The brand doesn't matter. Santino and Tensai are already in and Zack Ryder, Jack Swagger, and David Otunga had qualifying matches.
Good point, yet the cases are still locked to a single brand it seems, a minor shame as I would love to see someone cash in and win only to then get cashed in on by the other guy, it would be like 24/7 Hardcore title for the briefest of moments.
I wonder if Tensei will bust out some awesome tricks in this match, he's gotta mist someone off the ladder at least.
I do hope Ziggler's face turn happens soon:
Do you think in 2031, the WWE wrestlers will be jobbing to guys from today as part of their 2,000 episode celebration?
Amazing Red had to be one of the most wasted talents out there. The guy could do so much but just wasn't given a real opportunity.
He trained Rosita. His legacy will live on through her porn shoots ^_^
Man dolphinboy, you suck.I do hope Ziggler's face turn happens soon:
No split, which is why there's no need for both the World and WWE titles. One would be worthwhile and would actually make it more important - more challengers to fight for it instead of rag-tagging some mid card guy who got no push and is just randomly there because the other heel is out at the moment.The cases are tied to the belts, they're named after hem now, not the brands.
Split is done.
Can't wait for the team up of Goat face and Dolphin boy, animal powers unite!Man dolphinboy, you suck.
zeronxepher 1 hour ago
Cena/Punk-like comedy.
If this did happen you know WWE would go for a Sheamus/Cena face match showdown for historic unification.No split, which is why there's no need for both the World and WWE titles. One would be worthwhile and would actually make it more important - more challengers to fight for it instead of rag-tagging some mid card guy who got no push and is just randomly there because the other heel is out at the moment.
Just look at the WHC as the IC belt of 2012, problem solved I'd reckon.
It can't be just me being old fashioned. I would much prefer them to go the route of one world title, keep the IC title, tag belts, and bring in the lightweight or bring in WCW's cruiserweight. Soon enough I'm sure they'll have some nice high flyers in there from FCW/NXT. It would give Bourne, Sin Cara, Kidd, Hunico, etc. some air time and stories (kidding, we know WWE doesn't do that).If this did happen you know WWE would go for a Sheamus/Cena face match showdown for historic unification.
And of course Cena wins.
It can't be just me being old fashioned. I would much prefer them to go the route of one world title, keep the IC title, tag belts, and bring in the lightweight or bring in WCW's cruiserweight. Soon enough I'm sure they'll have some nice high flyers in there from FCW/NXT. It would give Bourne, Sin Cara, Kidd, Hunico, etc. some air time and stories (kidding, we know WWE doesn't do that).
The only reason we needed the extra title belt was because the rosters were too big, now that's hardly the case at all with the roster stretched thin and filled with jobbers (never forget this years Rumble!). So yeah I would have no qualms about cutting down the main event belts back to just the WWE, would make the title actually seem more worthwhile.
Just thinking about all these solid lower card wrestlers makes me wonder just how the hell haven't WWE capitalised on a tag team division rebirth.
The one problem with having the WWE belt over the WHC title is I don't really want to see the Big Gold Belt retired, and while the WWE title should be the main one, I couldn't stand seeing that ugly-ass belt as the only World Title in WWE.
Just thinking about all these solid lower card wrestlers makes me wonder just how the hell haven't WWE capitalised on a tag team division rebirth.
A tag division is probably the easiest thing to get going in all of pro wrestling. Give guys a team name, give em unique gear, let them fight for the titles. That's it. It's also the easiest match to get over with crowds. 4 people at all times so the spots are bigger, instant pop with hot tags, tag team finishers, etc. Every time someone gets interviewed and says "Yeah, rebuilding the tag division's gonna take some time" I just shake my head and face palm. You have 4, soon to be 5, hours of TV per week and can't build a tag division with all the low card wrestlers at your disposal?
So odds are that like I thought they will add more wrestlers to that match, Rey and Orton surely once they get off their suspensions (assuming Orton is off in time and not heavily reprimanded....heh Orton actually getting punished, hilarious!).
Seen as there are 3 heels and 1 face - we can expect 2 more faces my bet HBK and Mick Foley.
It seems wrestling is on a real downer in terms of live events.
Hopefully next week they have Butterbean beat the shit out of Heath Slater.
Is it true DDP is on Raw tonight?
I can't find any mention on
So Brock is back tonight?
Theodore Long is wasting no time in trying to impress as Interim Raw General Manager. In what's sure to be a thrilling tag team match between Money in the Bank opponents, Long has announced WWE Champion CM Punk and John Cena will face Chris Jericho and Daniel Bryan on tonight's Raw SuperShow at 9/8 CT on USA.
Theodore Long is wasting no time in trying to impress as Interim Raw General Manager. In what's sure to be a thrilling tag team match between Money in the Bank opponents, Long has announced WWE Champion CM Punk and John Cena will face Chris Jericho and Daniel Bryan on tonight's Raw SuperShow at 9/8 CT on USA.
Theodore Long is wasting no time in trying to impress as Interim Raw General Manager. In what's sure to be a thrilling tag team match between Money in the Bank opponents, Long has announced WWE Champion CM Punk and John Cena will face Chris Jericho and Daniel Bryan on tonight's Raw SuperShow at 9/8 CT on USA.
Theodore Long is wasting no time in trying to impress as Interim Raw General Manager. In what's sure to be a thrilling tag team match between Money in the Bank opponents, Long has announced WWE Champion CM Punk and John Cena will face Chris Jericho and Daniel Bryan on tonight's Raw SuperShow at 9/8 CT on USA.
Beginning of the end of this Big Show.TUNE IN LIVE TONIGHT: BIG TAG MATCH ON TAP!
Theodore Long is wasting no time in trying to impress as Interim Raw General Manager. In what's sure to be a thrilling tag team match between Money in the Bank opponents, Long has announced WWE Champion CM Punk and John Cena will face Chris Jericho and Daniel Bryan on tonight's Raw SuperShow at 9/8 CT on USA.
Good storylines take effort, bro.Fucking tag team match...... creatively bankrupt.
When are we getting a good storyline again? Sigh.
He trained Rosita. His legacy will live on through her porn shoots ^_^