Can we have Edge and Blue Dot there? They can do early Cena years with easeI want a WWE roast John Cena, but instead of WWE it would be just Kevin Owens doing his thing. John Cena's presence is not required as well.
Can we have Edge and Blue Dot there? They can do early Cena years with easeI want a WWE roast John Cena, but instead of WWE it would be just Kevin Owens doing his thing. John Cena's presence is not required as well.
And Rollins has a history of move escalation becausegod knows he can't get over on the mic
His mic work is underrated, imo.
What's there to argue against? Bayley paying 'tribute' to Seth Rollins is fucking dumb any way you put it. She's a face. He's a heel. She's the most 'face' face. It's an extremely violent looking move. Like I know WWE is lazy as fuck about kayfabe but at least try to commit a little to it.
And Rollins has a history of move escalation becausegod knows he can't get over on the mic
This post is making me laugh more than any actual jokes he'd crack.I can just imagine the zingers Comedian Dolph Ziggler would come up with.
I'm ready for #BROKENBAYLEY
And if you really want to get into the semantics of a Goldberg injury vs a Seth injury, I feel like I shouldn't, but I guess I will because we need to be anal about everything.
Bill Goldberg hadn't even been wrestling for 2 years at that point. Rollins had been wrestling for 10 years when Sting got injured. The former makes the wrestler look dangerous, the latter makes the move look dangerous.
This post is making me laugh more than any actual jokes he'd crack.
over/under on Vince asking Bray to get a white highlight in his hair following the final deletion?
Imagine if Bray had a Paul Bearer level manager. Not that he needs one, but damn it'd be fun.
Some of you make good points about Bayley. I'm going to have to think long and hard about supporting her efforts in and out of the squared circle.
I've determined Bayley is still the best.
concussion: the move.
I know you're not a Nazi, so there you go. Released from #TeamZach
Never watch any modern Syuri match. Half the match you can hear Syuri's knee thumping against the opponent's skull.
What's that quote about wrestling used to look real fake and everyone thought they were killing each other and now wrestling is everyone killing each other and everyone thinks it's fake?
what if Bray was just a manager instead, and could promote a guy like Harper
Wait, what? I just skimmed. What's this Nazi talk?
I'm using WrassleGAF Fuzzy Logic
Bayley pays tribute to Seth Rollins, a man who has reportedly had ties to someone who mentioned Nazis on social media
Therefore, you are Hitler. Crazy, but hey, we gotta go with it.
I have connected the dots and can confirm that I am in fact Hitler.
: (
Lesnar/Mir II - Brock's post promo is amazing. "I'm gonna go home with my friends and family, and hell, I might even get on top of my wife tonight." As Sable claps in the background.
Before that he repeats the pre-fight promo line "Frank Mir had a horseshoe up his ass. I pulled that sumbitch out, and BEAT HIM OVER THE HEAD WITH IT WOOOOOOO"
I have connected the dots and can confirm that I am in fact Hitler.
: (
I think Natalya gets to join the Kane and Big Show in 2016 stable
I think Natalya gets to join the Kane and Big Show in 2016 stable
They need to stop using the term "big fight feel" to promote matches. They're either big fights or they aren't.
Thanks to the horrible commentary.![]()
Or maybe big in the build-up until it became a glorified squash match.
Before that he repeats the pre-fight promo line "Frank Mir had a horseshoe up his ass. I pulled that sumbitch out, and BEAT HIM OVER THE HEAD WITH IT WOOOOOOO"
Crazy. WWE.com is going to stream the UFC weigh-in.
I think Natalya gets to join the Kane and Big Show in 2016 stable
I think that the reason is the same reason that everyone says. It's the reason everyone in the company says. It's the reason that is the only one that makes any sense. So I think that's the reason. I can't come up with any other reason. I mean, I've heard that reason from so many people that are not internet rumormongers. All I know is that within the company as far as the top people, they all believe it, and nobody knows for sure, because it's never brought up. When I first heard the story I didn't believe it because I thought it was just some story, but then, and I mean even when people who are very high up in that company, after they left the company, would tell me that story I still didn't believe it. But, you know, after a certain number of years when it's just, you know ideas are brought up for Randy Savage and the reaction - there's something real, real bad because, let's face it, I mean, I couldn't count the numbers of times Vince said he would never do business with Hogan, and he always does.
Vince is a businessman first and foremost, so even when someone screws him over, if he feels he can make money with them, he'll put his differences aside and work with them - but he never worked with Randy again. There were rumors going around for years involving Vince's daughter Stephanie ,and Randy. I won't say anything other than Randy was always pretty friendly with her
It seems plausible. I've personally seen Steph say, "Fuck Hogan" only to then see him back with the company six months later. There had to be something major to keep Randy away. Knowing the people involved and the culture of business, the story wouldn't surprise me at all. Overall, it really makes a lot more sense than anything else. Vince wasn't about to have somebody around who might have got the upper hand or could humiliate him. You cant un-ring that bell
He wanted to have a three-way with me and my sister. He wanted us all three to live in a house together. My sister was only seventeen-years-old at the time.
As a little girl, watching this romance unfold in wrestling was the greatest thing in the world for me. It was exciting to me, because i loved Miss Elizebeth. To a degree I somewhat idolised her
Right here's the deal Triple H, I'm talking to you. Call me a dinosaur in the business dude? Well I found that pretty disrespectful. When you duck, when you blink, I'm gonna steal your girlfriend. How's that? I'm gonna take your babe, I'm gonna take Stephanie McMahon and take her for a ride around the block. And I might giver her back, but I may not, you understand that, Triple H? I'm gonna do what I wanna do because you're a punk. I might be a dinosaur, but the dinosaur is calling you a pun. This dinosaur is gonna steal your girlfriend ,and I'm telling you, I'm not gonna do it behind your back, I'm gonna do it right in front of ya. I'm gonna take Stephanie McMahon and I'm gonna take her around the block and I'm gonna show her what a real man is, the Macho Man, yeah. Stephanie McMahon: get ready for the kid
Obviously conspicuous by his absence is the Macho Man Randy Savage.I'd like to announce, unfortunately, that Randy Savage had been unable to sign a contract with the Wold Wrestling Federation. Not unable, but rather come to terms with World Wrestling Federation for a new contract. But Randy, i know you're out there listening, and on behalf of all us here in the WWF, all your fans and certainly me, the number one fan, I'd like to say thank you for all of your positive contributions to the WWF. Thank you Randy Savage for all the wonderful memories for so many years here in the WWF. We wish you nothing but the best. Godspeed, and good luck
So what happens if Lesnar gets destroyed this weekend? Does WWE double down and have him job to Orton?
Brock wins either way.
Wouldn't be shocked. Lesnar is a beast.
Brock wins either way.
So what happens if Lesnar gets destroyed this weekend? Does WWE double down and have him job to Orton?