Hidden One
That match gets no more than ten minutes from bell to bell. I'm willing to make an avatar bet on it.

That match gets no more than ten minutes from bell to bell. I'm willing to make an avatar bet on it.
From Alvarez saying after losing to Owens Cena's merch and house show numbers go down to they gave him his win back.
That Vince over reaction.
There are 3 matches on this card that can have interference in it. One that most likely going to happen is thatCesaro going to interfere in the match and cost Owens the title or give Cena the win to lead to a 3 way where Owens gets the title and Cesaro takes the pin
From Alvarez saying after losing to Owens Cena's merch and house show numbers go down to they gave him his win back.
That Vince over reaction.
There are 3 matches on this card that can have interference in it. One that most likely going to happen is thatCesaro going to interfere in the match and cost Owens the title or give Cena the win to lead to a 3 way where Owens gets the title and Cesaro takes the pin
Does anyone in WWE have any balls
Does anyone actually care about that spoiler? If anyone has not highlighted it, let us know.
Ever since they announced Balor vs. Owens for the NXT Brooklyn show, I felt like it was basically a guarantee Owens wouldn't leave Battleground with the U.S. Title. No way they'd have Owens win the NXT title again, and I doubt they'd want Balor to beat their U.S. champ the night before Sunmerslam.
One of those is not like the others
That makes too much sense. Damn. Well, SummerSlam should be good.
If that happens I'm fine with it because its a great match and the pop for the win will be huge in Brooklyn.
Seth did the same thing tho and this was when Nexus was built to be just credible enough for Cena to run through.Barrett did the gimmick better because dude backed his shit up. Sheamus can put on a good match when he feels like it, but that's about it.
Credible top heel LMAO
That makes too much sense. Damn. Well, SummerSlam should be good.
Ever since they announced Balor vs. Owens for the NXT Brooklyn show, I felt like it was basically a guarantee Owens wouldn't leave Battleground with the U.S. Title. No way they'd have Owens win the NXT title again, and I doubt they'd want Balor to beat their U.S. champ the night before Sunmerslam.
Yeah plus they taped NXT shows that went past Battleground with Owens on the show.
The next NXT tapings are going to interesting because the first episode is the go home show for the show on Saturday and it seems the NXT show at summerslam will have a taping that will take place after Summerslam.
So they will have 2 or 3 episodes to tape on the NXT tapings that don't spoil the results on Saturday.
I think tonight's show is gonna be good too. With the women's match being added, cena v owens and seth v brock we've got half the show pretty much guaranteed to be interesting viewing whether it is good or bad. PTP and New day might pull out a good match too.
To those who are posting Cena Wins Lol kinds of posts well I say this - Cena's US title run has bred a lot of great matches and made this title crucial for performers like Cesaro and Rusev, and Neville had a good match with him too. This is the right spot for Cena in my eyes and I'm rooting for him tonight to get that four way with cesaro, rusev and owens at summerslam. We could still get it is Cena loses but I want those open challenge matches to continue for a few more weeks.
Apparently the plan is to run the special in Brooklyn and then tape an episode of TV immediately after on the same night.
Apparently the plan is to run the special in Brooklyn and then tape an episode of TV immediately after on the same night.
But it's Battleground. It's always shit. And by always, I mean the last two times.
I don't care who wins in the Cena-Owens feud as long as the match ends clean.
Let Cena have his rematch on raw if he loses
Hell have him win the title back but this PPV should have a clean finish
No Ambrose rusev and Cesaro matches tonight.
Okay so is John Cena the star or Trainwreck of Amy Schumer?
It isn't out here yet, but I understand he's just a supporting comedic role and people are saying he's pretty good in it. That's a movie I was gonna see anyway, Amy Schumer has been pretty funny on her show lately, but seeing Cena in a funny role is a side attraction to it as well.
Okay so is John Cena the star or Trainwreck of Amy Schumer?
It was a joke about the WWE promo video for it being all about Cena and barely having Amy in it.
This Owens feud would be great if he was going to go over in it. "I already belong, I don't need you to decide when I belong" etc. But Cena never loses feuds ever so this will all go nowhere.
I was up for watching the special tonight but you all convinced me not to. So thank you.
WTF am I looking at.
Look at it this way guys, you have two choices. Either Cena wins tonight and we still get great U.S. Challenge matches every week, or he loses and goes back to the main event. He won't ever just wallow in mediocrity like Sheamus or Orton.
the embodiment of pure masculinity, something you wouldn't know anything about, obviously
WTF am I looking at.