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July Wrasslin |OT| The Game, The Kane, The Pain, and The Insane (AJ)



Pretty innovative finish, for sure. Just wasn't the right guy. Does Cena really need a push right now? Ugh. His merch will fly off the shelves regardless.
It's amazingly how incredibly complacent and standard this is. It's like they think no one will notice if they just do the same thing over and over and over and over.

Cena enters himself into the match, wins easily and sells nothing. What a shock.

Cena is the most over wrassler in the company. What do you guys expect, really? Yeah it sucks but until we stop hearing "Let's go Cena, Cena sucks" chants when he's not even in the ring ffs he's going to keep winning. Expect around 4-5 more years of this.
So........are some of you guys ready to give TNA another shot yet? Nothing is going to change with WWE until Vince gets some competition. Seriously, its the same shit year after year, the biggest star in the company is a diva who skips around the ring. Only way Vince gets serious is with some real competition and TNA deserves to have more people watching.

What a contrast from a year ago when MITB 2011 was the best PPV in 10 years or so. Look how they assasinated Punk's character so completely in one calender year. I miss good WWE, I have watched it since the glory days of Hulkamania and it has never been worse than it is right now. Not even when Nash was champ was the company this bad. I am seriously afraid that if this keeps up Pro Wrestling will die, it is that bad.
LOL at people mad about this. The entire match was set up for Cena to win. Who else was possibly going to come down with it? No one. No one else made sense.

I for one am looking forward to the Punk/Cena feud being reignited.

I'm oddly intrigued for watered down face Punk promos against Cena promos, hell Cena can use his gimmick burial on Punk and actually be spitting truth.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Jericho's fat ass must've cracked the latch when he was up there.

I want to taste the tears if Cena cashed in on Punk and won.

Do it, please.
It's amazingly how incredibly complacent and standard this is. It's like they think no one will notice if they just do the same thing over and over and over and over.

Cena enters himself into the match, wins easily and sells nothing. What a shock.

I'm long since numb to Cena winning. It's just sort of darkly amusing now how repetitive and lazy his in your face booking is.

I think we all accept it by now. After he beat The entre Nexus two years ago (including Barrett and Ryback after being DDT'ED ON CONCRETE) I don't think anything is really too surprising. This is what the product is.


Was it? Why did Jericho unhook the top while Miz shot him in the ribs?

I have no idea but they were quick to hit Cena's music plus the text on screen. They planned the Cena win. Besides, there was no other reason Cena was in that match other than being the winner.

I hope Punk haters get a year long Cena reign.


This whole year for Cena is basically setting up Cena vs Rock II for the title at Wrestlemania so Cena can get his win back, calling it right now.


Cena is the most over wrassler in the company. What do you guys expect, really? Yeah it sucks but until we stop hearing "Let's go Cena, Cena sucks" chants when he's not even in the ring ffs he's going to keep winning. Expect around 4-5 more years of this.

They have no one to blame but themselves for making him that way, and they are doing nothing change it. In fact they dig themselves deeper every time they make Cena the main event despite not being champion.

What if Cena was killed in a car accident tomorrow? Their company, as it is right now, would be fucked. No wrestling company should ever revolve entirely around one guy, it's completely terrible planning.


God I hate Cena. Truly hated how MitB ended. I hope cm punk crushes cena when he cashes it in so that Cena can have a new record: first to cash it in and fail miserably.


Unconfirmed Member
So uh...every single briefcase was cashed in by a heel.


Both of Punk's cash-ins were while he was a face (although the second one lead to his heel turn).

Bryan was also a face when he cashed in his briefcase, which ended up leading to a slow burn heel turn.

Rob Van Dam was also a (mega) face when he cashed in on John Cena.
Pretty innovative finish, for sure. Just wasn't the right guy. Does Cena really need a push right now? Ugh. His merch will fly off the shelves regardless.

Does it matter if he gets the title when it means absolute shit? He's in the main event with it or without it, at least it will get rid of any kind of illusion that they're trying to get anybody over but Cena.


How do they build the entire match around "who is AJ going to choose" and end it without her doing a damn thing? Christ on a cracker.

The match was pretty good though and the first mitb match was fun ,but the rest was so uneventful it was ridiculous.


Cena is the most over wrassler in the company. What do you guys expect, really? Yeah it sucks but until we stop hearing "Let's go Cena, Cena sucks" chants when he's not even in the ring ffs he's going to keep winning. Expect around 4-5 more years of this.

That's fucking infuriating. If you don't like Cena, don't chant his name.

The fact of the matter is the entire company revolves around the guy. People's pushes, there spot on the card, everything revolves around John Cena. It makes the show so boring.

When you can predict PPV's months in advance much less the television show becuase of one guy...uhh.


I hope Punk haters get a year long Cena reign.
I hope we get a 10-year Cena reign. And that Vince turns into a zombie and books from the grave like Al Davis when he ran the Raiders for several decades.

It'll be a glorious day when Cena retires. Let's hope he doesn't hang on for as long as Hogan has.
It's not like Cena has a wife and kids to go home, too. Even Hogan had that. Cena only has the WWE Universe. If you don't chant his name any more, he'll have no reason to live. The Cena Sucks people are giving his life its only purpose.


more money than God
Cena is the most over wrassler in the company. What do you guys expect, really? Yeah it sucks but until we stop hearing "Let's go Cena, Cena sucks" chants when he's not even in the ring ffs he's going to keep winning. Expect around 4-5 more years of this.
Most over wrestler doesn't necessarily mean that he has to win every fucking time! SCSA and Rock lost way more often than this.
That's fucking infuriating. If you don't like Cena, don't chant his name.

The problem is that the "Cena Sucks!" chanters are marks. They THINK they're bringing Cena down and being smart by chanting he sucks but don't realize it's doing the complete opposite. They're 100% marks.


Pretty eh PPV overall. The booking was just stupid. The SD MITB was botchamania but was still good, Bryan and Punk was a great match but the booking with AJ was baffling.

The rest was entirely missable.


My Member!

Both of Punk's cash-ins were while he was a face (although the second one lead to his heel turn).

Bryan was also a face when he cashed in his briefcase, which ended up leading to a slow burn heel turn.

Rob Van Dam was also a (mega) face when he cashed in on John Cena.

RVD is STILL the only one to cash in and actually set a date instead of using the briefcase as a glorified Hardcore Title rules ticket.

Cena may be the second to actually set a date, because he's super Cena and won't put someone at a disadvantage.

Personally, I wish they would drop this anytime shit. It's had its run, its nice for a pop, but afterwards it feels pretty meaningless and makes the one who uses it look like a chump that could only win by run in.
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