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He's got, like, a real prototypical wrassler look, I think. And he seems competent enough in the ring. But is he special in any way or charismatic at all? Not that I've seen.

The dude's career highlight is far and away "THERE'S NO BELL TO RING" because it is a rare display of charisma.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I don't need any help looking strong
Watching Brock's UFC career in prep for 200.

His first UFC/Mir fight is surreal. I wonder what WWE fans thought about seeing Lesnar pound his face, seemingly in control, only to get slip into a footlock (knee bar?) and tap nearly instantly.

This week's Review-a-Wai is about UFC 100, featuring Lesnar vs. Mir 2.


The Deer Hunter is boring me early on (~30 minutes in). I hope it gets better since it's three hours long...


Roman is closer to being the next Randy instead of the next Cena.

In that he is so generically "wrestling top guy" in terms of looks that it wraps around to becoming their sole identity. Orton has never had a character outside of "I am the future".

So both guys will learn to layout their matches and find their spots that they're really good at hitting, but they'll never connect with the crowd, because they're hollow, empty shells.

I agree. The thing is, Roman is gonna be booked like Cena when in fact he's just the Orton of this era, and that'll be a huge problem in the future.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Also G.O.D may be boring as hell, but Gedo's been pushing them, so he obviously likes them as a unit. No idea why since Loa sucks so much.

He's giving ROH crap that he thinks is good, not crap that he thinks is crap

Because Tonga Loa and Yujiro are just awful and because they're Bullet Club B-team, if we're being charitable. ROH relies on NJPW to pop its attendances, and you can't argue that Loa, Tonga, and Yujiro aren't a step down from even Ishii, much less Tanahashi or Okada. Maybe send Bad Luck Fale instead of Yujiro? Maybe Omega can come back for a show? Or even Chase Owens, who's really found himself during the BOSJ, and figure a way around the NWA relationship to send him to do a one shot in ROH? Or, I don't know, figure out your own booking so you don't have to rely on scraps from NJPW's table to boost your attendance?

Or maybe ROH can beat the dead "surprise turn to reveal a new member of the Bullet Club" horse a few more times and put one of Dalton Castle's Boys in the Bullet Club or something.

GOD was just put together at the last minute a couple of months ago so they haven't caught on yet. Give them time. They're just there to further push the BC angle and perhaps get a rematch for the IWGP tag titles if Page and Yujiro don't win them first.

ROH absoring NJPW angles is desperation on their part because it shits up the entire product. Thats why guys like Moose and Strong are leaving. This would have been perfectly fine 2 years ago when BC was a hot act, but since all of the leadership bounced, they're barely a functioning unit outside of ROH.

Look at that Mexico show NJPW sent talent to last week. You had Elgin high fiving Tonga when they were team mates. A member of BC being all buddy buddy with a guy that the leader of BC is in a feud with. What the hell?

Point is they serve a purpose for the storyline and not there for their wrestling skill.


I don't see how people keep up with games, movies and sports/fake fighting.

I don't even work that much and I struggle just to keep up with two of them.

Orton vs Foley

That's it.
I play a lot less games than I'd like. And watch less movies and TV shows than I'd like. Wrestling has basically ruined my life.
Ryback will be killer in TNA

You're coming up on 04, aren't you? Or are you there? Good luck with THAT.
2 more years. I'm in Oct 2002. It's a struggle with Hunter's reign as I know what happens at every ppv. Whereas, with SD I don't remember if the top since one person wasn't hoarding the championship.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I don't even have a regular streaming service like the Network or Netflix or Hulu atm and there's still wayy too much shit I want to catch up on
Sounds like a missed out on a great match and a hoss fight while watching Brock's 2nd UFC match. I was not sports entertained. At the end tho Lesnar really started to dick around. Funny.
The Deer Hunter is boring me early on (~30 minutes in). I hope it gets better since it's three hours long...

DeNiro and especially Chris Walken are really good in here but it's just a long boring ass movie. Didn't age as well as similarly long epics like Apocalypse Now and Godfather movies. Those are fun as hell to watch, Deer Hunter is a damn chore.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
It probably doesn't help that I spend my free time watching things like Thunder In Paradise, WMAC Masters, and Rescue 911


DeNiro and especially Chris Walken are really good in here but it's just a long boring ass movie. Didn't age as well as similarly long epics like Apocalypse Now and Godfather movies. Those are fun as hell to watch, Deer Hunter is a damn chore.
I just watched Apocalypse Now the other day and don't plan on watching it again anytime soon. I could see doing it. It was brutal, though.

The Godfather I and II are both totally rewatchable.

I'm an hour into The Deer Hunter now and I think it's going to pick up soon. It's gonna have to wait until tomorrow or the weekend, though.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Course, I've also always had the mentality of 'eh i'll just watch something because it's on' rather than wanting to follow a series or whatever. Which only works with tv. And considering I don't watch 98% of what's on TV as it is.


Just watched The Final Deletion. What the hell did I just watch?

It was a mix of total cringe non-sense and absolute brilliance.
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