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So not worth it
and back then y'all called me Corey Graves for agreeing with him that she was a poser, back when everyone loved her

I don't need this shit

I don't need you

I'm turning

I'm sorry, but you won't find a single post of me loving, or even liking, Becky Lynch. So I expect an apology on this baseless claim that personally offends me to my very core.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Crazy thing was even towards the end of 97, Hall was doing WCW worldwide and Saturday Night shows with Nash and Syxx.

They were squash matches but the fact that they were showing up for C shows and making every show feel like a big deal. then you fired Syxx and made them hate working there.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Does WWE really not sell their blu-rays digitally?

I'd like that Scott Hall release but (buying a pressed disc in 2016)
#Broken Becky should be a thing


The whole point of Matt Hardy working is that he's not winking and nudging at you which is the exact opposite of Becky Lynch
No, Jim cornette already refused saying he doesn't want to talk to him because he hates him.

That would be so great to see. I'd want to see that more than anything else in wrestling. Respect for Russo went up, respect for Cornette went down.

Make it.

Ahhh man, these two have worked themselves so much, we need the big blowoff match.


I'm not sure what's so wink wink nudge nudge about Becky's character.

She's just another dumbass babyface that the fans get behind and can actually play the role.


Orton vs Brock is only worth it if we get Orton RKOing Brock when he's midway into an F5. Otherwise it's a waste unless its a Brock destroying Orton
Problem with Randy vs Brock is I feel the F5 into an RKO will probably end up the only memorable thing from it.

All them suplexes should be good on the shoulder too.


Orton vs Lesnar zzzzz, dunno if Lesnar will put his working boots on for a guy like Orton coming back fresh off a long term injury. Probably will be bad. Can't wait to see Randy put Lesnar in a dreaded chinlock.

Joe vs Lesnar or Rusev vs Lesnar, give it to me.


So not worth it
#Broken Becky should be a thing

Stolen gimmicks she can't sell ARE her thing, after all.


#Blacklisted Becky for sure tho

Random thought: WWE missed the fucking mark for storylines like the one we saw with Broken Matt. There were a lot of fanfiction scenarios played out in this community with regard to Sister Abigail and how carny they could have used that story. I still think something like that would be a huge hit with the fans and give Bray the much needed spotlight he deserves.
I think anything they could do that would have Sister Abigail be a real person would be awful. Plus from what Bray has hinted at in promos, Sister Abigail seems to be an old dead lady who might be a nun, not a hot twenty-something wrestler that most people seem to want her to be.


The problem is you need a proper build for any opponent facing Lesnar. Joe barely gets by pinning Finn. Rusev jobs to A, B and sometimes Y.

I think the in and out nature of Lesnar means they can just throw random dudes at him with no context. Lesnar is toughest dude in the whole promotion and will fight anyone if the money is right.

Then again, Joe is like 38 or whatever so I'm not sure putting him over Lesnar is the best call. Rusve though, that'd be money imo.

But yeah, it doesn't matter, it's WWE the wins and losses are immaterial.
See. Y'all are living in this flippy dippy indie bullshit world where you think Brock is losing to anyone not named Roidman "HGH JuiceMaster" Reigns
It's funny because Max Landis is basically the male Becky Lynch

The ideas that ran rampant here, which i thought sounded like a lot of fun, was that it would be revealed that Stephanie has been Sister Abigail all along.

The problem with getting the idea over, however, is the fact of how poorly they have booked Bray these past few years. You can't have her be this conniving omnipresence if she is ruler over a bunch of jobbers.
We need that big McMahon cult leader reveal once every few decades lol. I mean, I wouldn't be against it but as you have said, the Wyatt's have been poorly booked. It would be hard to bounce back to form. While some of Sister Abigail has been established, there is also a hell of a lot still unknown. Wish they would cut more promos mentioning her. Even as a character just from the stories of Bray, it's still interesting.

MC Safety

Eva Marie could be Abigail and her awfulness turned the Wyatts evil.

Also don't understand the Becky hate. She may be the best woman wrestler the WWE has.


See. Y'all are living in this flippy dippy indie bullshit world where you think Brock is losing to anyone not named Roidman "HGH JuiceMaster" Reigns

It's funny cos slimmed down non-juiced Brock (by USADA standards) looks way better than roid gut Lesnar that we get.


Rusev would be good at face value; monster on monster. Because of the difference in size, I would be interested to see the ring psychology in a match up like that one.

Same for KO. I would like to see him shift from backyard bully to coward to try and get the job done. Hell, he can go full confident mode and still make for an interesting story. There's a guy who you can run a couple of matches with Lesnar and tell a few different stories.

I just want to see Brock go up against another guy his size, like Rusev who is in his prime and can really lay some shit in.

KO, I dunno if I buy that dynamic. I know it'd be cool for Owens because he's a gigantic Brock mark and Heyman vs Owens on the mic would be incredible but man, contrasting the looks is just a step too far for me. Like I'm more interested in the stuff surrounding the match rather than the match itself. Owens would have to play a chiickenshit heel for it to really work, which is not something I really want to see.


Does WWE really not sell their blu-rays digitally?

I'd like that Scott Hall release but (buying a pressed disc in 2016)

The whole point of Matt Hardy working is that he's not winking and nudging at you which is the exact opposite of Becky Lynch
Oh I know but I just thought a female broken character could be fun.
Eva Marie could be Abigail and her awfulness turned the Wyatts evil.

Also don't understand the Becky hate. She may be the best woman wrestler the WWE has.
Even if she was the best, the Divas division is hot fucking garbage right now. That's like saying Mighty No 9 is good if you compare it to X7


Things that make me irrationally mad

People pronouncing Wagner with the W sound instead of the V sound.

And keeping with the trend of the last page or so, last 5 concerts

- Pity Sex
- Modern Baseball/Joyce Manor
- Haim
- Titus Andronicus/La Sera
- Frightened Rabbit


Holy shit Rocky Romero is now IWGP WHC in my TEW game. That is 100% the weirdest thing that has happened in my game so far.

In better news, AJ is WWE champ, Roman flopped massively as top face and Marufuji is duel AJPW/NOAH champ.

Even if she was the best, the Divas division is hot fucking garbage right now. That's like saying Mighty No 9 is good if you compare it to X7

I'm curious what did you think of NXT 2016 women's stuff?
Things that make me irrationally mad

People pronouncing Wagner with the W sound instead of the V sound.

Last 5 concerts

-Pity Sex
-Modern Baseball/Joyce Manor
-Titus Andronicus/La Sera
-Frightened Rabbit
Do all the things in the post make you mad, or just the Wagber thing?


Things that make me irrationally mad

People pronouncing Wagner with the W sound instead of the V sound.

Last 5 concerts

-Pity Sex
-Modern Baseball/Joyce Manor
-Titus Andronicus/La Sera
-Frightened Rabbit
Like, the composer? >_>

And ooooh, HAIM and Titus Andronicus. We must be pals.
Even if she was the best, the Divas division is hot fucking garbage right now. That's like saying Mighty No 9 is good if you compare it to X7
I laugh in a good way every time you say "divas" division. It has stuck with me after all of these years and it's hard to change it.
Holy shit Rocky Romero is now IWGP WHC in my TEW game. That is 100% the weirdest thing that has happened in my game so far.

In better news, AJ is WWE champ, Roman flopped massively as top face and Marufuji is duel AJPW/NOAH champ.

I'm curious what did you think of NXT 2016 women's stuff?
The Bayley/Nia/Asuka stuff? I thought it was pretty decent. Not worth a second watch tho.


No One Remembers
Last five (optional fave five) gigs you attended? Interested in the music tastes of WrassleGAF now.

Last Five:
1. Dream Theater, April 16 2016
2. Protest The Hero, December 3, 2015
3. King Crimson, November 21, 2015
4. Faith No More, August 7, 2015
5. Rush, June 19, 2015


Another solid match between American Alpha and The Revival. Glad I picked up both teams when I defeated Sephzilla in our mock draft.
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