I honestly do not remember alot or actually any dialogue.
are you going to be eating crow today?
Is all this Sting talk bullshit or is there an actual rumor of him showing up? Literally been out of the loop for a few weeks and planned on watching BG on in the morning but if there is a change the Stinger is going to show up ill watch it live. True Detective can wait.
lol@"might not be good"
Honestly I'd say fire all the black wrestlers. They pretty much have nothing going for them.I think Wade Barrett is fine. He's just saddled with a kiss of death gimmick, and is programmed with Ron Killings, whom WWE should have cut 5 years ago but can't because he's probably the kind of person who would scream racial discrimination.
So good. I think Gable and Jordan will both be huge stars one day, possibly main eventers.
dream, this episode of Saturday Night features Steve Regal taking Beautiful Bobby Eaton out to buy some clothes and make him into a gentleman.
This has dream written all over it baby
Honestly I'd say fire all the black wrestlers. They pretty much have nothing going for them.
Doubt he'll be at the PPV tonight buthe's currently scheduled for Summerslam
dirtsheet unconfirmed house show rumour alert
Yes please![]()
I don't have confidence that they can work that and the other women's storyline at the same time. They'll half-ass both, and the burial of the NXT women will be complete within two months.
Who is on the painting.
A match has been added
Charlotte/Brie/Sasha triple threat
A match has been added
Charlotte/Brie/Sasha triple threat
A match has been added
Charlotte/Brie/Sasha triple threat
A match has been added
Charlotte/Brie/Sasha triple threat
A match has been added
Charlotte/Brie/Sasha triple threat
Better because everyone else is spoiling it. Plus that person is just there to take the fall.
Bigger qustion with that match
Do they get more than 5 minutes?
Bigger qustion with that match
Do they get more than 5 minutes?
Bigger qustion with that match
Do they get more than 5 minutes?
Damn no Rusev on the card tonight? Fuck that
They BETTER give this at least 10 minutes. Coming off the recent promo, I'm hoping they go all in and make this a good match.
Like I said, he's in a bad position because Dolph's filming till right before Summerslam, so he only has 3 weeks to be 1) in a feud and 2) win or lose said feud
A match has been added
Charlotte/Brie/Sasha triple threat
They BETTER give this at least 10 minutes. Coming off the recent promo, I'm hoping they go all in and make this a good match.
A match has been added
Charlotte/Brie/Sasha triple threat