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July Wrasslin |OT| The Game, The Kane, The Pain, and The Insane (AJ)

How do they build the entire match around "who is AJ going to choose" and end it without her doing a damn thing? Christ on a cracker.

The match was pretty good though and the first mitb match was fun ,but the rest was so uneventful it was ridiculous.

But you guys, her inaction was the most influential part of the match! The way she didn't count for Bryan, pretended not to spring back after the initial bump at first and let Punk drive Bryan through the table completely shifted the match! She controlled everything by doing nothing except skip around the room! Right?


You guys?

You guyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys
Most over wrestler doesn't necessarily mean that he has to win every fucking time! SCSA and Rock lost way more often than this.

Well this just means that Cena is better than those chumps, by extension he's better than the attitude era, all hail Cena and his glorious new regime.


more money than God
It's funny, because it's going to happen.
What difference does it make who holds the belt? This is what so many of you don't seem to get. Cena is the main event. Punk holding the belt means nothing. Cena is in every major storyline, and he is the main event no matter what. He always wins.
I am tired of the Cena vs. Hogan comparisons. It is an insult to Hulk Hogan. At least Hogan could cut a fucking promo and didnt smirk at serious promos. Could you imagine if Hogan would have smirked and laughed at Andre during the WM 3 buildup? Vince would have lost his shit. As boring and predictable as Hogan eventually became he is World's better than John F'n Cena.
Most over wrestler doesn't necessarily mean that he has to win every fucking time! SCSA and Rock lost way more often than this.

That's because WWE had several Cena-level wrestlers during that time. Today it's a different story, he's all they got. The roster is extremely thin with super over stars.


Most over wrestler doesn't necessarily mean that he has to win every fucking time! SCSA and Rock lost way more often than this.

Hell, Rock lost a lot of times when he was on top, and he didn't have half the demographics despising him in 1999-2000 either.



Both of Punk's cash-ins were while he was a face (although the second one lead to his heel turn).

Bryan was also a face when he cashed in his briefcase, which ended up leading to a slow burn heel turn.

Rob Van Dam was also a (mega) face when he cashed in on John Cena.

The only good one is Punk I, but he cashed in on a heel. Punk is no heel, unless they want to bury him I find it extremely unlikely.

Unless Bryan screws Punk and costs him the title, kinda like Edge in Cena vs RVD.
About time this Cena kid gets a push.

Now he'll be able to show the world what he can really do in the ring. (All five moves)

Maybe they'll even get him some ring gear that makes him look like a real wrestler instead of a backyarder in an ECW tribute fed in 2001.

Maybe he'll even get a t-shirt that doesn't require Downs Syndrome to pull off in public.
That's fucking infuriating. If you don't like Cena, don't chant his name.

The fact of the matter is the entire company revolves around the guy. People's pushes, there spot on the card, everything revolves around John Cena. It makes the show so boring.

When you can predict PPV's months in advance much less the television show becuase of one guy...uhh.

Ehh... it will just make the eventual payoff that much more sweet.

If Cena was in the match with Rhodes and Ziggler tonight we'd all have a legit reason to be pissed. But the entire match was just a prop to set up the Punk feud. I mean, every one of those guys has had a title shot in the last 3 months except Miz, who wasn't even promoted as being in the match. So it's not like Cena's win kept anyone else down.


That's because WWE had several Cena-level wrestlers during that time. Today it's a different story, he's all they got.

Which is entirely their own fault. CM Punk SHOULD be a SCSA level superstar right now, but they fucked it up last year and now he's just another guy, albeit a decently over one.
But you guys, her inaction was the most influential part of the match! The way she didn't count for Bryan, pretended not to spring back after the initial bump at first and let Punk drive Bryan through the table completely shifted the match! She controlled everything by doing nothing except skip around the room! Right?


You guys?

You guyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys

Um that whole angle is being dropped obviously because Cena is back in the title picture, Thats why kane was randomly taken out of it


I am tired of the Cena vs. Hogan comparisons. It is an insult to Hulk Hogan. At least Hogan could cut a fucking promo and didnt smirk at serious promos. Could you imagine if Hogan would have smirked and laughed at Andre during the WM 3 buildup? Vince would have lost his shit. As boring and predictable as Hogan eventually became he is World's better than John F'n Cena.
The Ultimate Warrior was less of a cartoon character than John Cena.
The Ultimate Warrior.
Think about that for a second.

Cena's troll face gets better and better with each victory.


What difference does it make who holds the belt? This is what so many of you don't seem to get. Cena is the main event. Punk holding the belt means nothing. Cena is in every major storyline, and he is the main event no matter what. He always wins.

With all the talk of Punk's reign being long, when was the last time his match was the main event of a PPV?
Which is entirely their own fault. CM Punk SHOULD be a SCSA level superstar right now, but they fucked it up last year and now he's just another guy, albeit a decently over one.

That's not an excuse, that's their fault.

You can't manufacture Rock/Austin levels of mega stars. You can't churn them out of a factory. All the stars have to align for guys to get that over, even the time period. In today's hipster, jaded society Austin wouldn't have gotten nearly as over as he did in the late 90s.


When he won the title.

TLC wasn't it?

You can't manufacture Rock/Austin levels of mega stars. You can't churn them out of a factory. All the stars have to align for guys to get that over, even the time period. In today's hipster, jaded society Austin wouldn't have gotten nearly as over as he did in the late 90s.

lol are you kidding me? This company is begging for someone to come in and kick ass. People are tired of PG. Everything is tame. Nobody has any attitude.

Evening Musuko

Black Korea

so how long will they let Ziggler have the belt for lol

As a Heel: One month TOPS.

As a face: Three months. I forgot, Sheamus is supposed to be the top face on Smackdown.

The problem is that the "Cena Sucks!" chanters are marks. They THINK they're bringing Cena down and being smart by chanting he sucks but don't realize it's doing the complete opposite. They're 100% marks.

It's funny because this is 100% true.

Great Smackdown MITB and WWE title matches, WHC was alright as well. The rest was pretty meh. Overall, a disappointment compared to last years.


I am tired of the Cena vs. Hogan comparisons. It is an insult to Hulk Hogan. At least Hogan could cut a fucking promo and didnt smirk at serious promos. Could you imagine if Hogan would have smirked and laughed at Andre during the WM 3 buildup? Vince would have lost his shit. As boring and predictable as Hogan eventually became he is World's better than John F'n Cena.

Cena actually has a bit of a move set, though. Hogan barely did anything. I know. I have his anthology. Most of his matches are boring as shit. Even the ones you think are "legendary," are merely adequate in retrospect. He had some solid storytelling, and his promos were intensely wicked, but I think as a wrestler Cena is actually more varied and talented. Hogan had better storytelling in the ring, though. No one can doubt that IMO.


You can't manufacture Rock/Austin levels of mega stars. You can't churn them out of a factory. All the stars have to align for guys to get that over, even the time period. In today's hipster, jaded society Austin wouldn't have gotten nearly as over as he did in the late 90s.

That's exactly what I just said. They HAD it with Punk last summer, he was poised to be a mega star. They fucked it up and missed their shot.


Bummed at bryan losing... but at least ziggs won. Not that it means anything.... Wasn't surprised at cena winning (why would any of us be?) and I actually enjoyed this show overall.


Sorry TLC 2011

That was a pretty decent match.

Honestly, I think the company would go much further in relieving itself of its Cena dependency problem if they just started ACTING like anything that doesn't involve Cena is important. There was no reason why a Cena/Kane match needed to be the main event of Elimination Chamber.


RVD is STILL the only one to cash in and actually set a date instead of using the briefcase as a glorified Hardcore Title rules ticket.

Cena may be the second to actually set a date, because he's super Cena and won't put someone at a disadvantage.

Mysterio says hi!
That's exactly what I just said. They HAD it with Punk last summer, he was poised to be a mega star. They fucked it up and missed their shot.

I don't think Punk last Summer was anything more than short-term lightning in a bottle. I don't see how they could have extended that and built an era around him a la SCSA and The Rock. Not even close.


You can't manufacture Rock/Austin levels of mega stars. You can't churn them out of a factory. All the stars have to align for guys to get that over, even the time period. In today's hipster, jaded society Austin wouldn't have gotten nearly as over as he did in the late 90s.

CM Punk was over as fuck a year ago. The stars DID align.


Cena actually has a bit of a move set, though. Hogan barely did anything. I know. I have his anthology. Most of his matches are boring as shit. Even the ones you think are "legendary," are merely adequate in retrospect. He had some solid storytelling, and his promos were intensely wicked, but I think as a wrestler Cena is actually more varied and talented. Hogan had better storytelling in the ring, though. No one can doubt that IMO.
i always though Hogan sucked in the ring because he was old, this being during his hollywood hogan days. did he always suck? as for Cena. he is absolutely nuetered due to Vince fearing injury.


Punk was literally flying last year. His name was chanted so loud, but then they fucking jobbed him to Triple H. God damn. What a shit company.
Yes Cena is still the main event, but if a year ago I told you that Daniel Bryan and CM Punk would be putting on WWE title matches for 3 consecutive months you'd all sign for that on the dotted line before I finished the sentence. So, take a little perspective here.


I don't think Punk last Summer was anything more than short-term lightning in a bottle. I don't see how they could have extended that and built an era around him a la SCSA and The Rock. Not even close.

No, just no. You cannot watch that Punk/Cena feud and not see the dozens of places for Punk to go after it, all upward. He was over on a fundamental level


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
What if Cena was killed in a car accident tomorrow? Their company, as it is right now, would be fucked. No wrestling company should ever revolve entirely around one guy, it's completely terrible planning.


The only comparison might be when Bret Hart was wrestling 2 matches every PPV back in 1993-1994ish, but that was when the overall product was rather weak after the mass exodus of established names to WCW.

The current situation is just a giant Cena hard on. WWE's roster is stacked in terms of talent. They're not using any of it though, or if they are, they're using the talent improperly, as tools to put over Cena.


i always though Hogan sucked in the ring because he was old, this being during his hollywood hogan days. did he always suck? as for Cena. he is absolutely nuetered due to Vince fearing injury.

I think Hogan was a ok wrestler in Japan when he was younger, but he was told to limit his moveset in the US in the early 80's, I think.
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