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Which WWE wrestlers do you think are going to be big in the future? Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns don't count, as they're already big.

I think Bray, Corbin, Zayn and KO will all have major titles eventually. KO will be the last one to win a major championship.
Depends what you mean by major titles. I could see Owens being WWEC a year from now. Zayn will be in the title picture eventually. I'm losing hope for Bray.

Corbin should still be in NXT.


Eh, Brayn is the type of dude who would wrestle no matter what, he genuinely loves wrestling . If wwe said Bryan you can have one more match I have no doubt that he would say yes.

Well, he was desperate to get back in the ring saying he could still go and stuff, and then, when the results of the tests came, he turned a complete 180 and retired.

I have no doubt he loves wrestling and would love to do it again, but I honestly think he knows he really shouldn't.

Eh, Brayn is the type of dude who would wrestle no matter what, he genuinely loves wrestling . If wwe said Bryan you can have one more match I have no doubt that he would say yes.



Which WWE wrestlers do you think are going to be big in the future? Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns don't count, as they're already big.

I think Bray, Corbin, Zayn and KO will all have major titles eventually. KO will be the last one to win a major championship.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Go Go Ho Ho!

Love Ho Ho Lun! Hope he gets signed. That video the other day showed he has IT.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Not me, homeboy. My Blackbeard is fully socketed now, just working on 9 more skill ups.

still working on mine. Need many more everything. I'm a little late to the OPTC crowd, sadly, but I've worked out a good roster so far. I'm beatin' raids. Just not maxin' it.


By major a mean the top one in any of the brands.
Fair enough. The IC title has been devalued since it was dropped by Ambrose (still glad Ryder got his Mania moment) and Kalisto's pre-show run devalued the US title. So anyone you mentioned could hold those belts. I actually like Miz and Kalisto but ultimately I feel like whoever holds the belt should be capable of putting on a match that makes you want to see it defended at PPVs regardless of the challenger.

Having someone like Cesaro hold the IC title putting on wrestling workshops week-in, week-out would be great until Nakamura comes calling.


I'll also go with the general consensus and say that Kevin Owens deserves to reach the top. He's been consistently brilliant since he debuted on the main roster. After the draft, Owens is pretty much the reason I'll still be tuning into RAW.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I don't think Buttzilla has a single jiff that isn't from the Shittitude Era.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
Impressions so far from the CWC:

1 - HoHo Lun telegraphs his movements and actions way too much. Hard to watch him fighting when all I can see is him going through the motions and bad acting.

2 - Gran Metalik was great to see in action, but Lince Dorado was even more impressive.

3 - Tajiri / Slater put on a boring match, so I hope Tajiri and Metalik have better chemistry.

4 - Not as impressed with Tozawa as i thought I'd be, but Ibushi was excellent.

5 - Sean Maluta, Mustafa Ali, and Kenneth Johnson were better in performance than I imagined, especially Ali.

6 - Perkins and Da Mack were forgettable.

I'm staying away from spoilers so I can go into these matches blind. Excited to see Sabre Jr, Gallagher, Kendrick, Cedric Alexander, and Rich Swann in action, along with the Gargano/Ciampa match.
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