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Becky, Charlotte, and Natty are so awful. Paige is not too shitty. Sasha lost a ton of steam. They'll never push Summer for some reason. And Lana hasn't wrestled yet. Are there any other ones?
Divas division weaker than Roman's will rn


I've been contemplating that tbh but I don't wanna miss HBK's title win, The Rock & Austin build up, and...... Yep I think that's it. The reign of terror sucked so much it decided to inhabit a small part of my brain that will never go away.

I guess you'll also witness Kane's unmasking. And hmm. Hollywood Rock shenanigans were always great. And Booker T/Goldust. Not sure if I missed anything else. Everything from after HBK coming back to Benoit winning the Rumble felt like such a blur.


Had a Friend involved with one of the YouTube networks tell me Woods was asking around for help taking his channel next level. Sounded like it was going to be his full time thing going forward. Would be crazy if he left WWE for YouTube gaming.
Becky, Charlotte, and Natty are so awful. Paige is not too shitty. Sasha lost a ton of steam. They'll never push Summer for some reason. And Lana hasn't wrestled yet. Are there any other ones?
Divas division weaker than Roman's will rn
Please put them all on one show, I don't think I can stomach the shit anymore. I hope some of those cwc guys go to sd and have a division just for them. Raw can have an entire hour devoted to the divas(no I'm not going to correct myself) just to save us all the hassle of waiting for that moment when we walk out of the room.


Becky, Charlotte, and Natty are so awful. Paige is not too shitty. Sasha lost a ton of steam. They'll never push Summer for some reason. And Lana hasn't wrestled yet. Are there any other ones?
Divas division weaker than Roman's will rn

Summer is really bad in the ring. She had good matches in NXT where they practiced matches over and over before actually doing them in front of the camera.

Lana probably isn't much better (maybe worse), which is why they don't put her in the ring.

Dana's really bad as well, though like Summer and Lana, she has her character down.

Emma's injured.

Nikki's probably due back in a couple months if not sooner.

There's uh...Naomi/Tamina.


Please put them all on one show, I don't think I can stomach the shit anymore. I hope some of those cwc guys go to sd and have a division just for them. Raw can have an entire hour devoted to the divas(no I'm not going to correct myself) just to save us all the hassle of waiting for that moment when we walk out of the room.

It's not worse than watching The Usos, Apollo Crews, The Social Outcasts, Zack Ryder, Big Show and Kane (in 2016)... tbh
I guess you'll also witness Kane's unmasking. And hmm. Hollywood Rock shenanigans were always great. And Booker T/Goldust. Not sure if I missed anything else. Everything from after HBK coming back to Benoit winning the Rumble felt like such a blur.
They gave Benoit the short end so bad, I only remember WM, Backlash, then him losing at Summerslam. It's pathetic that if Vince doesn't think the champion will be a draw, he'll purposely sabotage their title reign(you'd think he would realize that does no good for his company.) and you wonder why no one respects this shit.

Kane unmasking is a dark moment for me, I still remember falling asleep right before the match ended and I couldn't see it until next week.

People complain about AE Raw but Bischoff Raw when Hunter got the title seemed like it tried too much.
Summer is really bad in the ring. She had good matches in NXT where they practiced matches over and over before actually doing them in front of the camera.

Lana probably isn't much better (maybe worse), which is why they don't put her in the ring.

Dana's really bad as well, though like Summer and Lana, she has her character down.

Emma's injured.

Nikki's probably due back in a couple months if not sooner.

There's uh...Naomi/Tamina.
That's quite a roster there. Blue's right. Divas on RAW, CW on SmackDown!
It's not worse than watching The Usos, Apollo Crews, The Social Outcasts, Zack Ryder, Big Show and Kane (in 2016)... tbh
That's why I never watch Main Event ;) even though they have some gems each week.

Yeah yeah yeah, I watch sd but it excels a lot where raw fails believe it or not.
Decided I am going to watch every single match on the network where the WCW World Heavyweight Championship changes hands.

Have mercy on me because I know that some of these matches are going to fucking dire.

First up Lex Luger vs Barry Windham in a steel cage at the 91 Great American bash, Flair's inaugural win was at a house and he then he was stripped because he signed with the WWF, so this where I will start.
Decided I am goig to watch every single match on the network where the WCW World Heavyweight Championship changes hand.

Have mercy on me because I know that some of these matches are going to fucking dire.
David Arquette April 25, 2000


Vince Russo September 25, 2000


Thankfully or should I say, hopefully you weren't watching then. I still remember wondering, who in the fuck is David Arquette.

Been watching wrestling since 1990.

I remember it well, Arquette's reign was a tie in for Ready To Rumble.

Wrestling companies usually steal ideas from each oher all the time, thankfully no one has dared replicate this angle.
Been watching wrestling since 1990.

I remember it well, Arquette's reign was a tie in for Ready To Rumble.

Wrestling companies usually steal ideas from each oher all the time, thankfully no one has dared replicate this angle.
You remember when K Fed was battling Cena? Dude, I didn't really know who he was and didn't like him because he impregnated my kindergarten crush Britney Spears. But I was hoping he'd take the title from Cena lol. At least K Fed was a great heel,a natural tbh.
You remember when K Fed was battling Cena? Dude, I didn't really know who he was and didn't like him because he impregnated my kindergarten crush Britney Spears. But I was hoping he'd take the title from Cena lol. At least K Fed was a great heel,a natural tbh.

I did lapse between 2008 - 2015. I don't remember this. I only started watching regularly again last summer.
I did lapse between 2008 - 2015. I don't remember this. I only started watching regularly again last summer.
Okey dokey, this was at the beginning of 2007. Man 2007-10 for the Raw brand was hell. If you ever want to visit that period, just watch SD. The fact that everything didn't revolve around Cena on the show made it sooooooo good. Plus, chicken shit Edge, Nick Jeriwinkel, reborn deadman Taker, Vickie, and Batista ripping Rey apart was great.
Harley Race and Hughes with the distraction at the end, Luger uses the piledriver to get the win. Solid match but the cage was so flimsy we saw no typical cage spots, no slams in to the cage walls or spots from the top.

I am not going to watch this next match, but damn Missy Hyatt looks fine.

Superbrawl II next Sting vs Luger.


Had a Friend involved with one of the YouTube networks tell me Woods was asking around for help taking his channel next level. Sounded like it was going to be his full time thing going forward. Would be crazy if he left WWE for YouTube gaming.

Would be DOA for me. I only watch his stuff because of the other WWE wrestlers. Without access to them, he's just another uber-nerd.
You can tell it is around the time Sting was off the steroids, I watched the original Clash of the Champions the other day and Sting was fucking jacked up in that match, here he is a good 20lbs lighter and much noticeably less ripped.

OK less posting time to shut up and pay attention to this match.
You can tell it is around the time Sting was off the steroids, I watched the original Clash of the Champions the other day and Sting was fucking jacked up in that match, here he is a good 20lbs lighter and much noticeably less ripped.

OK less posting time to shut up and pay attention to this match.
One question, will you watch the few title changes in wwf or only those that occured in wcw? Even trickier, will you include the undisputed title since half of it was the wcw title?
Great psychology putting both guys over, Vader as the monster heel and Sting as the baby face champion who won't go down.

Sting busted himself open on a Stinger splash by overshooting and hitting the ring post when had momentum on his side, Vader gets the power bomb on a dazed Sting for the pin.

Next four are house show matches so next up is Starrcade 93, Flair vs Vader.


Good Art™
Well, i did good going to bed last night it seems..

Also somoene should tell KO his french is less understandable than his english! "VOS GUEUUULLLES!!"
Great match, the crowd were so into Flair during this match, makes me sad seeing how WWE's main guy is someone the fans just don't care for.

Next two matches aren't on the network.

So up next for me is Hogan Vs Flair at the 94 Bash at the Beach.


Becky, Charlotte, and Natty are so awful. Paige is not too shitty. Sasha lost a ton of steam. They'll never push Summer for some reason. And Lana hasn't wrestled yet. Are there any other ones?
Divas division weaker than Roman's will rn

Someone saying Becky is awful but in the same post thinks that Summer should be pushed?


Someone saying Becky is awful but in the same post thinks that Summer should be pushed?

ugh I've deleted so many responses to this now, I don't know how to word it without coming off like an ass.

It literally doesn't matter who you push in the division its never going to reach the standards of the men's in ring product week in week out on Raw. Of course in the big matches they can deliver (Mania, Becky/Charlotte at the start of the year, NXT last year) but on Raw its always going to be a poor contrast with the rest of what is going on. Unless they hire a bunch of joshi wrestlers then that's the way it's going to be forever more or less.

It doesn't help that they decided to base the entire division around the beaten to death trope of the heel champ who cheats to win with tons of lame finishes, kicked off the whole thing with a poorly thought out bit of faction warfare, made babyfaces look like total idiots, have called some people up far too early while keep those who can deliver off TV.

It's a disappointing opportunity missed but that is the WWE's mantra I think. Although I'm sure there are some people who will think there was no opportunity in the first place.


So not worth it
Hyped as fuck for Brock Lesnar vs.
Super Samoan Mark Hunt
myself. That's gonna be a great fight.
I've posted a few of these already, but ICW have put a load of matches on their YouTube in the last couple of weeks, so if you want a load of matches for nothing, here you go:

Bram vs DCT - Street Fight - London, March 25th 2016
London and Kendrick vs NAK (Chris Renfrew & BT Gunn) - Tag Team Championships - Newcastle, October 5th 2014
Sabu vs Jack Jester vs Drew Galloway - ICW World Championship - London, April 19th 2015
Kay Lee Ray vs Mickie James - Glasgow, August 30th 2015
Rhyno vs Drew Galloway - ICW World Championship - Glasgow, July 25th 2015
Jack Jester vs Jimmy Havoc vs 'Crazy' Mary Dobson - "Deathmatch" - Glasgow, 2013
Tommaso Ciampa vs Big Damo - Glasgow, Sept 20th 2015

This is presumably to promote their upcoming Shug's Hoose Party 3 show live on the Fite app on July 31st. To tie in with that, Barramania 2 from April, with a Big Damo vs Drew Galloway main event, is free on the Fite app as well: http://www.fite.tv/v/barramania01/icw-barramania-ii

In non ICW news, WCPW had Noam Dar vs Rampage Brown and El Ligero vs Jay Lethal for the ROH World Championship last night, both of which should be great, though I don't know how much the WCPW trash will bring it down


Okey dokey, this was at the beginning of 2007. Man 2007-10 for the Raw brand was hell. If you ever want to visit that period, just watch SD. The fact that everything didn't revolve around Cena on the show made it sooooooo good. Plus, chicken shit Edge, Nick Jeriwinkel, reborn deadman Taker, Vickie, and Batista ripping Rey apart was great.
Triple H had a brief run in Smackdown basically beating everybody in his path. I don't think he lost any singles matches.

Jamie OD

Had a Friend involved with one of the YouTube networks tell me Woods was asking around for help taking his channel next level. Sounded like it was going to be his full time thing going forward. Would be crazy if he left WWE for YouTube gaming.

WWE owns UUDD so he wouldn't be leaving them entirely. But it is crazy to see this happening. It wasn't long ago when you would hear ex-WWE wrestlers (not just Punk) talk about how impossible it was to do outside projects because WWE would always demand to be involved.
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