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July Wrasslin' |OT|

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
  • Start date


All this talk about sabbaticals and rest periods is fine, but you have to answer these questions.

What do you do about the fan that tunes out for six months while John Cena isn't in the rotation?

What do you do when your merch sales suffer and take a 50% hit? 75%?

What about when people unsubscribe from the Network because their faves are off for six months?

How do you placate your investors, knowing damn well you can't just stick someone in Cena's slot and they'll generate the same money, because they won't. What are your answers to these questions?

You don't build your entire company around one guy, for starters. There's nobody who can captain the ship while Cena isn't there, even in the Hogan days there were people who could hold the fort down while he was gone. Hogan still had Macho Man behind him, and later on had Ultimate Warrior. When Bret Hart was the main guy there was still HBK. During the Attitude Era there was both Austin and The Rock, as well as HHH.
Or just more simply, when someone has a feud going on, and are on the show with developing segments for 4 weeks straight, maybe they get the next few weeks off, freeing up space to develop someone else's character, letting them rest up and also recharging their potential storylines.

Wyatt's a good example of a guy who is on every PPV and most Raws and almost never has anything important going on. He should've taken a month off somewhere and they could have positioned him better with a meaningful feud rather than Ryback and whoever else he's had this year except Undertaker.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Except I feel like dudes that are crazy into wrestling as an artform or sport are people like HHH, Mick, and Flair. I feel like if Cena truly cared about wrestling as a whole he would be pushing the limit of what storylines and the types of matches that he has. Right now he is expanding his moveset way above anyone of his size or position needs to be but he has also been the main event for almost 13 years.

I think Cena loves what he does but I think he doesn't see himself trying to evolve the sport itself.

I have issues with the "Cena doesn't care about wrestling as a whole" as he continues to not only keep the company afloat, but extend its reach, appear on talk shows, and IS advancing the entire medium.

In this situation wwe is a competent company that can build multiple stars not a company with a highlander at the top

There'll always be ONE that'll rise to the top beyond all others. It's not so homogenous. And then someone says "well why STOP?" because profits, publicly traded company...it gets murky.
I have issues with the "Cena doesn't care about wrestling as a whole" as he continues to not only keep the company afloat, but extend its reach, appear on talk shows, and IS advancing the entire medium.

There'll always be ONE that'll rise to the top beyond all others. It's not so homogenous. And then someone says "well why STOP?" because profits, publicly traded company...it gets murky.

It's never been like this though.

Hogan had macho
Bret had Shawn
Austin had Rock
Cena has No one (maybe punk or HHH)

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
John Cena would not still be with the WWE if he didn't love the company and its history. He loves it more than anyone there. What the fuck are you talking about?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You don't build your entire company around one guy, for starters. There's nobody who can captain the ship while Cena isn't there, even in the Hogan days there were people who could hold the fort down while he was gone. Hogan still had Macho Man behind him, and later on had Ultimate Warrior. When Bret Hart was the main guy there was still HBK. During the Attitude Era there was both Austin and The Rock, as well as HHH.

Don't get me wrong, I think there's WAYS to continue with one flagship person and still make it an easier schedule without sacrificing any of his dates.


All this talk about sabbaticals and rest periods is fine, but you have to answer these questions.

What do you do about the fan that tunes out for six months while John Cena isn't in the rotation?

What do you do when your merch sales suffer and take a 50% hit? 75%?

What about when people unsubscribe from the Network because their faves are off for six months?

How do you placate your investors, knowing damn well you can't just stick someone in Cena's slot and they'll generate the same money, because they won't. What are your answers to these questions?

I'd say you should have made more stars than just Cena.
It's garbage.

but it's under $20 ...

I don't think Cena is as all-encompassing as everyone here seems to think he is. Maybe because I never saw his peak years, but he hasn't been WWE champion in a year now, and hasn't even been in the title picture at all since January. He hasn't opened and closed every show, and since WM he's rarely been opening or closing anything. He gets a good amount of time but that time has been used to show off other guys as much as it has him.

Although, I won't deny he has a frustrating tendency of steamrolling people with more potential than him (we've seen absolutely everything Cena can ever do, or at least all I'm interested in seeing), like Rusev and Kevin Owens (early to call with KO, I guess, so we'll see), who deserve to have moved into holding and competing for championships and trying out new aspects of their character. That's really the problem with Cena, that he is a dead-end for anyone who feuds with him, not that he is constantly the main focus of the show cos that just doesn't seem to be true anymore.

Dean, Roman, Seth and Brock have been the most prominent main eventers this year.


I have issues with the "Cena doesn't care about wrestling as a whole" as he continues to not only keep the company afloat, but extend its reach, appear on talk shows, and IS advancing the entire medium.

There'll always be ONE that'll rise to the top beyond all others. It's not so homogenous. And then someone says "well why STOP?" because profits, publicly traded company...it gets murky.

I think Cena is for advancing the WWE. That's why somebody like him would agree to take the US title on the cache that he had control over the promos. It's why his program has been the highlight of raw whereas the scripted main event has been dragged down by Ambrose being far move over than he should be, Reigns nowhere near over enough to be booked like Hulk Hogan, and Kane's overuse has caused the program to feel stale.

Could you see Cena like Flair of Foley after being forced to retire for storyline reasons going to another place just to wrestle?

Flair never wanted to retire and his retirement was to bolster a weak card. If he just wanted a paycheck he could have stayed with WWE and never went to TNA.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It's never been like this though.

Hogan had macho
Bret had Shawn
Austin had Rock
Cena has No one (maybe punk or HHH)

Macho never sniffed the popularity Hogan did. Shawn and Bret were at a dark period where neither dude was the Guy. Austin far outpaced Rock.
It's never been like this though.

Hogan had macho
Bret had Shawn
Austin had Rock
Cena has No one (maybe punk or HHH)

Cena has Orton, Edge and Punk. I'm pretty sure Cena has been the top guy longer than all the others you listed, so he didn't really have that one prominent feud like the others did.
In other news AAA's triplemanaia will be on real ass PPV. PENTAGOD ON YOUR TV!

An announcement will be made officially later today that TripleMania, AAA's biggest event of the year, will be airing live on PPV in the U.S. and Canada on Sunday, 8/9.

The show will be airing from 7-10 p.m. Eastern time live on all the major PPV carriers, through inDemand, Dish, DirecTV, Bell Canada Satellite and Rogers in Canada, headlined by the first-time ever match with Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Myzteziz.

The show will be priced at $19.95 for SD and $29.95 for HD.

Two other matches announced for the show are Alberto El Patron vs. Brian Cage in a hair vs. hair match, and a trios match with Los Villanos III & IV & V facing The Psycho Circus in what will be the retirement match for Villano III, one of Mexico's most enduring stars of the modern era.

Most of the AAA-based stars of Lucha Underground are expected to perform on the show. The complete lineup is expected to be released on Friday.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Don't get me wrong, I like Macho, a lot. He's important - to wrestling. Hogan transcended that business, Macho never did no matter how many times you snapped into a Slim Jim or bought the Be A Man album.


So what are the top 5 cena matches? (Lets limit this to singles matches)

vs Punk MITB '11
vs Lesnar Sumerslam '13
vs JBL Judgment Day '05
vs Edge Backlash '09
vs Owens Elimination Chamber '15


Don't get me wrong, I like Macho, a lot. He's important - to wrestling. Hogan transcended that business, Macho never did no matter how many times you snapped into a Slim Jim or bought the Be A Man album.

If you ask a random person on the street who they're more familiar with, Macho Man or Hulk Hogan, they'd probably say Hogan.

But if you asked a random person the street who they're more familiar with, Macho Man or John Cena, they'd probably say Macho Man.


All this talk about sabbaticals and rest periods is fine, but you have to answer these questions.

What do you do about the fan that tunes out for six months while John Cena isn't in the rotation?

What do you do when your merch sales suffer and take a 50% hit? 75%?

What about when people unsubscribe from the Network because their faves are off for six months?

How do you placate your investors, knowing damn well you can't just stick someone in Cena's slot and they'll generate the same money, because they won't. What are your answers to these questions?

If you become the guy...no time off! Just less house shows

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Shit, I would put Andre with Hogan before Macho.

I would too. Andre was somethin' special.

If you ask a random person on the street who they're more familiar with, Macho Man or Hulk Hogan, they'd probably say Hogan.

But if you asked a random person the street who they're more familiar with, Macho Man or John Cena, they'd probably say Macho Man.

I dunno, a LOT of folks saw The Marine...

If you become the guy...no time off! Just less house shows

I think house shows are super important to it though. That's where you move that merch in bulk. Not just televised shows.


If you've beaten Witcher 3, get the season pass. If you haven't, wait for it to go on sale.

but...its cheap...

True...I just bought it and having a blast with it. I'm thinking about getting the pass since the last two games have the dlc to go along with them. I can't shake the completionist side of me :/

BTW...2K15 got them mods though :p.


I would too. Andre was somethin' special.

I dunno, a LOT of folks saw The Marine...

I think house shows are super important to it though. That's where you move that merch in bulk. Not just televised shows.

Well then maybe not Wrestle every Monday. But we are so used to it now. At least with Cena.
True...I just bought it and having a blast with it. I'm thinking about getting the pass since the last two games have the dlc to go along with them. I can't shake the completionist side of me :/

BTW...2K15 got them mods though :p.

we can make our indie personas and run wild online together, brother.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Razor Ramon vs. The Kid
RAW • May 17, 1993

Razor Ramon vs. 1-2-3 Kid
RAW • June 21, 1993

Diesel vs. Razor Ramon
RAW • November 29, 1993

Shawn Michaels vs. 1-2-3 Kid
RAW • December 6, 1993

WWE Tag Team Championship Match
The Quebecers vs. Razor Ramon & 1-2-3 Kid
RAW • February 21, 1994

Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Championship
Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels
WrestleMania X • March 20, 1994

Intercontinental Championship Match
Razor Ramon vs. Diesel
Superstars • April 30, 1994

Shawn Michaels & Diesel vs. Razor Ramon & 1-2-3 Kid
Action Zone • October 30, 1994 (overlooked classic)

Survivor Series Elimination Match
The Bad Guys (Razor Ramon, 1-2-3 Kid, British Bulldog & The Headshrinkers) vs. The Teamsters (Diesel, Shawn Michaels, Jeff Jarrett, Owen Hart & Jim Neidhart)
Survivor Series • November 23, 1994

Razor Ramon vs. Hunter Hearst-Helmsley
RAW • January 22, 1996

“Cry Baby” Match
Razor Ramon vs. 1-2-3 Kid
In Your House • February 18, 1996

No Holds Barred Match for the WWE Championship
Shawn Michaels vs. Diesel
In Your House: Good Friends, Better Enemies • April 28, 1996

Shawn Michaels vs. Hunter Hearst-Helmsley
RAW • May 13, 1996

“MSG Curtain Call”
Madison Square Garden • May 19, 1996

WCW Tag Team Championship Match
The Outsiders vs. The Steiner Brothers
WCW Nitro • January 12, 1998

Kevin Nash vs. Scott Hall
WCW Halloween Havoc • October 25, 1998

Triple H vs. X-Pac
Backlash • April 25, 1999

Six-Man Tag Team Match
Kevin Nash, Scott Hall & X-Pac vs. Hulk Hogan, The Rock & Kane
SmackDown • March 28, 2002

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Triple H vs. Kevin Nash
Judgment Day • May 18, 2003

Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match
DX (Shawn Michaels & Triple H) vs. Jeri-Show (The Big Show & Chris Jericho)
TLC • December 13, 2009

Scott Hall & Syxx vs. Harlem Heat
WCW Nitro • July 14, 1997

Kevin Nash vs. The Rock
SmackDown • March 21, 2002

Sledgehammer Ladder Match
Triple H vs. Kevin Nash
TLC • December 18, 2011

Triple H vs. Sting
WrestleMania XXXI • March 29, 2015
Work horse Razor on this kliq dvd
WWE 2K15 is on sale for 67% off on STEAM I'd totally get it if anyone else is going to grab it. Could make for some funny shenanigans

I still stand by it from a gameplay perspective. I played upwards of 30 hours on the PS4 version (yes, I'm a masochist) and had some great matches during that time. The Showcase mode is work about $15 alone IMO.

What pissed of a lot of people was the ridiculous amount of cut content. No create-a-diva or create-an-arena was terrible. At least the latter can be rectified with mods from the looks of it.

On PS4 the CAW limit was only 25 but I believe it was patched to 50 on PC.

At least with the PC version you can inject titantrons and music updates for your wrestlers. We couldn't even get 2k to give us a fucking update to Seth Rollons or Dean Ambrose theme on PS4.

What's interesting though is that modders actually fund Seth and Dean's update titantron and music in the code/files of the PC version. Never actually added to the final game though.

There is still a chance that 2k16 may get a PC version. Hopefully it comes at launch.

Edit: MyCareer mode is terrible. Don't touch it. Just stay away from that. It's boring as fuck. Even in my 30 hours on PS4 I never bothered to finish it.


Judging from footage, the career mode in 2k15 is just Bill DeMott yelling at CAWs and Vicki Guerrero calling you about matches.


Off topic, but holy shit Jurassic World is the #3 highest grossing movie of all time now? Fucking hell, if nostalgia carried that movie that far Star Wars is going to make a cool two billion.


Off topic, but holy shit Jurassic World is the #3 highest grossing movie of all time now? Fucking hell, if nostalgia carried that movie that far Star Wars is going to make a cool two billion.

It's weird that the top 3 grossing movies of all time aren't necessarily giant IPs. Such a difference from video games.
All this talk about sabbaticals and rest periods is fine, but you have to answer these questions.

What do you do about the fan that tunes out for six months while John Cena isn't in the rotation?

What do you do when your merch sales suffer and take a 50% hit? 75%?

What about when people unsubscribe from the Network because their faves are off for six months?

How do you placate your investors, knowing damn well you can't just stick someone in Cena's slot and they'll generate the same money, because they won't. What are your answers to these questions?

You build people up so there's more than one fucking guy, it's not that complicated
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