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June PC Gamer magazine: We saw Duke Nukem Forever!



"I just got PC Gamer's June issue and apparently after previewing Prey, 3D Realms showed them a demo of Duke Nukem Forever showing "that DNF is up and running and in very fine form indeed." According to Broussard, "Most of the weapons and creatures are done. Most of the levels exist, and there's a ton of gameplay. We're in the process of pulling it all together, and very much look forward to showing it off. It won't be vaporware much longer." The article talks about demos of interactions with the environments, saying they're in the spirit of those in Duke Nukem 3D. They also report that DNF won't be shown at E3 this year, and until there is a "deluxe unveiling," nobody will get any more of a look at it."

So anybody get the issue yet? there is debate if this is legit although george broussard himself in that shacknews thread did not deny it(which he will usually do in a heart beat).


Sounds to be 65%-75% done. I think they're aiming for early 2006 or mid 2006 release.

Haters be damned, Duke is coming back baby! :D
Cool! I cant wait to show my grandson this game.....

Note: To make post funny you must realize i am 21 and have to plans to marry at the moment. You may laugh now,


Bish loves my games!
Janurary 1997: Work on DNF started.*

April 1997: Quake 2 engine purchase announced. (they got it in mid-late 1997 before Quake 2 was released). Scott Miller states that he is confident that DNF will be released by mid 1998 and prey in late 1998 making 1998 a bit year for 3DR. He also mentions that his confidence is not misplaced.

August and September 1997: First screenshots in PC gamer (hummer, farmer i think).

May 1998: First DNF E3 video shown. You can see that a lot of work has been done.

Late 1998: 3DR announces switch to Unreal tech. It is expected to take no longer than 6 weeks and 3DRealms says "DNF is a 1999 game."

Mid 1999: 3DR admits that the engine switch took a lot more time than originally estimated.

Late 1999: 3DR announces upgrade to UT level tech. It is expected to take two weeks. 3DR releases a Christmas card saying that DNF will be released in 2000.

2000: I don't think anything happened. They released some sexy screenshots in late 1999/early 2000 (for the time). Broussard begins claiming that DNF development did not start until 1998. Inquiring minds wonder how they got so much done before May (E3) 1998.

May 2001: 3DR comes out of nowhere and puts DNF up at E3. They state that DNF will be released in 2001 and the end of the E3 2001 video says "WID in 2001". Many part of the video bear a clear resemblence to the 1999 screenshots.

October 2001: Broussard posts "sorry guys, it won't be a 2001 release" on the VE3D forums. "Don't worry, the last major hurdle is AI."

Unknown 2001: Broussard states that DNF will definitely be out before Unreal 2.

January 2002: Voodoo Extreme makes a list of top 10 titles to be released in 2002. #1 on that list is Duke Nukem Forever. Someone posts "when will we see something" in the 3DR forums. Broussard responds with "soon".

June 2002: The "soon" thread gets locked.

Unknown 2002: Broussard states that DNF will definitely be out before DooM 3.

2003: Broussard states that DNF has been "on track since early 2002" and that they haven't reached the light at the end of the tunnel, but "they finally found it." He wisps away the years between January 1997 and January 2002 and wishes people would consider DNF's development as if it started in 2002 (this is a strong hint that DNF was far from complete). Unreal 2 released.

Broussard adopts the "DooM 3 and HL2 will have been in development for 5 and 6 years when they're finally released -- DNF isn't taking that much longer" belief (notice: his numbers are very inaccurate).

Late 2003/early 2004: Take 2 complains about DNF development and expects it around "late 2005". "At this point we're just hoping the team [in garland] will finish the project."

2004: Broussard states that DNF development has been on track since "late 2002/early 2003", bumping up his earlier statement in an attempt to fight back release expectations. It is clear, from this behavior, that DNF will not be released this year or next. DooM 3 is released. Half Life 2's release is anticipated this year.


Keyser Soze said:
Cool! I cant wait to show my grandson this game.....

Note: To make post funny you must realize i am 21 and have to plans to marry at the moment. You may laugh now,

are you kaisersoze from the 3dr boards?
I love Duke 3D. It's still one of my favorite games.

Despite the jokes, delays, and stigmas associated with games lost in "development hell", I will buy this game on launch day.


At least I think DNF will be released, Team Fortress 2, on the other hand, will never be fucking released, and has gone through twice as many engine changes.
Define Irony: Prey will be released before DNF. :)

It's hard for me to get excited about Duke anymore. DN3D was a fun game for it's day, but DNF is going to have to be seriously incredible to make me even care. It's just so behind the times, too many years too late. Does the Duke property still hold any value?


mrroboto said:
"I just got PC Gamer's June issue and apparently after previewing Prey, 3D Realms showed them a demo of Duke Nukem Forever showing "that DNF is up and running and in very fine form indeed." According to Broussard, "Most of the weapons and creatures are done. Most of the levels exist, and there's a ton of gameplay. We're in the process of pulling it all together, and very much look forward to showing it off. It won't be vaporware much longer." The article talks about demos of interactions with the environments, saying they're in the spirit of those in Duke Nukem 3D. They also report that DNF won't be shown at E3 this year, and until there is a "deluxe unveiling," nobody will get any more of a look at it."

Meh :(

I would be excited as hell if that article would say "We've seen it and it's UN-FU*KING-BELIEVABLE!".

It sounds like they weren't even excited :(

Do not dissapoint me Duke.


Borys said:
Meh :(

I would be excited as hell if that article would say "We've seen it and it's UN-FU*KING-BELIEVABLE!".

It sounds like they weren't even excited :(

Do not dissapoint me Duke.

You have to remember, the June PC Gamer's exclusive is "Prey", they wouldn't want to take away the hype for that game me thinks. Aso, 3dr were probably pretty strict with what they wanted discussed/disclosed regarding DNF. Telling PC Gamer not to comment on the visuals would be fair game imho.


Dr. Zoidberg said:
I love Duke 3D. It's still one of my favorite games.

Despite the jokes, delays, and stigmas associated with games lost in "development hell", I will buy this game on launch day.

Thats an easy promise to make.


Dr. Zoidberg said:
I love Duke 3D. It's still one of my favorite games.

Despite the jokes, delays, and stigmas associated with games lost in "development hell", I will buy this game on launch day.

Just make sure your grandkids are at school when you play it.


Thanks for the breakdown jetjevons. That's just insane...almost unbelievable.

I think the most hilarious part of it is during this time (nearly 8 years), there have been 1 or 2 attempts at creating Duke Nukem MODs for varying engines, and they were forced to shut down. I'm sure that these MODs could have been released if they were actually allowed to go through.

People should just make it in secret and suddenly release it.


Fight for Freeform said:
I think the most hilarious part of it is during this time (nearly 8 years), there have been 1 or 2 attempts at creating Duke Nukem MODs for varying engines, and they were forced to shut down. I'm sure that these MODs could have been released if they were actually allowed to go through.

People should just make it in secret and suddenly release it.

3drealms is obligated under law to make sure no one is infringing their i.p(s)/copyrights/trademarks, otherwise those marks become diluted and they
lose ownership.

Shame on 3dr for protecting their property!


go eat paint
At this rate, Duke Nukem Forever will ship as a 10th Anniversary Edition... of itself.

Can you imagine what Bungie could've done with Halo 2 given 8 years? Tack on an ending, put in more multiplayer maps, and iron out the freakin cheats -- at the least.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
I've been burned by too many "Duke Forever looks awesome, well on its way to release" announements to take any new ones by heart, but still, the giddy little kid of 1996 lives on and I still anticipate the game and hope it retains some of the magic of Duke 3D.

Regardless of how many years it takes to actually see light of day, the final product will have to be judged for the merits of the game and not the time behind it.


3drealms is obligated under law to make sure no one is infringing their i.p(s)/copyrights/trademarks, otherwise those marks become diluted and they
lose ownership.

Thank you Captian Obvious!

Shame on 3dr for protecting their property!

They have every right to do so, WTF are you talking about?

Though I have to admit...making it on anything less than the UE3 engine will be a waste of time. Since Quake 3...game engines haven't advanced greatly until the release of Far Cry/DOOM 3/HL2. I see UE3 being the next big jump, plus it will allow for easy console ports.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
mosaic said:
At this rate, Duke Nukem Forever will ship as a 10th Anniversary Edition... of itself.

Can you imagine what Bungie could've done with Halo 2 given 8 years? Tack on an ending, put in more multiplayer maps, and iron out the freakin cheats -- at the least.

In 8-year developed Halo 2, the Master Chief is you!


mosaic said:
At this rate, Duke Nukem Forever will ship as a 10th Anniversary Edition... of itself.

Can you imagine what Bungie could've done with Halo 2 given 8 years? Tack on an ending, put in more multiplayer maps, and iron out the freakin cheats -- at the least.

hey bungie didn't finish halo 2, that's fresh

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I can't imagine they could ever possibly justify the amount of time this has been in development with the final game. It'll have to blow everyone and every other game away on so many levels that it's basically impossible.


What really kills me is over the years George B has had the audacity to pick apart other games and say his game was better.

LOL! Fuck that asshole.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Dr_Cogent said:
What really kills me is over the years George B has had the audacity to pick apart other games and say his game was better.

LOL! Fuck that asshole.

Dude, the physics in DNF will totally blow Half Life 2 away. You'll see! You'll be all like "gravity gun what now" LOL


It's true that Duke3d had like the best weapons. Pipebomb traps + camera anyone :D

too bad it wont be at E3.


tedtropy said:
Dude, the physics in DNF will totally blow Half Life 2 away. You'll see! You'll be all like "gravity gun what now" LOL

Shit, he was doing shit like that way back when Quake III based games were coming out. I remember him ripping on the Star Trek one in particular.


To be truly mind-blowing the physics in DN4 should be better than:

Half-Life 2's - should be easy, instead of a gimmicky GravGun give us Duke's hands, shovels, ropes etc. Make some "incredible machines"-like level and you're set.

Painkiller's - should be easy, make a whole building out of single bricks. If you try hard enough you could make it collapse killing you, PigCops and changing whole level geometry.
Think something like Red Faction^10.
Oh, get Duke some spears so he can impale PigCops to the wall a la Stake Gun in PK.


Fight for Freeform said:
Thank you Captian Obvious!

They have every right to do so, WTF are you talking about?

you totally missed my point. it was sarcasm. ease up ace.

btw: george broussard has now just confirmed it as genuine(the article about dnf) over at the 3dr boards.


I think no matter how good the game may be, people are going to dog it because of it's miserable development history.

Which is a goddamn shame, because I'm actually looking forward to this.
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