Someone saying Becky is awful but in the same post thinks that Summer should be pushed?
ugh I've deleted so many responses to this now, I don't know how to word it without coming off like an ass.
It literally doesn't matter who you push in the division its never going to reach the standards of the men's in ring product week in week out on Raw. Of course in the big matches they can deliver (Mania, Becky/Charlotte at the start of the year, NXT last year) but on Raw its always going to be a poor contrast with the rest of what is going on. Unless they hire a bunch of joshi wrestlers then that's the way it's going to be forever more or less.
It doesn't help that they decided to base the entire division around the beaten to death trope of the heel champ who cheats to win with tons of lame finishes, kicked off the whole thing with a poorly thought out bit of faction warfare, made babyfaces look like total idiots, have called some people up far too early while keep those who can deliver off TV.
It's a disappointing opportunity missed but that is the WWE's mantra I think. Although I'm sure there are some people who will think there was no opportunity in the first place.