I think Max Payne 3 is a little underrated.
Not as good as Gears,Uncharted,Tomb Raider... but pretty darn good.
I think Max Payne 3 is a little underrated.
Not as good as Gears,Uncharted,Tomb Raider... but pretty darn good.
I despise that game. Considering it's the sequel to two of the best third person shooters ever and instead it's a corridor cutscene simulator
I think Max Payne 3 is a little underrated.
Not as good as Gears,Uncharted,Tomb Raider... but pretty darn good.
Lol, no way, it's still janky as fuck in true GTA fashion.So does GTA V play like Max Paybe 3? Shooting wise.
I couldn't finish GTA4. I just didn't find it fun to play at all. Am I missing out?
What is wrong with uncharted's shooting? Besides the problem with the third game prepatch it was always responsive and smooth so the games are on par with each other in that category. Uncharted's AI mops the floor with tomb raider, they make the worst attempts at cover and piss poor attempt to flank you. Drake might be a heartless stone cold killer but I despised how big of a deal Lara made her first kill then kills a thousand more people no problem. I won't say fuck tomb raider and it's fans since that's dumb as shit but the tomb raider series is off to a great new start and have high hopes for the next game.
Lol, no way, it's still janky as fuck in true GTA fashion.
Games I pretty much skipped out last gen.
Mass Effect
Fall Out
Sky Rim
I don't know. I'm not a japonophile that only thinks Japanese RPGs are good but just couldn't get into them.
Mass Effect 1 elevators drove me nuts so I quit. Skyrim had some glitch early on that me me quit too. And Fallout just looked... well... bleak.
Fallout New Vegas is a crown jewel of gaming.
As a person against Western RPGs, Fallout is worth messing around with though the new ones feel expansive and empty, and Mass Effect is enjoyable from a lore/worldbuilding standpoint but the gameplay is a bore/chore combo and the narrative takes a huge quality nosedive from ME1=>ME2=>ME3.Games I pretty much skipped out last gen.
Mass Effect
Fall Out
Sky Rim
I don't know. I'm not a japonophile that only thinks Japanese RPGs are good but just couldn't get into them.
Mass Effect 1 elevators drove me nuts so I quit. Skyrim had some glitch early on that me me quit too. And Fallout just looked... well... bleak.
I have enjoyed Borderlands/Destiny/Diablo 3... so yeah, not against western "RPGs"
You fit in well with the other Obsidian drones round these parts
Man, should i pay for CZW's VOD thing just to marathon some Cage of Deaths/ToD?
Its shooting has always been second rate, and the enemy AI feels like a wet fart. I've never enjoyed a single shooting encounter in UC2 or 3, not at all. It's simply joyless, and the devs know it. Yet they pad out the exploration (which is by far the most fun part of it) with bullet sponges. They can't get their stop and pop gameplay on the same level of Gears, yet they press on with it because they had no other way to move between their big special levels, and even then it kind of falls flat as they'll do that "pan camera back and do a 360, showcasing all the different obstacles you'll get to traverse and here's a set of stalactites you'll need to shimmy over, make sure you don't miss these, we tried to make them look natural but can't" trick a zillion times.
UC1 was interesting. 2 and 3 were them fucking a chicken. For a few hours. Not unlike Killzone 2, it's just crap to play through, but nice to see once. And don't get me started on KZ3...
You fit in well with the other Obsidian drones round these parts
Vinny Mac dropping those pipebombs.
Heck, the enemy escalation is basically them becoming spongier as opposed to anything remotely interesting.
is there a place where i can sign up for this Obsidian drone club or a newsletter I can subscribe to
This site seems useful. I really don't have much time to play so if I game is long it better be fucking good.
I think I will try Gears of War Judgment and Dishonored next. Don't seem too long.
Anarchy Reigns is pretty ass, definitely their worst game.
You can also check off your Platinum trash weekly readings in here too where we pretend Anarchy Reigns is a good game
GoW:J wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. I had fun with it... although getting it for only $5 is factored in.
This site seems useful. I really don't have much time to play so if I game is long it better be fucking good.
I think I will try Gears of War Judgment and Dishonored next. Don't seem too long.
I don't have time for western RPGs and their Brooklyn Brawler-levels of quality. Same thing with Demon/Dark Souls. zzzzzzzzzzzzz
I'll often go to bat for Platinum but not with this one, the online was near dead on arrival which is pretty problematic when that's the main focus.Anarchy Reigns is pretty ass, definitely their worst game.
Uncharted 3 has plenty of beefy dudes like twice the size or Drake that come with a gravitational pull that locks you into a QTE fist fight with them.Sunny just made uncharted has no beefy dudes.
I love gears
Games I pretty much skipped out last gen.
Mass Effect
Fall Out
Sky Rim
I don't know. I'm not a japonophile that only thinks Japanese RPGs are good but just couldn't get into them.
Mass Effect 1 elevators drove me nuts so I quit. Skyrim had some glitch early on that made me quit too. And Fallout just looked... well... bleak.
I have enjoyed Borderlands/Destiny/Diablo 3... so yeah, not against western "RPGs"
This site seems useful. I really don't have much time to play so if a game is long it better be fucking good.
I think I will try Gears of War Judgment and Dishonored next. Don't seem too long.
High five, Professor.
Also, I'm not creative. I don't want to make my own god damn journey. Give me the damn story and let me play on the rails and some illusions of choice.
Yeah that reminds me that everyone has a boner for open world bullshit right now. Nobody even knows what they're asking for when they suggest a game be open world, unless they want it to be terrible.
Every open world is the same! Let's walk into this NPC's house and hunt for some cool shit oh man he's got a used shoehorn, some gum, and an empty pack of cigarillos in his nightstand, time to take that and add it to my inventory in case I run into a shoe cobbler NPC in 32 hours that needs a shoehorn.
Is it gonna come full circle with 12 rounds 12 where Cena comes back and has to go against the odds against the 10 people who played in the sequels he wasn't in?Guess this is the movie he was off filming last summer
Anarchy Reigns is pretty ass, definitely their worst game.
GoW:J wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. I had fun with it... although getting it for only $5 is factored in.
gotta wait for the cutscene before a gif will load in hold one second
totally not shopped
You forgot then being over-encumbered with the furnishings of a small mansion and spending the next 10 minutes filtering through your horde of mostly useless tat.
This being after the mandatory lock picking minigame of course!