Someone tell me this tweet is real.

Someone tell me this tweet is real.
maybe they'll even play Punk's music!
*Vince laugh*
Witcher 1 did the same to me, I'm only playing 2 as a friend ensured me it was better. For the most parts they were right, but this boss fight is horrible.
I was surprised how good Tomb Raider 2013 was. based on how poor Tom raider had been for ahilw I am not sure how this pulled this off.
Sure it steals a lot from uncharted but whatevs, since Uncharted stole from Tomb. But anyhow.
Too bad it's not coming to PS4 simultaneously. The new one.
Screw it, I'll download it again just for the hell of it. I need to get off of this racing kick and finish my RPG backlog.
The Fatshaming of Bull Dempsey by the Coward William Regal is about to take a dark turn huh.
I was surprised how good Tomb Raider 2013 was based on how poor the franchise had been for awhile. I am not sure how this pulled this off. (just finished the game)
Sure it steals a lot from Uncharted but whatevs since Uncharted stole from Tomb. But anyhow.
Too bad it's not coming to PS4 simultaneously. The new one.
Better than Uncharted's sociopath simulator. Uncharted's shooting has always been an afterthought and it always felt like it. At least Lara had a legit reason to be killing dudes, and not a human killing machine like Shitty Ass Nathaniel Drake, the fuckin moron.
Fuck Uncharted and its fans. Poor contender.
Lara went from innocent girl to cold blooded killer in 10 hours. At least you could assume Nathan was always a killer by the time Uncharted 1 started.
I'm one of those people who never got into Uncharted. It lost me when the undead voodoo creature things appeared.
If you guys are going to start shitting on Uncharted, we're going to have some fucking problems. There's a god damn line to be crossed and your foot is getting close.
Guess this is the movie he was off filming last summer
If you guys are going to start shitting on Uncharted, we're going to have some fucking problems. There's a god damn line to be crossed and your foot is getting close.
Nothing wrong with COD. Story mode is enjoyable. At least to me.
Don't touch multilayer mode.
Speaking of, I don't know why Uncharted and Tomb have them. Waste of resources.
The Uncharted multiplayer modes were actually pretty fun. They obviously didn't have the biggest player bases, but they had a pretty consistent and dedicated following.
Put it on Easy, as the combat is still a bit iffy. Story seems decent enough, and it's a little more free-form (a little). There are QTE, however.
Was the Dean Ambrose movie retroactively made a 12 rounds sequel because I always thought it was just "Lockdown"
Was the Dean Ambrose movie retroactively made a 12 rounds sequel because I always thought it was just "Lockdown"
Uncharted is better than OG Tomb Raider, and clearly inspired the reboot.
That being said, Nate does kill a fuuuckload of people. But that's just shooter stuff. It's basically Indy the game.
Yes. I guess they don't trust Dean to draw on his own without the 12 Rounds brand!
Am I insane if I say that Uncharted 1 is the best out of the series. I hated 2 and really didn't care for 3, but 1 felt like a pure adventure until the end :/.
it wasn't a hard decision to make. jet skis with bombs, zombies, and bullet sponges at their absolute worst
By the time Uncharted 1 introduced the undead, I had grown tired of the cover-shoot mechanics that previously turned me off from Gears of War and similar games and the characters, so I never finished the first or play the next two.
Uncharted 1 has the best campaign, I've been waging that war on gaming side for years now. I like how people have retroactively decided that game was mediocre.
The jet ski is the only problem, that thing controlled like ass. Otherwise, most complaints boil down to the game being a shooter and people wishing it wasn't.
Case in point.
What is wrong with uncharted's shooting? Besides the problem with the third game prepatch it was always responsive and smooth so the games are on par with each other in that category. Uncharted's AI mops the floor with tomb raider, they make the worst attempts at cover and piss poor attempt to flank you. Drake might be a heartless stone cold killer but I despised how big of a deal Lara made her first kill then kills a thousand more people no problem. I won't say fuck tomb raider and it's fans since that's dumb as shit but the tomb raider series is off to a great new start and have high hopes for the next game.Better than Uncharted's sociopath simulator. Uncharted's shooting has always been an afterthought and it always felt like it. At least Lara had a legit reason to be killing dudes, and not a human killing machine like Shitty Ass Nathaniel Drake, the fuckin moron.
Fuck Uncharted and its fans. Poor contender.
What is wrong with uncharted's shooting? Besides the problem with the third game prepatch it was always responsive and smooth so the games are on par with each other in that category. Uncharted's AI mops the floor with tomb raider, they make the worst attempts at cover and piss poor attempt to flank you. Drake might be a heartless stone cold killer but I despised how big of a deal Lara made her first kill then kills a thousand more people no problem. I won't say fuck tomb raider and it's fans since that's dumb as shit but the tomb raider series is off to a great new start and have high hopes for the next game.