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July Wrasslin' |OT|

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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All indications are that Steph and Hunter really do want to change stuff, but they have to overcome the other political forces at work.
Well, sure... but Vince and Kevin and the other relics are still around.
So any change they promise until they leave is purely lip service.
I saw it and it was great match. Sadly neither one of those ladies were in tonight's match.

Those kind of things take time, sadly. If that match had just happened out of the blue instead of being built to from the moment Becky turned and aligned with Sasha last year, it wouldn't have been as good. I'm hoping that the women's stuff is something that Vince doesn't care enough about to meddle in. So maybe we can get the type of builds we see down there. Maybe I'm wrong, but it'll take more than one week to determine that.


I like that Titus is at least getting to show his stuff.

With some of the press on him lately he might eventually have a semi decent singles push.




I would hope so but you know they push a black man once every blue moon.

This is true.

But let's face facts, except for John Cena, Brock Lesner and perhaps the Undertaker in the WWE's mind no one else is main event material. Everyone else gets shuffled up and down as needs dictate. They've been trying damn hard with Roman but WWE gonna WWE on that.
I just realized I can't remember the last Reigns promo. I guess ignoring Raw until I hear something interesting in the background has something to do with it.


I wonder what WWE thinks about a feud involving 5/7ths the black male talent on the roster being the best feud they've got.

I say strike while the iron is hot and get Henry there full time and R Truth as well.
Of course the feud lives on, it's not like they have any other teams.

That was my thought we have PTP and New Day as legitimate teams with Los Matadores, Lucha Dragons, The Ascension and the Meta Powers as comedy acts/ jobbers. Unless Bray and Harper are going for the tag titles they could do worse than Show and Kane to build up the division. It's dangerously low on faces though.
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