I aint touchin' that thread with a ten foot python, brother
SF gifs never let me down.Trolls out in full force in that OT thread
With high-flown words Alberto reminds Myztezys about a backstage moment when apparently the former Sin Cara pulled out a gun and threatened El Patrón. Alberto on his tweets calls out Myzteziz and invites him to bring up his family and his friends because he will get this to the last consequences.
The tweets translation in the same order as the image:
@TheSinCaraWWE Don't be a pussy fucker, say the things to my face.
@TheSinCaraWWE I am going to fuck your shit up the next time I see you fucking no-baller.
@TheSinCaraWWE You better begin to get your gun out, because when I see you at Triplemania I am going to kick your fucking ass.
@TheSinCaraWWE Bring here all of Tepito if you want you fucking pussy because I will see you at Triplemania and I am going to bust the fuck out of you. (Tepito is where Myzteziz comes from and is a place in Mexico City known for the delictive acts there are commited in there as drug selling, DVD and clothes piracy, murders and having the worst of the people that lives in the mexican capital)
To everybody at Triplemania I will kick the ass of @TheSinCaraWWE
Nacho (Myztezis real name, short way to say Ignacio in México) you better call up your dad because I will fucking kick your ass, fucking no-talent pussy, you better prepare for the beating of your life.
it was what we in the business call a "shoot"Are you saying Seth went into business for himself?
Cena always wins. Always. Allllllllways. Cena wins. It's the most predictable thing. The only times Cena loses--This is perhaps 1 or 2 matches in an entire year--Is to set up a longer storyline where Cena would win against the same person multiple times and look even stronger at the end (and OVERCOME THE ODDS that time, naturally). The man he beats it's instantly demoted to gimmick status and is quickly forgotten. Being put in a feud with Cena is the kiss of death to one's career.Come to this thread to see what's up. Serious question, why all the Cena hate?
I just saw a kid complain about Hogan getting the Benoit-treatment on the Dutch WWE page. He can't be more than 11 or 12 years old.
When I was that age I was still emulating Jushin Liger's moves by jumping from my desk onto my bed.
The internet has ruined this generation, friends.
I just saw a kid complain about Hogan getting the Benoit-treatment on the Dutch WWE page. He can't be more than 11 or 12 years old.
When I was that age I was still emulating Jushin Liger's moves by jumping from my desk onto my bed.
The internet has ruined this generation, friends.
In May, naturally.When's our Main Event Mafia month
Goddamn BOLA is gonna cost $210
Dunno if anyone can help me here? I'm in the UK and want to get Fire Pro Wrestling Returns it never got a release here. Is it available on PS3 download store?
I believe the one at the top is how Davey spot is supposed to go, but in the Edwards match they threw the curveball with the counter. Either way both the one at the top, and the one at the bottom are stupid. Superplex spots are supposed to do damage to both the person taking it, and the person executing it.Difference being the guy getting superplexed isn't the guy doing the second one.
There was a G1 last night??
Jesus it's getting hard to keep up
What's a brother gonna do, he's Samoan. He cultivates far more mass than those indie crossfitters though. More plates, more dates, friend.
What's a brother gonna do, he's Samoan. He cultivates far more mass than those indie crossfitters though. More plates, more dates, friend.
I'm just educating the masses about the mass appeal of cultivating mass.Why does a married man need "more dates" friend?
This is very good.Guys, I've got to tell you, the deal I have today is just...too sweet. We'll never offer an entire deal like this again. Dial us up now, you'll want to be on the line before you even hear what I have to order. When it's gone, it's G-O-N-E.
Today I'm offering another complete set. In this set you'll receive:
Big Sexy Kevin Nash
Scott Hall
Hollywood Hulk Hogan
but that's not all. I'll also throw in NWO referee Nick Patrick, the man who changed the history of the greatest night in our sport.
but wait, that's not all. You'll also get
The Giant
The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase
NWO Sting
Vincent, worth the price of this package by himself, you're already making money
Miss Elizabeth
Eric Bischoff
Buff Bagwell
V.K. Wallstreet
Big Bubba Rodgers, the Big Bossman himself
Scott Flash Norton
Randy Macho Man Savage!
and wait just a minute, some imports to, are you sure these are in? Yep, we're throwing in
Masahiro Chono
Hiroyoshi Tenzan
Hiro Saito
The Great Muta
Tatsutoshi Goto
Michiyoshi Ohara
Big Titan
Satoshi Kojima
and get this
Curt Hennig, in perfect condition
Rick Rude!
Louie Spicolli
Dusty Rhodes
Brian Adams
The Disciple
Scott Steiner
but wait, I said a complete collection that means that:
Stevie Ray
Bret Hart, Yes that Bret Hart. WWF Champion Bret Hart.
Horace Hogan T-206 Horace Hogan.
Barry Windham
Lex Luger? Another Kevin Nash/Scott Hall/Konan/Macho Man? Another Curt Hennig/Rick Rude/Dusty Rhodes?
Disco Inferno? A rare Rick Steiner? David Flair? Samantha? All included.
Jeff Jarrett? Ain't he great? Both Ron and Don Harris? Slick Johnson? Midajah? Pamela Paulshock? Major Gunns? Shakira? April Hunter? ALL IN THE BOX.
Call right now and we'll throw in, get this. Another Hogan/Scott Hall/Kevin Nash. and Shawn Michaels. and Booker T to unite the family.
All for...are you sure about this price? Nine Dollars Ninety Nine Cents. We've previously offered this deal at 54.99. Per Month! Vincent alone will cost you ten dollars. There are over a dozen world champions in this set!
"As you can see on television tonight, John suffered from a nasal fraction. He's got quite a bit of displacement, so we sent him over to the local emergency room so he can be evaluated by the ears, nose and throat doctor who's on call tonight and see what can be done to properly repair it."
Your nose has two bones at the bridge of your nose and a long piece of cartilage (flexible but strong tissue) that gives your nose its shape.
A nasal fracture occurs when the bony part of your nose has been broken. Most broken noses are caused by trauma such as sport injuries, car accidents, or fistfights.
If your nose is crooked from the injury you may need a reduction in order to put the bones back in place. If the break is easy to fix, a reduction can be done in the doctor's office. If the break is more severe, you may need surgery to fix it.
You may have a hard time breathing through your nose because the bones may be out of place or there is a lot of swelling.
This might not keep Cena out of Summerslam, but it will keep him out of the ring leading up to it.
He won't miss a day.