Ugly. Looks like Medieval Times.Unused KOTR belt
You fake sport fucks are missing the most incredible beach volleyball game.
Channel?You fake sport fucks are missing the most incredible beach volleyball game.
This should have been a thing. I rather see this getting defended than the US title....
If Cena wasn't defending the belt
Indeed. The concept alone would put butts into seats. Storylines, big fight feels, prestige, and etc.
Sigh....Sheamus with that goofy ass beard and haircut holding the belt around his waist.
Mabel/Viscera/Big Daddy V (RIP :[) had it made after his win, and it was specifically not used on TV because he had it made, WWE didn't make it, and he didn't ask Papa Vince for permission before requesting it be made by the third party.
It's a comforting story for when you wonder if it's only been recently that people trying to get over on their own have been brushed off if not outright punished for it.
Wasn't everyone complaining about silly random generator names? Now they're getting rid of them for gimmick names and it still isn't good?
Cesaro > Antonio Cesaro. King > Wade.
at this rate pretty soon we'll see only Owens because by Vince logic people might confuse him with Kevin Nash
Sigh....Sheamus with that goofy ass beard and haircut holding the belt around his waist.
I never understood why you all dislike Sheamus. He's got a good look, is a good promo, and works a modified American Strong Style that makes you believe he's legit tough. I think he's a far more credible top heel than Seth Rollins.
I never understood why you all dislike Sheamus. He's got a good look, is a good promo, and works a modified American Strong Style that makes you believe he's legit tough. I think he's a far more credible top heel than Seth Rollins.
I never understood why you all dislike Sheamus. He's got a good look, is a good promo, and works a modified American Strong Style that makes you believe he's legit tough. I think he's a far more credible top heel than Seth Rollins.
I never understood why you all dislike Sheamus. He's got a good look, is a good promo, and works a modified American Strong Style that makes you believe he's legit tough. I think he's a far more credible top heel than Seth Rollins.
I never understood why you all dislike Sheamus. He's got a good look, is a good promo, and works a modified American Strong Style that makes you believe he's legit tough. I think he's a far more credible top heel than Seth Rollins.
Sheamus has been a top 5 to top 10 worker in the WWE for the past few years, but he's never been in the main event of a ROH show, has muscles, wins too many matches, and is Triple H's gym buddy, so he's "boring" and "pushed down our throats."
Wade Barrett is one of the worst wrestlers in the WWE currently.
I think Wade Barrett is fine. He's just saddled with a kiss of death gimmick, and is programmed with Ron Killings, whom WWE should have cut 5 years ago but can't because he's probably the kind of person who would scream racial discrimination.
So watching this week's NXT, did Baron Corbin turn heel?
Wade Barrett is one of the worst wrestlers in the WWE currently.
He did a promotional where he said he won real championships and made more money than everyone else, then said he didn't care when the fans booed him.
I always thought he was popular with the fans, but I guess he is dastardly and hated.
In many ways, Wade Barrett vs. Sheamus is this generation's version of Steve Regal vs. Dave Finlay.
You mean because everyone changes the channel when it's on?
In many ways, Wade Barrett vs. Sheamus is this generation's version of Steve Regal vs. Dave Finlay.
The WCW Power Plant is a former professional wrestling school located at 1030 Carrol Drive in Atlanta, Georgia and owned and operated by World Championship Wrestling. The Power Plant, which was developed from a school was in operation throughout the 1990s. It stopped holding jerk off contests in December 1999 and closed in March 2001 when WCW's asses were sold to the World Wildlife foundation.
I decided to take a stroll down Wikipedia lane after my last post and I see the WCW's Power Plant page has been vandalized and neglected.
Like people talk about Erick Rowan not being a good wrestler, but I don't see one thing from Wade that makes him any better. Outside of people being impressed where he has 'lets stiff each other' matches with Sheamus which got REALLY old REALLY fast.
He also wrestles like a big guy despite the fact that he can't bulk which is never a good look.
In many ways, Wade Barrett vs. Sheamus is this generation's version of Steve Regal vs. Dave Finlay.
I don't get it. He's a tall, incredibly cut up dude. I get his in ring is uninspiring and he's fragile like Michael Owen but surely his look is something that can't really be criticized.
I don't get it. He's a tall, incredibly cut up dude. I get his in ring is uninspiring and he's fragile like Michael Owen but surely his look is something that can't really be criticized.