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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I dunno, I don't want to speculate on something that may or may not have happened with someone who is dead.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Man Rhoda, the character, was WAY more fantastic than Mary Tyler Moore's. She's got that intangible SOMETHING about her that is amazing.

Today i want to discuss the often quoted rumor that Macho Man banged Steph.

Did it happen or no?


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Dream, Heel, can you tell me why UFC is constantly trying to convince themselves Tate is a draw?

It's like some JBL, 'I beat Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit so I'm the best wrestler' shit but it's 'for real'


To make things clear, do people make a big deal out of the Savage/Steph thing because it's just weird mismatch and "lol he banged the boss' daughter" or because she was underage?

Today i want to discuss the often quoted rumor that Macho Man banged Steph.

Did it happen or no?

Well lets look at the situation with quotes from people close to Randy. (quotes provided by Titan Sinking book by James Dixon)

So the belief is that Savage did something possibly sexual with young Steph in 93 or 94.

- That means that Steph was 17-18 NOT 14 as the internet has claimed.

Meltzer thinks its highly likely. (quote from 2009)

Bob Holly was very close friends with Macho when he was in WWF. This is from his book "Hardcore Truth"

Tom Pritchard had this to say about the subject.

Gorgeous George, Savages ex-girlfriend explained why she and him broke up.

Stephanie herself mentioned how she was a huge Elizebeth fan in her younger years.

She was known as a party-girl and Patterson later characterized her "Pretty wild".

Savage flirted with the subject on a video that was shot for his website members

So what do you think??

Here is the last quote. Vince in 1994 after Savage left suddenly to WCW.
I still don't believe it. I think it's something people want to be true. I think the reason both sides never came together was due to business and disagreements.

With Vince giving him a farewell, then engaging in talks with him later, I think there's no truth to that.


Joe Rogan mentioned the Brock thing on one of his recent podcasts. He brings up that negotiations were going on for a looooong time on this. Unsurprisingly Vince was the biggest issue there. Also that the UFC told Mark Hunt a while ago to "be ready for 200 just in case". I figured the match was hastily thrown together but maybe not.
Brock is winning no matter what(at summerslam) unless its a storyline screwjob
If this were 20 years ago, it would be a different story. You get beat up in a real fight and you get punished.😂. But in Brock's case, he's liable to kill anyone without warning.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Man, I feel for folks who didn't get into PC games early to mid 90s. Trial by fire making a lot of those working, back then, but the games were so goddamned good.


Man, I feel for folks who didn't get into PC games early to mid 90s. Trial by fire making a lot of those working, back then, but the games were so goddamned good.

I remember being in tears because Transport Tycoon wouldn't install on my Dad's laptop.

At least I had Red Alert, Civ II and Rollercoaster Tycoon.


I'd be a lot more nostalgic for NES games if my fucking NES would work more than a third of the goddamn time. I really need to get a top loading NES one of these days

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I remember being in tears because Transport Tycoon wouldn't install on my Dad's laptop.

At least I had Red Alert, Civ II and Rollercoaster Tycoon.

I remember getting stuffed by the first Star Trek adventure game - I think it was called 25th Anniversary. Started it and got a "No EMS memory found." - oh man.

I had a neighbor that ran a BBS, he taught me everything then. I couldn't soak up enough info. Loved learning in the early 90s.


NeoGAF Vince McMahon, how many pairs of JNCOs did you own? Be honest.

You're wearing JNCOs right now, aren't you?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
NeoGAF Vince McMahon, how many pairs of JNCOs did you own? Be honest.

You're wearing JNCOs right now, aren't you?

0 man. Absolutely 0. I was a goth in school, not some piece of shit kid.

Every motherfucker in JNCOs seemed to stand in a puddle every morning so their entire calf was soaking wet.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Ever since the new Zelda reveal, I've been itching to replay Zelda 1 on nes. I beat it for the first time four years ago with no cheats (took me 5 weeks which shook me) and it was one of the best gaming experiences.

Good-ass game. Sadly Zelda stopped being fun once it went to 3d. I've been grinding away at Majora's Mask on 3DS and hating it most of the way. :(

Zero expectations for Breath of my Asshole to be any good. Might rent it. Might. Didn't even touch the last two Zelders.
To make things clear, do people make a big deal out of the Savage/Steph thing because it's just weird mismatch and "lol he banged the boss' daughter" or because she was underage?

If it happened, it was while she was underage, and that's the biggest issue.

It's worth noting that Dave didn't even believe it at first, it wound up being a case of where there's smoke there's fire. I completely disagree about people wanting it to be true. If everyone says something happened, it's probably not completely wrong.

Regardless, whatever did happen between Savage and Vince, it was bad enough that he didn't even consider working with him while he was alive again. Considering everything else people have done to Vince and how their relationships were always mended before the end, it's got to be something really bad, worse than simple fighting and words and brawling on a plane, to have drawn the kind of responses Vince had to Savage in Randy's last decade or so.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The evidence that Randy did something to piss Vince off more than anyone has ever done is out there. He wouldn't even talk to him whenever his contract came up during WCW and during the brand split when they literally brought in everyone he alone was persona non grata. Where there is smoke there is fire. He did something unforgivable. Bret Hart assaulted him and he did business. Ultimate Warrior tried to hold him over a barrel three times and they did business with each other. Sid was a total flake and they did business over and over again. Hogan left in a rotten way and they did business again. Savage had to be dead and buried for five years before he got him in the hall of fame.


Yeah, where there's smoke there's fire.

Vince will forgive fucking anyone if he thinks he can make bank on them, yet he still completely blackballed Macho Man


Watching this year's Sasuke, Kota Ibushi is there :lol
He fucking failed the first stage in 10 seconds

An idol and Mister Japan did better


Kane talks about the craziest thing that Vince McMahon has ever made him do:

Q: What was the craziest thing, and there have been many, Vince has made you do?

Kane: I’m not sure I can tell this one.

Q: Oh come on. What the hell was it?

Kane: This was Royal Rumble 2011, from Boston. I didn’t know what number or who I was throwing over just that they needed me. As soon as I got the area the boys were all huffing and puffing about something. Show (Big) came up to me and told me how Kev (Nash) had been offended by some last minute details and that he and Vince had it out. Then Show told me Kev had walked out. The backstory is apparently Kev was pissed that Vince wanted him to return as Diesel instead of the Nash character. I guess he felt like Vince was marginalizing all of the success he had in WCW with the Nash character. Anyways…

I was sitting with Mark (Henry) and Bryan (Danielson) in the locker room when sarge busted in and told me ‘Glenn you’re up.’ That meant that it was my turn to sort of go over the part of the rumble that I was going to be part of. It seemed strange getting the call so early, like several hours before the show started but I paid little mind. When I got to Vince’s office he was pacing around and seemed unhinged. ‘Glenn, we need to step up big tonight. You’re going to be a game changer tonight. Can we trust you Glenn?’

Vince has this way of empowering you. I really felt rejuvenated after hearing that. I really wasn’t expecting much for this event but now Vince had my interest peaked. He told me ‘We made some promises to some very loyal people (WWE universe) that a very special return would be happening. A return from Big Daddy Cool! However due to a mutual inability to come to an agreement; Kevin Nash will not be appearing tonight. That doesn’t mean we won’t see Diesel. Are you following me Glenn?’

I was sitting there in his office in disbelief. How in hell is he going to try and run me down the ramp dressed up like Kev (as Diesel) again? He told me they had a wig prepared that would look exactly like Kev’s hair; because I had short hair the time. He told me to go with sarge and test out the gear in private. There was a million things I wanted to say but I was really in such disbelief that I couldn’t mutter a single word. I stood up, Vince slapped me on my shoulder proud as a father could be, and I walked out with sarge leading the way.

I was really hoping this was some sort of joke but as sarge lead me into a private dressing room there it was all over again, the Diesel outfit that had nearly ended my wrestling career sixteen years earlier. Being the loyal employee I put the outfit on as well as the wig and waited in the room for someone to tell me what my match plan was.

It felt like forever waiting in that room staring at the wall wondering why in the hell am I doing this bullshit again? I was really close to taking the shitty outfit off and just going home when Pat (Patterson) came into the dressing room and told me Kev came back and he and Vince worked it out. I needed to give up my Diesel gear and get back in my Kane gear pronto. He told me that they were going with the original plan. One problem; no one told me the original plan. Pat told me to wait here and I did. He came back fifteen minutes later and told me they forgot about Kane and said I would be going in dead last at 40, eliminate EJ (Ezekiel Jackson) and be eliminated by Rey in under two minutes.

So that is why I was number 40. No one ever mentioned the Diesel change to me again. I still can’t believe those f***ers were going to march me down the aisle posing as Kev again. What a f***ing nightmare.

Credit: Busted Open Channel 92 Sirius Radio

Man God

Non-Canon Member
To be fair as much as I love Nashvember and Nashcember having Fake Diez ride one more time would have been AMAZING.


Holy shit that kane story is the funniest thing I've read all week

Vince was seriously all in on trying fake diesel again that far removed from the original incident? Was he going to have it sold as it really being diesel or would it be made fun of on air?
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