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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The Final Deletion

This is the only thing I've ever seen in TNA but this is hilarious.
What's worse, sticking the belt on a guy once for an angle to promote a movie or putting the belt on guys that aren't getting over MULTIPLE TIMES IN SUCCESSION?

I mean to be fair, they could put the belt on anyone on the roster right now and it'd be on guys who aren't getting over. No one in that company is getting over given the way they book. The only way to keep the title strong at this point would be to just give it to Cena or Lesnar.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Sunny, FE, if ya'll like the musous you should really import Gundam Breaker 3. the International version has english subs.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
It's a dilapidated boat! Has anyone checked on Jim Cornette? Is he still alive after this?
Fun facts about Final Deletion from Borash's appearance on Wrestling Observer Live:

Everything he used to do the Final Deletion is available on Amazon

Borash is a huge drone nerd and even rigged one of his up with fishing line and a bobber and caught a sunfish

The first video was Borash alone, this time he brought a film crew with him

The Hardys' estate really is a creepy gross swamp full of fog, snakes, and mosquitos

The whole setup was improvised out of shit they found on Matt's property, including the dilapidated boat

The birthday party setup was really Maxel's since his birthday was the next day and it was done by Reby Sky

Jeff has sculptures just sitting around everywhere that he built, including a 12-foot-tall alien

There will be a director's cut with additional footage


Many people he's heard from after this believe TNA has been the better show for the last several months.

Matt came up with the persona on the spot when filming the first Broken Matt Hardy vignette and they've just gone with it ever since

Matt is 100% committed to this character. "It's not performance art, it's creepy!"

Borash thinks TNA is a fantastic creative environment

Borash wants to go back and film at the Hardy estate again because there's no limits to what they can do

MC Safety

B-b-but remember when he cheated on his wife and gave shit to our beloved Alex Riley

Plus he berries all your favorite wrestlers.

Zack Ryder, Flash Funk, Randy Orton, Bray Wyatt, Demolition, the Bushwhackers, Big E. Langston, Jack Swagger, Doink the Clown, Sheamus, Bad News Barrett, Daniel Bryan, Sting, The Missing Link, Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Natalya Niedhart, The Shield, Kane, Undertaker, Rusev, and 25 other guys I never even thought of all had their careers ruined just by living on the same planet as John Cena.
The Final Deletion is a great argument why you should not film a match like a backstage vignette. Way too many camera cuts to the point where I had to force myself to finish it.
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