Sibersk Esto
Enjoy the show, friends.
Authority/Seth Promo, Heyman Promo, Undertaker Promo.
Maybe Wyatt.
Enjoy the show, friends.
Enjoy the show, friends.
It would just blow up in his face when he talks about Swedish things like the Eiffel Tower or Big Ben or something.#TalkingEra continues, breh. It's sink or swim time. Give Cesaro 10 minutes with the pipe bomb.
Enjoy the show, friends.
lmao if you think Rollins and Ambrose are going to main eventing a big show. Rollins was literally a crash test dummy tonight and made to look like a complete afterthought. I'm sure he's going out tonight and cutting the same promo he has since WM Just fucking fantastic.
Ambrose is going to be Reigns buddy that occasionally gets to feud with some other goober jobber.
If hair is growing on him that means he's still alive. A good sign.
No serious injuries coming out of last night's show. There were 500,000 searches for the show, way above usual for a "B" show, which is about 200,000. That was likely due to Undertaker, who was the most searched name yesterday. It was No. 2 for the day behind Mick Fanning.
The belief is the ratings tonight will be well up from recent weeks due to bringing back Undertaker.
People here complain about the Undertaker but the crowd and everyone else is interested in his return. From Meltzer:
There is a lot of interest in his return to Raw tonight.
People here complain about the Undertaker but the crowd and everyone else is interested in his return. From Meltzer:
There is a lot of interest in his return to Raw tonight.
That's why it makes sense, guys. Maybe you'll agree with me now that Meltzer has chimed in. This is bigger than SummerSlam. This is bigger than Network subs. This is about brand buzz. This is Mark Calaway.
Who would ignore scabro? I feel like I'm on the right side of history on this one.
That's a good point. Is there anyone more affable and harmless than scabro, other than plywood?
well thanks friends. i find you all equally un ignorable. its nice we are united in this trying time of weird passive aggressive ignore list posting. really though, who ignores plywood? i guess only a jabronie mark without a life that don't know it a work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot,mark.I dont get how anyone can dislike scabro or heel. Those two are community treasures.
Well here's your problem
i guess only a jabronie mark without a life that don't know it a work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot,mark.
People here complain about the Undertaker but the crowd and everyone else is interested in his return. From Meltzer:
There is a lot of interest in his return to Raw tonight.
Temporary short term ratings pop, big whoop. Pure desperation having to rely on a 50 year old man to pop a rating
People here complain about the Undertaker but the crowd and everyone else is interested in his return. From Meltzer:
There is a lot of interest in his return to Raw tonight.
why didn't WWE bother to get MSG?
I mean if they have taker they would have sold it out.
Temporary short term ratings pop, big whoop. Pure desperation having to rely on a 50 year old man to pop a rating
Like I said earlier, you won't get long-term Network subs on the back of guys who will wrestle once then leave. If you were still trying to sell individual PPVs, it works. But it's not a sustainable business model if you are trying to sell long-term subscriptions.
Because of the way they set up the building, and the cost to run it, MSG is barely a break even for a live televised show even if they sell out completely.
they would get way more attention and eyes on the product selling out that building than the Barclays center.
Real Ass Mark Calaway is giving every single guy on that roster a platform tonight. He's bringing the eyeballs, and it's up to these young bucks to keep them. That's not a "ratings pop" my dude, it's an opportunity.
I think you overestimate the value of MSG in 2015.
Like I said earlier, you won't get long-term Network subs on the back of guys who will wrestle once then leave. If you were still trying to sell individual PPVs, it works. But it's not a sustainable business model if you are trying to sell long-term subscriptions.
I think we should take up a collection. Flair needs to just shave his off with who his is going he's going to have a head that's completely bald on the left side in the next couple years anyway.Can Roman lend him some of his hair folicles?
How on earth are people surprised by this? Like, I know it was 6 months ago, but people really didn't already forget them bringing out the Rock to get booed for giving him a rub, right?
And they obviously value Sting less than the Rock. He couldn't even beat HHH with help and a weapon, and then he shook the damn man's hand after that clowning.
The ratings are fine friends. Peep those HUT numbers.
considering they have just done major renovations on it and they havn't run a PPV there since it would be huge.
Your argument has, and has had, valid points. The problem is I'm not sure it applies to WWE. Simply because I genuinely don't have enough confidence in them to think about long-term subs. Or think of the Network as permanently sustainable. Or at least not in its current form (I've felt even with the delays they put the Network up too soon before they had the resources and personnel to use it to its full advantage).
No black wrestlers in the poster because they're not here to put the NYPD over. That, and they're stuck in St. Louis thanks to the STLPD.
@Vince The graphics are the best part of the Ascension for sure.
No, it isn'tTar :/...that's a new one.
Also fuck that poster. It's just generic .PNGs of wrestlers dropped onto a generic NYC-looking wannabe subway platform, with no character or reason to get excited. It's Summerslam, the biggest show of the year, and you go with a dozen people standing around looking all moody? Really? Why would that possibly make me wanna watch Summerslam?
Jesus christ, WWE Corporate.
Please stop saying heinous things about Mark Calloway.