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Perfect booking is for Roman Reigns to return and be rewarded with the WWE title. I can't even begin to fathom the heat if they play it as a redemption story.

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According to Wade Keller of the Pro Wrestling Torch, Vince McMahon is planning a “redemption” storyline for Reigns once he returns to WWE programming.

McMahon wants to tell the story of how “the controversy” put Reigns down. He would then have to find a way to work his way back to what he was before and be even better than he was. McMahon feels if he creates a story in the way he would want it told, it may finally get fans to buy into Reigns and cheer for him.

This story is backed up after WWE told the world on Raw about Reigns’ suspension. Stephanie McMahon even called his failure an embarrassment to WWE. She’s not far off either as Reigns’ suspension surely didn’t make WWE look good. Roman was all over the news, and with WWE positioning him as their top guy, he let them down.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
no one knwos more about smacking down than me


So....Rock is wrestling at WM33 right?

No way he misses a Florida WM towards the end of his in-ring career.
Part of the reason they probably have mania there is so Rock as a 15 minute ride from his house.

As opposed to 32 where he flew in from his movie set for 1 day to fly back.


A full match against Erick Rowan. Maybe this time Rowan will get to kick out and shoot on the Rock.
If I was Rowan I would have kicked out.

Not like he is ever gonna get a singles run and the Wyatts as a group probably will never get a push due to Brays injury history.
I remember when I was but a foolish mark to think "oh the Andre memorial going on second last means Cena will probably return during it to win it". Then we got a fucking 20 minute Rock segment.

I couldn't turnes that trash off if Cena won. Fuck him.

Post HHH beat down
He's done son, wouldn't even sweat it. On my cane!

If I was Rowan I would have kicked out.

Not like he is ever gonna get a singles run and the Wyatts as a group probably will never get a push due to Brays injury history.
More like Bray is a jobber.

You guys would get your asses kicked by HHH. He ain't got a problem attacking fans.

That's because he's pussy and attacked the fan from behind. I've trained in MMA, I could knock his fragile ass out. Baseball bat to the quad and he's done.


Nothing says you want the brass ring than to shoot and pin the rock at wrestlemania.

They would be forced to go along with it and Rocks muscles would tear if he tried to kick out.

Rowan probably threatened to shoot on the Rock the entire time.
You guys would get your asses kicked by HHH. He ain't got a problem attacking fans.

That's before he grew his vachyna. Look at him now, a shell of the man he used to be. Letting some roided up samoan nobody, who can't get over to feed his drug habit, beat him at the show of shows without even trying to politic to the old senile fuck in charge.
That's before he grew his vachyna. Look at him now, a shell of the man he used to be. Letting some roided up samoan nobody, who can't get over to feed his drug habit, beat him at the show of shows without even trying to politic to the old senile fuck in charge.
Based Triple H would be a sweetheart and put you and Blue over.


The best thing in wrestling today is Lucha Elite, if you think otherwise you clearly haven't watched it, or you have the shittiest taste in the world (this is especially true if you like that Hardy shit) because it is that good.


Okay, Heel and I have spoken, and in an attempt to restore some of the signal-to-noise ratio in wrestling gaf, we've decided that Bluekaveli can no longer account for more than 5% of the thread's total posts in a calendar month.
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