Austin sounded pretty sad at the end of his most recent podcast, when he addressed the Piper situation.
He felt the Sasso interview featured some personal stuff he wasn't happy about and he asked for that section to be removed
When he first heard the allegations, he called the PodcastOne bosses, and was told Piper didn't want to do podcasts anymore and wanted to leave and they were okay with that. Next thing they knew, he uploaded that Soundcloud unedited interview and said Austin got him fired.
This is the last he'll address this because he wants to move on and is still a big Piper fan despite it all
19 years today since the Hogan heel turn.
Where the hell does the time go.
Is pot smoke bad for cats though?
Indiegogo for the history of,new japan book is live
Supper it!!!
19 years today since the Hogan heel turn.
Where the hell does the time go.
So was anyone here who donated the 100 dollars to be a special guest on the podcast?
¡HarlequinPanic!;171205919 said:whoa can I get a cliffs notes on this piper austin thing? what happened?
Finn Balor just hasn't popped in the ring for me in The E.c
He also implies sexual things at the Queen of Britain. Thankfully someone is still protecting the business“Putin would be great in the ring,” he added. “But I’d want to fight doubles – him and me, against Barack Obama and my president.”
He chuckles at the thought of the dream team. “We’d win for sure.”
Bean deserves an apology from the guy that called him an asshat in his thread.
The only thing you exposed is your yellow belly, you coward.nah, not after I exposed bean
The only thing you exposed is your yellow belly, you coward.
What the fuck that was almost 20 years ago already?
Me being more over than you.And what exactly am I afraid of?
19 years today since the Hogan heel turn.
Where the hell does the time go.
I remember being in IIRC chat, and the net exploded.
nah, not after I exposed bean
Has Cesaro learned to cut a promo yet? #FourRopes
Who? Is that an important person or some fuckface?
The Andy guy, not Jimmy The Cunt.
Wikipedia tells me their highest album charting was 22, so ... kinda?
Is today Iron Sheik Day, Mr. MacMahon?
Correct me if I'm wrong. I've always had the sensation that TNA is very popular on UK (I mean more than USA).
If this is correct, they should consider to move to UK. Maybe it could be a better way to save that sunken ship.
It's on basic cable while Raw is on a super fucking expensive satellite channel, so TNA gets slightly better ratings via the numbers game.Correct me if I'm wrong. I've always had the sensation that TNA is very popular on UK (I mean more than USA).
If this is correct, they should consider to move to UK. Maybe it could be a better way to save that sunken ship.
Piper's SoundCloud podcast already got pulled :jnc
Akebono(c) vs Kento Miyahara
Great match from last week. I'd put it above anything at Dominion other than Saku/Shibata personally