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The idea of Brock even existing just isnt fair

He's huge as fuck, fast as fuck, powerful as fuck and athletic as fuck.



Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Man that CS:Go gambling shit is fucking nuts. Govt needs to step in.


I guess this is what happens when you're in intensive training for something you care about

go look back at Brock when he was wrestling Taker or even the last HHH match.

Dude was huge and trying to get as big as possible.

Now he is training for speed and to probably not have a crazy cut.


I'm legitimately curious about this.

Is Brock really the freak of nature he's made out to be, or is he more or less what you'd expect from an NFL player?

Not to say that professional athletes aren't freaks of nature. I'm just curious to know if Brock is comparable to the world's greatest athletes, or is he just one of the greatest athletes who are also pro wrestlers?
I'm legitimately curious about this.

Is Brock really the freak of nature he's made out to be, or is he more or less what you'd expect from an NFL player?

Not to say that professional athletes aren't freaks of nature. I'm just curious to know if Brock is comparable to the world's greatest athletes, or is he just one of the greatest athletes who are also pro wrestlers?

If you can compete at a pro level you're a freak of a nature. If you can compete at the pro level and be in the top 10, you're one of the greatest / elite.

A lot of football players are extremely athletic and explosive given their size, JJ Watt for example. Give them proper 24x7 MMA training from world class coaches and I'm sure you can turn them into high caliber MMA fighters.
Starting to go through the Manchester PROGRESS shows starting with the most recent. Poor Darrell Allen doing his best to get heel heat with a 4 minute entrance, but the crowd just gave 0 fucks instead
Is Brock really the freak of nature he's made out to be, or is he more or less what you'd expect from an NFL player?

One time I looked at his NFL combine evaluation stats. One of the stats is how many times you can bench press 225lbs.

He had the 3rd highest ever score, 40-something reps.
Went to see central intelligence, there's one line where Hart's talking to his wife and he says, "This isn't real!" She replies, "It's real to me!" I was disappointed that she didn't finish the statement.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
One time I looked at his NFL combine evaluation stats. One of the stats is how many times you can bench press 225lbs.

He had the 3rd highest ever score, 40-something reps.

the hell? 40 something is 3rd highest ever?

Shit, I'm stronger than I thought.


1997 King Of The Ring :

This was a solid 3 match card. The semi-finals for the KOTR weren't bad, but you really want to see the finals with Mankind vs Triple H. They're really starting to push Mankind as a sympathetic underdog and he puts on a hell of a performance against the soon to be Game.

We were supposed to get HBK vs Bret here, but this is the feud that always seems to find a way to not happen so instead we get a stellar HBK vs Stone Cold brawl. They play up the "we're tag team champions, but we'll kick each other's ass" bit perfectly and it makes for a good one.

Undertaker vs Farooq was better than I expected. This match always felt like it was a level beneath everything else that was going on, even with the Undertaker character. But the match was a good one.

I'd give it 3 / 5 for this show.

Stone Cold vs Pillman tomorrow night on Raw!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
1997 King Of The Ring :

This was a solid 3 match card. The semi-finals for the KOTR weren't bad, but you really want to see the finals with Mankind vs Triple H. They're really starting to push Mankind as a sympathetic underdog and he puts on a hell of a performance against the soon to be Game.

We were supposed to get HBK vs Bret here, but this is the feud that always seems to find a way to not happen so instead we get a stellar HBK vs Stone Cold brawl. They play up the "we're tag team champions, but we'll kick each other's ass" bit perfectly and it makes for a good one.

Undertaker vs Farooq was better than I expected. This match always felt like it was a level beneath everything else that was going on, even with the Undertaker character. But the match was a good one.

I'd give it 3 / 5 for this show.

Stone Cold vs Pillman tomorrow night on Raw!

That HBK match with Austin might be my favorite surprise match of his. It came out of nowhere and is just amazing fun. I know about the Ladder Match, the Taker Retirement Matches, even the Iron Man and Mankind Mind Games match, but no one talks about this gem.


That HBK match with Austin might be my favorite surprise match of his. It came out of nowhere and is just amazing fun. I know about the Ladder Match, the Taker Retirement Matches, even the Iron Man and Mankind Mind Games match, but no one talks about this gem.

It was simply a case where both guys were on fire and the chemistry was perfect. I'm just glad someone in the back realized it and booked an audible because this was certainly better than a gimmicked to hell Bret vs HBK with Bret never wrestling again in the US if he couldn't beat HBK in ten minutes and the Hart Foundation handcuffed to ring posts.
1997 King Of The Ring :

This was a solid 3 match card. The semi-finals for the KOTR weren't bad, but you really want to see the finals with Mankind vs Triple H. They're really starting to push Mankind as a sympathetic underdog and he puts on a hell of a performance against the soon to be Game.

We were supposed to get HBK vs Bret here, but this is the feud that always seems to find a way to not happen so instead we get a stellar HBK vs Stone Cold brawl. They play up the "we're tag team champions, but we'll kick each other's ass" bit perfectly and it makes for a good one.

Undertaker vs Farooq was better than I expected. This match always felt like it was a level beneath everything else that was going on, even with the Undertaker character. But the match was a good one.

I'd give it 3 / 5 for this show.

Stone Cold vs Pillman tomorrow night on Raw!
I really miss Austin and Pillman as a team.


IIRC He didnt like being away from home,

That's because the Vikings were going to send him to NFL Europe to get more acquainted with the sport. He was still green despite explosive combine numbers.

If he put forth 100% effort he could've been a player in the league.


Fun Vince story from Bret Hart

On Bret Hart’s most recent podcast, the Hitman told a crazy story about a locker room strip club trip in the earlier nineties.

According to Bret, Vince McMahon got a little intoxicated and was in – quote – “full party mode.” Seeing this, Hulk Hogan decided to play a joke on his boss – convincing Hawk from the Legion of Doom that it would be a great idea to do their Doomsday Device finishing move on Vince McMahon in the middle of the club.

So that’s what they did. Of course, it being the boss, Hawk went a bit light on the clothesline, and the other wrestlers caught Vince on the way down.

But this didn’t sit well with Jim Neidhart – Bret’s then-tag team partner – who turned to the Hitman and insisted the Hart Foundation wouldn’t have pulled their punch. Bret, thinking Neidhart was joking, agreed. But when he turns round after getting a drink, he sees Neidhart bearhugging Vince, ready for Bret to hit him with the Hart Attack.

Not wanting to look like a “powderpuff” (his words, not mine), Bret says he hit Vince with the hardest running clothesline that he could muster. They both fell to the cement floor, hitting their heads as they landed. Vince blearily then turns to Bret and says: “You owe me a drink!”

That’s not the end of the story though.

Years later, after Vince had neck surgery, the boss told Bret he had no idea how he’d injured his neck. Bret reminded him of the clothesline incident, to which Vince replied: “Maybe it was.”
Jeff will win The Final Deletion, but he
will need to delete his own life in order to make the deletion truly Broken Matf Hardy and boot to Matt Hardy 4.0



Ronin Ray

That's because the Vikings were going to send him to NFL Europe to get more acquainted with the sport. He was still green despite explosive combine numbers.

If he put forth 100% effort he could've been a player in the league.

He also got in a motorcycle accident and missed a bunch of camp
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