Most chips in general are gross. But doritos are just extra gross. Like they're barely recognizable as chips.
Have my favourite GIFs.Hey, I made the Wall of Shame!
Sneaking in before June officially ends, here's my TOD review. Warning, it is very image/gif heavy. It's all WebM, so hopefully I shouldn't destroy your bandwidth too much.
If you just want to see my freakout about my needle phobia being tested, skip to the DJ Hyde vs Thumbtack Jack match.
God damn it, Flammable.
YES! UltraViolence lives! That one with the fork in the forehead is fucking gross though, lol.
I had to film some of that stuff but not that
In which case I apologise for blaming you for the backstage bits![]()
YES! UltraViolence lives! That one with the fork in the forehead is fucking gross though, lol.
I'll admit that I'm chuckling even as I'm cursing BronsonLee, Flammable, Boots, and Deej for inflicting this on my life.
I wouldn't mind Doritos as much if my hands werent a disgusting mess after eating them
Doritos are a classic gaming snack mistake. Delicious but impossible to eat and game without going Bull Dempsey on your controller or having to pause too often for hand cleaning.
Cheddar Goldfish remain the GOAT gaming snack. Little residue, quality taste, easily scooped, not calorically dense. The snack that smiles back.
I have demolished a Bull Dempsey-esque number of these cartons in my gaming career.
Linked by request:
Cena once said that about Cesaro.what
This dude is going to be running WWE in 2 years
Guy looks like a 80s territory heavyweight champion. Hunter will push him to the moon.
You know, if Finn beats Owens to take the NXT title and Owens beats Cena to take the US title, I wouldn't object to Cena resurrecting the tag title scene next. Finn can feud with Breeze in NXT until Itami comes back; Owens can feud with Cesaro or Neville for a bit; Cena tags with, say, Neville or Stardust, for a nice tag team run against PTP, New Day, and so on.
i wouldn't mind cena trying to lift the curse off the IC belt if he loses the US Title. If he loses the US Title though I have a feeling he's rocketing into the main event scene.
This dude is going to be running WWE in 2 years
Guy looks like a 80s territory heavyweight champion. Hunter will push him to the moon.
The last page was a disaster. I can't believe people not only eat Doritos on sandwichs, but also eat Doritos with ketchup or salsa. The Doritos with ketchup is just horrible.
Friend Sunny, please include more little fun additions to some GWF entrances like the addition to Heel's entrance last night. That was both perfect and hilarious.
We all agree cool ranch is the best right
We all agree cool ranch is the best right
Yknow what's nasty? The "classic" Taco flavor doritos. Don't ever eat that.
Man God is going to be upset when he sees this thread.