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love on your sleeve
Really? I just googled her and she's only 23. She's accomplished quite a bit for 23. Maybe "idiot" is a bit harsh. Perhaps she's just young or naive or annoying, but an idiot? I dunno.

It's fine, most people are idiots are when they're 23.
Erick Rowan coming down to the ring in the sheep match cracked me the hell up. That was a nice ending, even if the Usos being the ones to do it was a bit wtf.

Would love more moments of cutting to the locker rooms just chilling and watching the matches.

Lol Blue, is Sami talking to himself?
Exactly, he thinks just because he's not being jobbed out at a ppv for once, someone will pay attention to him.


Paige and ADR were not backstage

Wonder if they resigned

Paige was never as great as people thought, so no loss.

ADR is a great talent but WWE will treat him like a good hand worker. He will be Christian status and just like Christian, deserves more. There just isn't enough space for a guy like Del Rio at the top; Downfall of the roster being so stacked. He should head to New Japan and have a great run there. Imagine that ADR-Naito match.

If HHH signs HoHo Lun but not Kenneth Johnson I'll be very very disappointed

It would be pretty lame, yeah. I get the appeal of Lun. Dude trained himself and got pro wrestling going in a place where it doesn't exist. Would be great if they sent him around the world to learn like NJPW does with their talent. Let him work in Evolve for 6 months, like Matt Riddle.


I'm 24 and I don't recall being an idiot last year.

i dont know you, but i dont think you have the money and fame Paige has right now.

4 years ago Paige was wrestling with her family in a small town in england in a small promotion, and then she moved to USA, living alone and her career started to rising exponentially.

Money and fame can blind you, specially at young age and when it comes so fast that you cant handle it.
Wasn't Paige at SDCC this year.
So was Becky, AJ and the New Day who actually wrestled tonight. Unless you mean she decided to stay and chill around because she wasn't fighting then I get you.

I mean, I doubt they actually resigned or whatever. Unless there's an actual report of them not being backstage and even then Del Rio seems pretty happy with his state in the company getting them big bucks.

She could be on dat Scooby-Doo promotion lol.
i dont know you, but i dont think you have the money and fame Paige has right now.

4 years ago Paige was wrestling with her family in a small town in england in a small promotion, and then she moved to USA, living alone and her career started to rising exponentially.

Money and fame can blind you, specially at young age and when it comes so fast that you cant handle it.
Her fault, not ours.


I was wondering, did he and Vince ever come up with an agreement for him to return or to leave?
yeah, not trying to justify her though. But shit happens sometimes. If paige resigns/gets released, will be because her own fault, but i think the hate on her is a little too much sometimes. Her attitude sucks, but i hope she can recapacitate.
If I were on her position, I'd have everyone on a pre nup.


My phone corrected Big Poppa Pump, oh hell no


Okay, so. It wasn't Asuka. Bayley is fine too. But... question: Why debut her on a PPV if you're just going to boot her back to NXT?! What the actual fuck, WWE? STOP PLAYING WITH MY EMOTIONS YOU FUCKS.

-came out talking to the crowd during his entrance
-was very jovial in general
-made fun of Jericho's appearance
-called Jericho a female celebrity (Ellen)
-made a "worked shoot" joke


Okay, so. It wasn't Asuka. Bayley is fine too. But... question: Why debut her on a PPV if you're just going to boot her back to NXT?! What the actual fuck, WWE? STOP PLAYING WITH MY EMOTIONS YOU FUCKS.

Maybe they'll do with her as they did with zayne back during the royal rumble; come in do something cool for the ppv go back to nxt until the next takeover is finished and come up to the main roster after summer slam.

-came out talking to the crowd during his entrance
-was very jovial in general
-made fun of Jericho's appearance
-called Jericho a female celebrity (Ellen)
-made a "worked shoot" joke
What are you getting at? He still fucking sucks and he'll be back at him in 2 months tops.


Maybe they'll do with her as they did with zayne back during the royal rumble; come in do something cool for the ppv go back to nxt until the next takeover is finished and come up to the main roster after summer slam.
I figure it'll be something like that; this is just salt getting out of me before my blood pressure spikes.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
I'm going to give you the gift of jericho, drink it in mannnnnnnnnnnn

probably one if the best catchphrases right now.


Man...I don't know how Rollins has an easier time giving Reigns a power bomb than vice versa when Reigns is supposed to be the strong one.


I've just woken up and today is going to feel like a good day, as Dean Ambrose is still the champion with a clean finish.

24 hours until I watch my recording of RAW and see how they ruin it.


Who is even the top face on Raw (considering Reigns isn't it even if he's being booked as it)?

I just noticed Smackdown basically took the top 3 obvious choices in Ambrose, Cena, and Orton.


As happy as I am that Reigns didn't win the title I'm still not fully onboard with either Rollins or Ambrose. I'm not invested or interested in their match outcomes as I am with say Owens or AJ Styles.

The opening women's tag match of Battleground and Zayn vs Owens were my favourite matches of the night. I enjoyed Enzo on the mic and Reigns eating the pinfall.

How many PPVs have we got from now until Summerslam? Do the dual PPVs begin after August?
Last night's LAW pointed out how stupid it was that the Uce-Ohs put Rollins (EDIT: Ambrose, obviously) up on their shoulders at the end of the night, having beaten Reigns.

I didn't even catch that, but it's hilarious.


Last night's LAW pointed out how stupid it was that the Uce-Ohs put Rollins up on their shoulders at the end of the night, having beaten Reigns.

I didn't even catch that, but it's hilarious.

probably was a rib by Vince. because ribs (in 2016) are so funny HAHAHA *Vince laugh*
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