Fave five tag teams?
Team Hell No
Brothers of Destruction
Big Show and Kane
Kane and RVD
Kane and Mankind
HM: Kane and X-Pac
Kane and the Hurricane
...I think every one of these teams had a title reign.
Moving on to the present Smackdown's upcoming tag division could use a big red boost so let me spitball some ideas here...
Kanelisto: Kane tries to understand what "a good lucha thing is" while Kalisto learns from a stealth promo master
The Kanecension: because 3 man teams are all the rage these days and look at that colour co-ordination
Big Reds: Kane and Rowan accompanied by valet Eva Marie
Countdown Cops: Kane and Ziggler reprise their movie roles in the hit classic "Countdown"
All of these sound like winners to me.
Me and Nocturnowl
Me and FallingEdge
Me and DM, possibly due to commissioner shenanigans.
Beef and Owl connection is the perfect odd couple I tell ya.
Judging by the lack of Beef Wreckers is it safe to say Net is officially the Janetty?