They're going to find Reigns laying in some old warehouse like Pookie. Can't give that shit up.
Blue is perpetuating NeoGAF Vince's theory that the Roman Empire was taken down by hard recreational drugs.
They're going to find Reigns laying in some old warehouse like Pookie. Can't give that shit up.
God damn Ramon looks incredible in that new KoF trailer
i'm LTTP, but the Nagata vs Shibata match at Dominion was some fun stuff
How dare you? Dragon Gate water is all natural, clean living.
Don't say jipped/gypped, friend. It's not cool: http://www.npr.org/sections/codeswi...-gypped-hurts-the-roma-more-than-it-hurts-you
Welp, I feel much better about having to sit through whatever Ospreay vs Vader ends up being
My favorite thing of the Final Deletion thing is the people that don't get it that feel the need to express aloud that they don't get it.
If you don't like it, that's fine. It's hypocritical to call something like that 'not wrestling' when you look at the history of wrestling with things like Inoki fighting on an island, empty arena matches, foreign spikes, and all of that and just shows your ignorance of the sport. But keep that to yourself because it makes you look bad. But then you need to write an 8 paragraph diatribe where you say, 'I didn't like it but it's ok that you liked it....... but if you liked it, it's not art, it's not pro wrestling, it's insulting. BUT ITS OK IF YOU LIKED IT'
Like it's the mainstream version of calling someone a gimmick fan for liking something. Like I'm not going to say, 'you're an idiot for liking it' but i'm going to insult its integrity, intentions, creativity, individuality, and you for watching it. but i'm not going to call you an idiot. i'm just going to be as indirect as possible.
The idea of bringing up Ricochet's 'wrestling is art' thing for a cheap pop and then putting out this narrow view of what is pro wrestling and that the final deletion isn't pro wrestling is the ultimate smarky cunt pretense.
Woops, I did own up to it a few pages back, honestly never heard of the term being bad. Total regular colloquialism here in Ireland.
My favorite thing of the Final Deletion thing is the people that don't get it that feel the need to express aloud that they don't get it.
If you don't like it, that's fine. It's hypocritical to call something like that 'not wrestling' when you look at the history of wrestling with things like Inoki fighting on an island, empty arena matches, foreign spikes, and all of that and just shows your ignorance of the sport. But keep that to yourself because it makes you look bad. But then you need to write an 8 paragraph diatribe where you say, 'I didn't like it but it's ok that you liked it....... but if you liked it, it's not art, it's not pro wrestling, it's insulting. BUT ITS OK IF YOU LIKED IT'
Like it's the mainstream version of calling someone a gimmick fan for liking something. Like I'm not going to say, 'you're an idiot for liking it' but i'm going to insult its integrity, intentions, creativity, individuality, and you for watching it. but i'm not going to call you an idiot. i'm just going to be as indirect as possible.
The idea of bringing up Ricochet's 'wrestling is art' thing for a cheap pop and then putting out this narrow view of what is pro wrestling and that the final deletion isn't pro wrestling is the ultimate smarky cunt pretense.
i'm LTTP, but the Nagata vs Shibata match at Dominion was some fun stuff
My favourite are the horrified fans that it "made a mockery of the business"
Bracketology and THE FINAL DELETION on two sides of the wrasslin' field. Best time to be a wrestling fan right now friends. Balee dat.
Woops, I did own up to it a few pages back, honestly never heard of the term being bad. Total regular colloquialism here in Ireland.
Yeah but will they go 30 minutes though
Hot damn, compete Dixie. You can win, I promise.https://twitter.com/TNADixie/status/751128775925063680
Moving back to Thurs night
Sure related to SmackDown moving to Tuesday nights
Roman got took back 30 years where it was all accepted.Blue is perpetuating NeoGAF Vince's theory that the Roman Empire was taken down by hard recreational drugs.
Blue is perpetuating NeoGAF Vince's theory that the Roman Empire was taken down by hard recreational drugs.
Why is Brother Nero there?https://twitter.com/TNADixie/status/751128775925063680
Moving back to Thurs night
Sure related to SmackDown moving to Tuesday nights
I still think Ospreay is a circus act.
WWE shared this on their youtube. Pretty cool.
I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking that way, because the flippy shit is what brought him to the dance and that's what people are expecting to see, but he's going to surprise a lot of people once they get to see what he can do beyond that. He plays a good heel, for one thing, and can work a story into his matches beyond trying to one-up the other guy with flip after flip.
That Bracketology special was something else. It made me care about people I'd never heard of or people I had written off as not going far and everyone in between. This is an amazing tournament and I'm glad I'm getting to see some of it live.
Impact in June did these numbers, 322,000 last week, 304,000, 210,000 and 326,000.
Hey Sephzilla, you got a new car? Well I went and took it for a test drive.
Don't worry, I was careful!
Same, I want to root for a lot of competitors right now, especially : Kendrick, Gallagher, Ibushi, Perkins and Swann.
I still need to find some time to go watch that heel run.
Same, I want to root for a lot of competitors right now, especially : Kendrick, Gallagher, Ibushi, Perkins and Swann.
I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking that way, because the flippy shit is what brought him to the dance and that's what people are expecting to see, but he's going to surprise a lot of people once they get to see what he can do beyond that. He plays a good heel, for one thing, and can work a story into his matches beyond trying to one-up the other guy with flip after flip.
edit: Double post for some reason.
Yeah, and I love how they really put over that this has never been done before by the WWE, no one ever expected it and it is a paradigm shift in philosophy with at least some parts of the company. I also love how Bryan puts over the guys "on the fringes". That may come across like a forced company buzzword, but it really puts over how diverse and special this tournament is.
Is that the Dark Britannico stuff? Thanks to TEW I learned he worked under that name with a mask before. Cool name as well.
And the at the desk conversations felt so genuine. Just some guys passionate about wrestling talking about it. No, as you said, forced buzzwords, no shitty scripts, just from the heart. Good shit all round.
Nah, he had a run in IPW starting last year where he tagged with Robbo.
Mauro shaking HHH's hand while thanking him was a pure shoot, HHH was legit shook
Is there anyone who really thinks Zack Sabre Jr. won't win the left side of the bracket? Reminder : this is pre-determined
And the at the desk conversations felt so genuine. Just some guys passionate about wrestling talking about it. No, as you said, forced buzzwords, no shitty scripts, just from the heart. Good shit all round.
wow wrestling is fake thanks for that
I'm ready for the Un-Willow. Matt has to have something else as bananas!so what's next for the Hardys? Brother Nero will disappear but Willow will appear, right?