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could never
Pretty fun gimmick imo even though it was heavily stereotyped.

I always had this image in my head as a kid of them touching down in a city and heading straight for a er... garden shop? dunno what to call it and picking up two large sit-on lawn mowers and having them towed back to the arena



And another thing, Health Care came up during the date. How does motherfucking health care come up during a first date?!

And Obama has not protected us from terrorism, and Trump is going to "go after them". And how Trump is "an outsider who is going to shake up the establishment".

I was in hell, Mean Gene!!


And another thing, Health Care came up during the date. How does motherfucking health care come up during a first date?!

And Obama has not protected us from terrorism, and Trump is going to "go after them". And how Trump is "an outsider who is going to shake up the establishment".

I was in hell, Mean Gene!!
Who brings up politics during a date anyway

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
And another thing, Health Care came up during the date. How does motherfucking health care come up during a first date?!

And Obama has not protected us from terrorism, and Trump is going to "go after them". And how Trump is "an outsider who is going to shake up the establishment".

I was in hell, Mean Gene!!

If someone is going to bring up politics on the first date, I'm bringing up pro wrestling.

If you're making it awkward for me, I'm making it awkward for you.


If someone is going to bring up politics on the first date, I'm bringing up pro wrestling.

If you're making it awkward for me, I'm making it awkward for you.

....I brought up that I went to T-Mobile Arena to see WWE

You god damn right I did it!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I believe it. That account posts way too much like 'Heenan on commentary' rather than Heenan in shoot interviews


So not worth it
One of these days we will go through one page and it won't have any gifs or pictures of that orange twit. It will be a glorious day indeed.


Speaking of, this is the first day I've clicked on this thread in about 3 months I think. Are there any Becky pictures and gifs I missed? Feel free to post them.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
First sign should have been Heenan talking about the current product.

What legends watch the trash heap known as the current product?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
has the balor / nak match been televised (well, network...ised) yet?


If someone is going to bring up politics on the first date, I'm bringing up pro wrestling.

If you're making it awkward for me, I'm making it awkward for you.
You just need to combine them.

"You know social sercurity is a work"

"We need to roll up unemployment"

"Its time somebody drops the leg on ISIS"

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'd just like to confirm that I am The REAL Data West. For all booking inquiries go to @senorlariato on twitter
Source: PWTorch in an interview from this past Thursday

“As far as perceptions of Dean, I was there when the Shield came together and debuted, and Vince was not really familiar with the guys and what they had done in NXT, so he listened to a lot of what Hunter said and other people’s opinions. And the decision was made to have one guy be a singles guy - they’re gonna be a three-man operation and there would be a lot of six man matches, but we want to pick out a singles guy and a tag team. And everyone was in agreement that Roman is the greenest of the three, and Seth is the technician - they didn’t see a lot of personality in Seth at that point, so let’s put those two together as a tag team. Roman’s the power guy who’s green, so we can sort of cover his in-ring weaknesses while he’s learning. Dean was seen as the guy who was most ready at that point to assume a singles role. He was seen as the best promo, and I believe he had more in-ring experience at that point than Seth. He just seemed ready-made. But there was never any question of him being a long-term guy that we’re gonna build around. It was very, very clear and specific that Roman is the guy who has the most long-term potential. He’s everything we look for in a future champion. He’s got the look, he’s got the lineage, everything is there. So let’s protect him, not push him too much too soon, and when the time is right this could be the guy.

So that was the perception from the very beginning. I will say this though, there was talk at one point when the Shield was associated with the Authority, that Dean Ambrose could have gotten the Randy Orton spot to be the chosen one of the Authority. And there were actually some plans for that to happen, and I think as things went along everyone - and I agreed with this as well - kind of said “No, maybe Dean isn’t world championship material, at least not right now. He’s not ready for that spot.” And some of that could’ve been our fault from a creative standpoint, in that we didn’t really put him in a spot where he would be believable in that role, or that he was ready for it, or that the fans would accept him in that role at that point. So the decision was made to go to Randy Orton.

But again, he has always been seen as a valuable guy, but never necessarily the guy. And it’s funny because the perceptions of the Shield guys were always fluid, it was always changing. I know at one point there - the Shield rarely lost, but when they did it was usually that Seth would take the fall, and at one point Michael Hayes came in and said “You guys, we got to stop beating Seth so much. I’m telling you, he’s the guy.” So I feel like at one point Dean, who was like number one in the Shield pecking order, actually got moved down to three. Roman’s the guy, but man this guy Seth really surprised some people. He was a little better on the mic than they thought, and we knew he was good in the ring but he was actually great in the ring. So I saw Seth Rollins’ stock rise. It’s not necessarily that Dean’s really fell so much, it was more that Seth surprised some people.”
Former writer


Seth's mic game has gotten better each year since the start of his singles push. He's really comfortable out there now.
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