Yuji Okabayashi looks delightfully ridiculous here: http://twitter.com/rsk_Jun_mask_Yp/status/756501345583128576
Because people are puss and try to rewrite history.The New Age Outlaws tend to not get the credit they deserve anymore. They were legitimately one of WWF's top drawing acts during their highest period.
5. Minnesota Wrecking Crew
4. Terry and Dory Funk Jr
3. Midnight Express
2. Miracle Violence Connection
1. Road Warriors
As flawed as the Road Warriors were, their flaws were completely ignored by how amazing and awesome they were. Like, I'd have no doubt saying Miracle Violence Connection (and hell, all of my runners up) were BETTER in the ring than the Road Warriors, but there was something special about Honk and Aminal.
Steiners really belong on that list. Probably neck and neck with Minnesota Wrecking Crew...
The New Age Outlaws tend to not get the credit they deserve anymore. They were legitimately one of WWF's top drawing acts during their highest period.
I figured Honma would win to set up another NEVER title shot, the others were a big surprise to me though. Also, ouch;
What kind of move is that?
Yuji Okabayashi looks delightfully ridiculous here: http://twitter.com/rsk_Jun_mask_Yp/status/756501345583128576
Ah, Pretty Wonderful too. Just an excuse to post this:
We did this before. I posted:
1. Steiner Bros.
2. Hollywood Blonds
3. Brain Busters
4. Road Warriors
5. Midnight Express
That's probably wrong now, but I still feel pretty confident about the top three.
Not a huge tag team fan, but my favorites are
The Hardy Boyz (though I always liked the Hardys more separate than together)
That is a contender for worst shirt of the year if not last 5 years.Another day, another ugly shirt. This time for The Club. This time they steal the gas mask from Randy Orton and add some swords behind it.
Also, you have to dig deep into the Twitterverse to find out that #GB4-Life stands for Good Brothers 4 Life.
And finally, because "they're from Japan, Maggle!" they've thrown in some Japanese characters on the front.
What kind of move is that?
Road Dogg was likely part of why every kid back then thought they could be a wrestler. He barely ever did anything requiring strength, and he got paid to look like a dickhead with those braids and do his stupid shuffle thing.
The actual guy might be a nice person or whatever, but as far as Road Dogg goes, fuck him and anyone who enjoyed that shit. I'd rather watch a 3-hour Raw that was just 2003 HHH promos than one match with that turd in it.
We did this before. I posted:
1. Steiner Bros.
2. Hollywood Blonds
3. Brain Busters
4. Road Warriors
5. Midnight Express
That's probably wrong now, but I still feel pretty confident about the top three.
We did this before. I posted:
1. Steiner Bros.
2. Hollywood Blonds
3. Brain Busters
4. Road Warriors
5. Midnight Express
That's probably wrong now, but I still feel pretty confident about the top three.
The Miz is entertaining as the IC champ and one notable thing he has been doing is putting people over when he's on commentary which I always like when people do. As a heel he still makes it work in the sense of "they're good, but I'm better". I don't really care to see Darren Young win.
Jim Cornette would eat you for saying that.I like this list. Might swap out Midnight Express for Edge & Christian though.
Owen and Bulldog are my top tag team. Win win.
Meng and Barbarian were so fun to watch too.
I am cautiously excited.
Speaking of tag teams, who would you pair up with in the Wrasslegaf Universe?
Friends, No Man's Sky is 2.5 weeks out.
The hype is real.
NJPW givin the hot shit!@
2 nights in London this year:
Due to the NJPW roster needing to fly immediately to Singapore following the events we have moved from our originally planned traditional weekend spots to give London a THURSDAY & FRIDAY night they won't forget for a long time to come!
On Thursday night - NOVEMBER 10TH we will return to the historic YORK HALL, BETHNAL GREEN for our final show of the year at the nations most famous combat sports venue.
Then on Friday night - NOVEMBER 11TH we will be live in the WALTHAMSTOW ASSEMBLY HALLS, a venue which although hasn't seen any pro wrestling action for many years is steeped in pro wrestling history having played host to several high profile events from both EWA (which featured European debuts for both Rob Van Dam & Sabu) & the original FWA which in many ways paved the way for a promotion such as ours. With a smaller capacity than York Hall you can expect these seats to sell out quickly.
Don't listen to Bluekaveli. 1999 is death.
I'm pretty excited. This game looks like it's going to scratch a massive star trek itch i've had
Speaking of tag teams, who would you pair up with in the Wrasslegaf Universe?
Friends, No Man's Sky is 2.5 weeks out.
The hype is real.
Isn't Global Wars an ROH name? They get shafted again!
No Man's Sky is definitely a "let the public test this for me" title. It looks super cool, but the promises are almost molyneaux level, so I want to see the final product in action before I throw money.