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Data West

coaches in the WNBA
And if you really want to get into the semantics of a Goldberg injury vs a Seth injury, I feel like I shouldn't, but I guess I will because we need to be anal about everything.

Bill Goldberg hadn't even been wrestling for 2 years at that point. Rollins had been wrestling for 10 years when Sting got injured. The former makes the wrestler look dangerous, the latter makes the move look dangerous.


What's there to argue against? Bayley paying 'tribute' to Seth Rollins is fucking dumb any way you put it. She's a face. He's a heel. She's the most 'face' face. It's an extremely violent looking move. Like I know WWE is lazy as fuck about kayfabe but at least try to commit a little to it.

And Rollins has a history of move escalation because
god knows he can't get over on the mic

Seth Rollins: Inventor of the Buckle Bomb.


And if you really want to get into the semantics of a Goldberg injury vs a Seth injury, I feel like I shouldn't, but I guess I will because we need to be anal about everything.

Bill Goldberg hadn't even been wrestling for 2 years at that point. Rollins had been wrestling for 10 years when Sting got injured. The former makes the wrestler look dangerous, the latter makes the move look dangerous.

Or maybe, just maybe, both were freak accidents.


I've seen one too many times the word "broken" on adult websites, please don't associate it with our beloved Bayley's name ;_:



concussion: the move.


Some of you make good points about Bayley. I'm going to have to think long and hard about supporting her efforts in and out of the squared circle.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Some of you make good points about Bayley. I'm going to have to think long and hard about supporting her efforts in and out of the squared circle.

I know you're not a Nazi, so there you go. Released from #TeamZach

I've determined Bayley is still the best.

there goes my faith

Data West

coaches in the WNBA

concussion: the move.

Never watch any modern Syuri match. Half the match you can hear Syuri's knee thumping against the opponent's skull.

What's that quote about wrestling used to look real fake and everyone thought they were killing each other and now wrestling is everyone killing each other and everyone thinks it's fake?
Bayley could straight up start using the moves of every Heel and break Kayfabe a billion times and fuck the entire business over and I would still be a fan of her.

Bayley never did nothing wrong.

Never watch any modern Syuri match. Half the match you can hear Syuri's knee thumping against the opponent's skull.

What's that quote about wrestling used to look real fake and everyone thought they were killing each other and now wrestling is everyone killing each other and everyone thinks it's fake?

I think I heard a CZW dude say that.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Wait, what? I just skimmed. What's this Nazi talk?

I'm using WrassleGAF Fuzzy Logic

Bayley pays tribute to Seth Rollins, a man who has reportedly had ties to someone who mentioned Nazis on social media

Therefore, you are Hitler. Crazy, but hey, we gotta go with it.


I'm using WrassleGAF Fuzzy Logic

Bayley pays tribute to Seth Rollins, a man who has reportedly had ties to someone who mentioned Nazis on social media

Therefore, you are Hitler. Crazy, but hey, we gotta go with it.

I have connected the dots and can confirm that I am in fact Hitler.

: (
Lesnar/Mir II - Brock's post promo is amazing. "I'm gonna go home with my friends and family, and hell, I might even get on top of my wife tonight." As Sable claps in the background.

Before that he repeats the pre-fight promo line "Frank Mir had a horseshoe up his ass. I pulled that sumbitch out, and BEAT HIM OVER THE HEAD WITH IT WOOOOOOO"


Did I miss the wife talk?

My wife watched during the Attitude era, but nothing before that or anything after 02 or 03, I'm not entirely sure. I got her the network when it came out as a birthday present and NXT wound up sucking us both back in (this was during the amazing boom period a while ago for NXT).

She's never been a mark or a smart, she's somewhere in between. She doesn't follow the sheets or the news unless there's a big breaking story of some kind, then she messages me at work with it (even though I've probably already seen it).

Her favorites:

All time God king Undertaker
1. Shinsuke
2. Sami Zayne
3. Bayley
3.5 The New Day
4. Kevin Owens
5. Chris Jericho (she always says how great he still is)

Essentially she adores all the indie faves while not really paying attention to the behind the scenes stuff. She's meh on AJ Styles the character but is in love with his matches. I actuality caught her watching Nakamura vs Kota Ibushi on her phone while I was on my computer the other night. I was surprised as all hell.

The only downside is she fucking hates Gangrel so I don't know if our marriage will last.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I have connected the dots and can confirm that I am in fact Hitler.

: (

You know what to do.

Build a time machine and send me back so I can get rid of you.

Lesnar/Mir II - Brock's post promo is amazing. "I'm gonna go home with my friends and family, and hell, I might even get on top of my wife tonight." As Sable claps in the background.

Before that he repeats the pre-fight promo line "Frank Mir had a horseshoe up his ass. I pulled that sumbitch out, and BEAT HIM OVER THE HEAD WITH IT WOOOOOOO"

probably one of my favorite promos of all time. Just fucking hilarious

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Crazy. WWE.com is going to stream the UFC weigh-in.


I think Natalya gets to join the Kane and Big Show in 2016 stable

I don't know man... i'm not against it at all, but I feel like a couple of people deserve that spot before she does. Like Orton is almost there, Ziggler too... or Mark Henry

in 2016
Don't know what is with the Brock bashing since he has not been the main focus since the mini seth feud, his matches have all been great as they all looked like an actual fight compared to the others where its more showing off gymnastics. The only thing that really sucked was the ambrose feud and i put the blame mostly on ambrose character, his character is trash and he fights and looks like a 90s jobber. His moves and selling all look stupid especially him making stupid faces because he is a lunatic apparently. I guess they didn't want brock to take away from the two main storylines with shane and ramen so they gave him a filler house show build at mania with ambrose.


Before that he repeats the pre-fight promo line "Frank Mir had a horseshoe up his ass. I pulled that sumbitch out, and BEAT HIM OVER THE HEAD WITH IT WOOOOOOO"

Thats a reference to Mr. Perfect who whenever people in the back would play games and seemingly win everything by luck.
I refuse to comment any more on Seth or Brock because they honestly aren't worth the words, reserving the right to amend that only for "lolBrock" on the likely chance Hunt KOs him in 31 hours.

I think Natalya gets to join the Kane and Big Show in 2016 stable

Depends. I've seen people interpret this as "are unironically good" (my interpretation, personally), "are really bad", and "should really not be on TV". I think all three are good, but would be fine if Natalya weren't wrestling any more. There doesn't seem like much room left for her on the roster, doubly so when the NXT women callups happen. There's always room for Kane and Show.

When they offer stuff like a screwjob re-do with your dad involved just for you to have TV time, it's kinda transparent they don't have you in any type of long-term plans in mind. Total Divas won't last forever and I don't want to see her end up JTG'd where she really does have nothing to do and no way of being used. She could probably do stuff in the indies, or at least stick around as a trainer, but it seems like her onscreen role in the company is flatlining


Neo Member

Today i want to discuss the often quoted rumor that Macho Man banged Steph.

Did it happen or no?

Well lets look at the situation with quotes from people close to Randy. (quotes provided by Titan Sinking book by James Dixon)

So the belief is that Savage did something possibly sexual with young Steph in 93 or 94.

- That means that Steph was 17-18 NOT 14 as the internet has claimed.

Meltzer thinks its highly likely. (quote from 2009)

I think that the reason is the same reason that everyone says. It's the reason everyone in the company says. It's the reason that is the only one that makes any sense. So I think that's the reason. I can't come up with any other reason. I mean, I've heard that reason from so many people that are not internet rumormongers. All I know is that within the company as far as the top people, they all believe it, and nobody knows for sure, because it's never brought up. When I first heard the story I didn't believe it because I thought it was just some story, but then, and I mean even when people who are very high up in that company, after they left the company, would tell me that story I still didn't believe it. But, you know, after a certain number of years when it's just, you know ideas are brought up for Randy Savage and the reaction - there's something real, real bad because, let's face it, I mean, I couldn't count the numbers of times Vince said he would never do business with Hogan, and he always does.

Bob Holly was very close friends with Macho when he was in WWF. This is from his book "Hardcore Truth"

Vince is a businessman first and foremost, so even when someone screws him over, if he feels he can make money with them, he'll put his differences aside and work with them - but he never worked with Randy again. There were rumors going around for years involving Vince's daughter Stephanie ,and Randy. I won't say anything other than Randy was always pretty friendly with her

Tom Pritchard had this to say about the subject.

It seems plausible. I've personally seen Steph say, "Fuck Hogan" only to then see him back with the company six months later. There had to be something major to keep Randy away. Knowing the people involved and the culture of business, the story wouldn't surprise me at all. Overall, it really makes a lot more sense than anything else. Vince wasn't about to have somebody around who might have got the upper hand or could humiliate him. You cant un-ring that bell

Gorgeous George, Savages ex-girlfriend explained why she and him broke up.
He wanted to have a three-way with me and my sister. He wanted us all three to live in a house together. My sister was only seventeen-years-old at the time.

Stephanie herself mentioned how she was a huge Elizebeth fan in her younger years.
As a little girl, watching this romance unfold in wrestling was the greatest thing in the world for me. It was exciting to me, because i loved Miss Elizebeth. To a degree I somewhat idolised her

She was known as a party-girl and Patterson later characterized her "Pretty wild".

Savage flirted with the subject on a video that was shot for his website members

Right here's the deal Triple H, I'm talking to you. Call me a dinosaur in the business dude? Well I found that pretty disrespectful. When you duck, when you blink, I'm gonna steal your girlfriend. How's that? I'm gonna take your babe, I'm gonna take Stephanie McMahon and take her for a ride around the block. And I might giver her back, but I may not, you understand that, Triple H? I'm gonna do what I wanna do because you're a punk. I might be a dinosaur, but the dinosaur is calling you a pun. This dinosaur is gonna steal your girlfriend ,and I'm telling you, I'm not gonna do it behind your back, I'm gonna do it right in front of ya. I'm gonna take Stephanie McMahon and I'm gonna take her around the block and I'm gonna show her what a real man is, the Macho Man, yeah. Stephanie McMahon: get ready for the kid

So what do you think??

Here is the last quote. Vince in 1994 after Savage left suddenly to WCW.

Obviously conspicuous by his absence is the Macho Man Randy Savage.I'd like to announce, unfortunately, that Randy Savage had been unable to sign a contract with the Wold Wrestling Federation. Not unable, but rather come to terms with World Wrestling Federation for a new contract. But Randy, i know you're out there listening, and on behalf of all us here in the WWF, all your fans and certainly me, the number one fan, I'd like to say thank you for all of your positive contributions to the WWF. Thank you Randy Savage for all the wonderful memories for so many years here in the WWF. We wish you nothing but the best. Godspeed, and good luck
So what happens if Lesnar gets destroyed this weekend? Does WWE double down and have him job to Orton?

If Brock wins = He loses at Summerslam so Vince can giggle at making a UFC guy lose to one of his guys.

If Brock loses = I dunno. It will probably be used as part of the build thats for sure.
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