Look, if we're all attaching ourselves to dumb, random hosses then I'm going to be Rob Terry
our theory is that Ryback shoots sperms from his mouth. thus he needs to constantly feed and keep the sperms healthy.
Ryback engulfed it.why did my avatar break?
Ryback engulfed it.
My waifus better wrestlers than yours
Did you know: Daniel Bryan first WHC reign was equal to the combined total number of days for John Cena's reigns as WHC.
I'm pretty sure Kane's breath stinks
Finally, all these mark ass marks were stinking up the joint with their hatin' on Rikishi.Just watched Raw. Gotta say, I marked the FUCK out for Rikishi dancing with his boys. Awesome stuff.
Ridiculous. Rikishi was always awesome. He looked as though he'd never left last night! Dem Usos need a storyline, stat.Finally, all these mark ass marks were stinking up the joint with their hatin' on Rikishi.
How can anyone hate on Rikishi? He's too cool.
Thank you! Thank you.Ridiculous. Rikishi was always awesome. He looked as though he'd never left last night! Dem Usos need a storyline, stat.
Finally, all these mark ass marks were stinking up the joint with their hatin' on Rikishi.
They were? that's not how I remember it, plus I totally expressed my Rikishi markout yesterday but where's my parade?!
So regarding the Smackdown Spoilers....
Interesting choice of words here, unintentionally hilarious.Del Rio accused him of being a chihuahua
AlsoKane being dragged back into the cycle, he has yet to jump free of that romance stage
It's either this or Christian i'd wager, of course it could always be someone entirely new... *cue the Ambrose Alarm*Don't get your hopes up man,I could be wrong, but I really don't think it'll happen.sounds to me they just needed something for Bryan to do on the show and figured Kane made the most sense for a random match.
So are we moving towardsat Summerslam?Daniel Bryan vs. Kane for AJ or something stupid like that
I didn't read the whole SD spoilers, just bits.
It's either this or Christian i'd wager, of course it could always be someone entirely new... *cue the Ambrose Alarm*
This Ambrose fella better be the best wrestler of all time, you people have built his hype up, shame his name sucks but that's the WWE naming machine for you.
The cycle would dictate as such but it's just guess work right now.
Actually, I'm thinking babyface Bryan w/ AJ vs. Barrett at SummerSlam actually.The Christian thing is probably set-up for the IC-title match at Raw 1000? And no, nay-sayers, not because they're depushing Bryan, but because the two of them are probably gonna have a stellar 10-minute bout at that show and they want to convince the casual crowd to tune in after Raw 1000 so they're bringing their A-game.
Sounds good to me.He's a good wrestler with awesome psychology and ring presence (he acts/moves like no one else), but he's fantastic on the mic, one of the best young guys there is.
I'd really ratherBarrett went straight up against Sheamus
He's a good wrestler with awesome psychology and ring presence (he acts/moves like no one else), but he's fantastic on the mic, one of the best young guys there is.
Entropia, Ziggler is feuding with Jericho.
I know, that's what I said!!! ;P
Great moment no doubt.Just watched Raw. Gotta say, I marked the FUCK out for Rikishi dancing with his boys. Awesome stuff.
Serious list:
1. Ziggler
2. D.Brine
3. Jericho
4. Punk
5. Rhodes
It's hard for me to put someone like Rhodes on here when he's doing jack shit. I mean it was either him or Ziggler that wins the MITB match, but he's probably going to be floating around not doing anything for the time being which sucks.
Honorable mentions to AW/PTP and Slater.
CHIKARA - The Foggiest Notion - June 23rd, Strathroy, Ontario
1. Leah Von Dutch vs. Sara Del Rey
2. Tim Donst vs. Sugar Dunkerton
3. Jakob Hammermeier vs. Ethan Page vs. Sebastian Suave vs. Buxx Belmar
4. Dasher Hatfield vs. El Generico
5. Icarus Interview
6. The Shard v, AssailANT & DeviANT vs. Mike Quackenbush & The Colony (Green Ant & Soldier Ant)
7. Jigsaw vs. Ophidian
8. Bravado Brothers vs. 3.0
CHIKARA - Smack in the Middle - June 24th, Syracuse, NY
1. DeviANT vs. Green Ant
2. Jakob Hammermeier vs. Sugar Dunkerton
3. The Shard vs. Jigsaw
4. Tim Donst vs. Sara Del Rey
5. Bravado Brothers vs. Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black
6. Mr. Touchdown vs. Jason Axe vs. Tripp Cassidy vs. Ryan Rush
7. AssailANT vs. Soldier Ant
8. F.I.S.T. (Icarus, Johnny Gargano & Chuck Taylor) vs. 3.0, Akuma & El Generico
9. Dasher Hatfield vs. Eddie Kingston
That's pretty much my list for now. Let's hope Damien Sandow gets more matches and an actual fued. Then you can take Jericho off the list and place Damien there
They should re-start up that gimmick he had for a bit where he sort of "discovered" his wrestling powers. If he ditched the cobra stuff, I see no reason why Santino, as a performer, couldn't build up the US title over time. I think he's very good at what he does. It's just the material he's given is dreadful.I'd recommend putting him against Christian for the IC title. While Santino and the US title makes sense from a character perspective, the US title is a black hole and Santino more so.