um... what happened tonight
Who the heck is PJ Black?
The Darewolf.
Did Cena win? I'm on the west coast.
PS please see a doctor Cena, and by doctor I mean real doctor, not hippie quack that says "you're cleared for royel jesus' rum bell, friend" and lets you butt heads after prescribing you meditate for a week because he's late for his conga party
I'd tell you, but I don't want bean breath to accidentally see it and be spoiled.Did Cena win? I'm on the west coast.
Who the heck is PJ Black?
Making documentaries putting over kevin nash in 2015No new Swerved tonight? What is this company even doing with my $10 a month?
John Cena next week
Who knew the most invigorating thing to happen to Cena's career was a strongly booked title reign where he's the only person on the show to never eat a pin and his story line is given way more focus and attention than the current WWE champ.
Uh-huh, so if I'm reading the recap correctly, Cena's US title run has went from no new superstars winning feuds with him, to tapping out supposed main eventers on a random Monday Night Raw.
Boy this really has been a new era for Cena's impact on the company.
New character move in SF?
He ate a pin on PPV, check your hate at the door.
No hate friend, current Cena is the most entertaining thing in the WWE. I did gloss over that PPV loss though, thank you for reminding me.
Shut up they don't really call him that, do they?
Yep. After he quit WWE, he had freedom to come up with whatever he wanted to do that wasn't trademarked Justin Gabriel.
"The Darewolf" PJ Black was what he came up with.
When you look at stuff like that and Jeff Hardy's Willow the Wisp, you realize maybe there should be people in charge of giving wrestlers character names or non-dumb character ideas
What the hell is PJ suppose to stand for...peanut butter and jelly?
Well, you know, they stop the Reigns push, make Tyler Black the WWE champion, make Jon Moxley the #1 contender, they move Cena to the U.S. Title and have him job to Kevin Steen in Steen's first match, have Cena put Neville and Cesaro as equals while having consistent 4 star matches on a weekly basis....and the ratings are at an all time low.
Maybe this entire "pandering to the hardcore fans" thing has been proven to be a terrible idea.
Though they could just look at ROH if they wanted to know that.
What the hell is PJ suppose to stand for...peanut butter and jelly?
Have our experts confirmed whether or not any blood capsules were used?
Seems like a legit busted nose.
Kev Nash vs. Kev Owens in a Powerbomb match. Sid as special ref.
Have our experts confirmed whether or not any blood capsules were used?
Seems like a legit busted nose.