true because Brock Lesnar Guy fucking sucks.

He's one of those douche bags who hunts down exhausted wrestlers at airports and makes them take a picture with him. He has a ton of pictures of online.

I want to send Brock Lesnar Guy to the 80's and have Jim Cornette stab him.
I hope this is true because Brock Lesnar Guy fucking sucks.

He's one of those douche bags who hunts down exhausted wrestlers at airports and makes them take a picture with him. He has a ton of pictures of online.
I could've sworn he caught up with him in the air port once. And Brock didn't even smile, he looked as if he wanted to two piece him.
From what I've been looking up, the only airport photos or photos in general are with pretty much anyone other than Brock. Punk, Bryan, Brie Bella, Miz, a whole bunch of others because as you mentioned, yeah, it really is a dick move. I posted a few before, specifically two photos of Fandango and Miz that have them clearly looking like they'd rather do nothing but this.

Any fan gimmick is the worst. Like with Frank the Clown (dude legit freaked out once or something because WWE didn't put him on a list about superfans). Some are cool like Miz Girl or the guy who reacted to 'Taker losing because they didn't run with it, not like either of them still preach about it to this day. Brock Lesnar Guy literally tries to act like he has a gimmick. Look for any photos of him and he's wearing that same fucking shirt in all of them.

It's kind of hilarious. Like if Izzy this whole time never even met Bayley, but was this constant fan always cheering for her you could spot in the background.


Back in the 80s, Cornette wouldn't even need a knife. Guy could strangle him if he wanted to. Now, he'd need a knife.

Because Brock was a kid then, or because Cornette was raw as fuck back then? I'm lost

[edit - or because I can't read. nm, carry on]


I will say that the Brock that was doing the post-match conference was fine on the mic. Happy Brock could be a good character.
From what I've been looking up, the only airport photos or photos in general are with pretty much anyone other than Brock. Punk, Bryan, Brie Bella, Miz, a whole bunch of others because as you mentioned, yeah, it really is a dick move. I posted a few before, specifically two photos of Fandango and Miz that have them clearly looking like they'd rather do nothing but this.

Any fan gimmick is the worst. Like with Frank the Clown (dude legit freaked out once or something because WWE didn't put him on a list about superfans). Some are cool like Miz Girl or the guy who reacted to 'Taker losing because they didn't run with it, not like either of them still preach about it to this day. Brock Lesnar Guy literally tries to act like he has a gimmick. Look for any photos of him and he's wearing that same fucking shirt in all of them.

It's kind of hilarious. Like if Izzy this whole time never even met Bayley, but was this constant fan always cheering for her you could spot in the background.
The fans are trying to be bigger than the stars now lol. But that has to be annoying to even themselves at times. I did like when The Rock put the Macho Man and Hogan guy on tv though. It was funny shit.

Because Brock was a kid then, or because Cornette was raw as fuck back then? I'm lost

[edit - or because I can't read. nm, carry on]
Hell, he may not even need a blade now. Old man strength is nothing to play with. But he'd even admit he doesn't have the wind to do much nowadays anyway.

I will say that the Brock that was doing the post-match conference was fine on the mic. Happy Brock could be a good character.
Almost like Festus, he's happy and delightful, but when the bell rings, he turns into the beast that everyone is afraid of. As long as I could get him dancing in a sombrero again lol.
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