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June UltraViolent Wrasslin' |OT| This is Small Potatoes!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Rosie Lottalove? Legit think she's got a tryout next week at NXT's camp or at least was asked for one.

not what Mr. H is looking for

Super Kane
Holy crap. You found it, I've been look for this forever. I remember we were in kindergarten or the first grade and my friend had a Kane trading card which featured him with the cape on and a telephone number on the back. This is sweet.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Of course he is still Super Kane as he is still going strong in 2015. Marvel will start having to do Kane 2099 soon.


Sycho Sid is AMAZING in 1996. The man can do no wrong. Easily the loudest pops wherever they go. Brutal Big Boots, Crisp Chokeslams, Punishing Powerbombs. His promos are done flawlessly. Even a great bit of stunt driving the week after his debut.

This is the same guy who I never wanted to see again after his dreadful matches and awful promos in 1995.

You forgot the motherfucking fist bumps.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
You forgot the motherfucking fist bumps.

I did, and I'm sorry.

This Sid is a weird alternate timeline version of a Sid who went over clean at WM VIII and proceeded to become the next ultra face in the WWF but was transported to our 1996 where he was amazing in WWF's darkest hour.
If Meltzer gets killed over god damn TNA....

Nobody got him over the full week after WCW got canceled and he spent the entire time progressively getting more and more openly pissed about people repeatedly calling in and asking when it would come back. That was crazy, this is just mostly delusion.
It's almost like putting a bunch of college football players and failed MMA fighters in a building in Florida and having former midcarders-for-life teach them how to do like twelve moves from a single school of wrestling is not conducive to making people good performers. It's almost like the thousands of hours spent wrestling mostly for passion's sake in multiple promotions with a great diversity of styles and audiences gives performers a deeper skill set and allows them to pick and choose what works for them, instead of teaching everybody the same basic thing and expecting them to figure out the rest on their own by watching tapes of guys far more talented than anyone they encounter in their day-to-day training.
I saw San Andreas last night and enjoyed it for the dumb action movie it was. I have no regrets. Although both my wife and I were distracted by Alexandra Daddario's breasts. They never stopped jiggling.


Yo dudes that watched LU today.

So, at the end of the Jack Evans v Argenis match, Jack Evans gets the Aztec medallion.

Except, someone tied that bag a bit too well. Evans couldn't get the bag opened.


Watching TNA.

This EC3 intro is amazing with the barbershop singing his theme.

What in the world happened to D'Angelo Dinero? There was a time when he was like the most over guy in TNA and, TNA being TNA, completely dropped the ball with him.

I see Velvet Sky's new gimmick is being Stone Cold. She does a pretty horrible Stunner.


Weird thing about women in NXT.

A lot of them start off as a face and just fail to get over with the crowd. Then they turn heel, develop an attitude and show off way more charisma and suddenly the crowd will basically get behind them and treat them as a face.

Happened to Charlotte, Sasha, Becky, and I'd imagine Alexa is next for that.

The reverse happened with Emma though.
WWE have this continuous problem with booking faces and it's all to do with compelling stories, or the lack of them - look at Bayley, the story of her being overlooked and under-sold, not just by management but by the other women in NXT, is one of the better stories and when Bayley finally said "y'know what? I'm not gonna take it any more" and showed a bit of fire and aggression, it got such a huge reaction from the audience.

They concentrate too much on the heels, spend too much time laying out the heel's motivations for all to see, understand and relate to, but without adequate work done with the faces you'll just end up with a heel that's cheered in spite of their actions. It's not enough to have a face who is cheered, because people will cheer for the good guys. That's what they're supposed to do and, unless the face is entirely awful, that's what they're going to do. You've got to give them a reason to like the face that goes way beyond them just fighting on the side of good in your story.

I was wondering if Jimmy Havoc was like that in the UK, and I was going to make that comparison, but wasn't for sure if there was a wink and a nod sorta thing going on or if all that heat is real.

Seems like an aprt comparison between the two guys, and not just because both guys have the fans wearing "Die ______ Die" T-shirts.

The heat was definitely real at first because the turn itself was so shocking, but a few shows later you did start to see a bit of a wink and a nod from smart fans appreciating how masterfully it was done - however Jimmy's since managed to get everyone back to hating him, which is mostly down to his character work and interaction with the fans. He's a scary little man. I'd say there's definitely a comparison to be made between Dalton & Havoc in terms of the heat they're generating, but they're not at all alike in the ring. Jimmy's a vicious bastard, which really comes across in his wrestling.
Hmmm, the advertised event start time in Japan is 7pm (6am EST) and the advertised start time for the network special is 6:30 am EST.

It could just be lead for the doors there....but I'm wondering if the whole thing airs or not.

Would be insane to take the camera crew there for one match though.

They've GOT to be taping that Balor/Jericho match as well, if not for the Network then for a DVD down the line.

Really happy about this live special, this is the sort of cool stuff they need to be doing.
Trying to get along with USFIV, but goddamn is this game a giant shit sandwich compared to 3rd Strike. I love that they cited over-complexity and too much focus on defence as a reason for moving away from parrying, when the fighting system in IV is such a bloated, overly-complex mess by comparison. It has none of the simplicity or immediacy of 3rd Strike and I forgot how much I despised the clunky-ass gameplay and disgusting art design. SFV is going to have to be a huge departure from IV for me to give a damn.


So not worth it
Having Balor win the NXT Title in Japan though, that's a smart move, a very smart move.

I wonder how the WWE audience will react to seeing a show in front of a Japanese crowd though, that'll be a culture shock.
Here is the lineup for wwe japan

Lucha Dragons vs. Los Matadores

Nikki Bella vs. Paige vs. Naomi for the Divas title

New Day vs. Tyson Kidd & Cesaro for tag titles (this may have to be changed due to Tyson Kidd's injury)

Chris Jericho vs. Neville

Kevin Owens vs. Finn Balor for NXT title

Brock Lesnar vs. Kofi Kingston

John Cena & Dolph Ziggler vs. Kane & King Barrett

Lol at main event


Meltzer on how the preformace center is doing. Trips about to go hard in the paint

I really think the best course of action on this is to reboot Smackdown and use the NXT model on it. One or two writers, the best of the development system and a one hour show and then use NXT as a true development system.

With the Network they can still do brand only PPV and all of that. They can pretty much go back to the brand split using what they have now with some rebranding.

It's true that NXT can grow and take Smackdown's place but since you already have a tv deal for that and a large history you just have to chance formats. And you can take the same risks you can take on NXT since it's a b-show.

Raw would also have to have a fixed roster with the main guys that would not go to the other brands and then you have the whole brand exchanges when you want to up a guy from the b show to the a show. But if you stay on Smackdown you'll still earn good money.

It all sounds too good on my head but I really think it's a good way to evolve this system.

I saw San Andreas last night and enjoyed it for the dumb action movie it was. I have no regrets. Although both my wife and I were distracted by Alexandra Daddario's breasts. They never stopped jiggling.

*adds movie to watchlist*

Here is the lineup for wwe japan

Lol at main event

I don't get why they don't do Brock vs Cesaro. I really don't.


WWE have this continuous problem with booking faces and it's all to do with compelling stories, or the lack of them - look at Bayley, the story of her being overlooked and under-sold, not just by management but by the other women in NXT, is one of the better stories and when Bayley finally said "y'know what? I'm not gonna take it any more" and showed a bit of fire and aggression, it got such a huge reaction from the audience.

They concentrate too much on the heels, spend too much time laying out the heel's motivations for all to see, understand and relate to, but without adequate work done with the faces you'll just end up with a heel that's cheered in spite of their actions. It's not enough to have a face who is cheered, because people will cheer for the good guys. That's what they're supposed to do and, unless the face is entirely awful, that's what they're going to do. You've got to give them a reason to like the face that goes way beyond them just fighting on the side of good in your story.

Yeah this is all so true. On top of that, on the main roster, they make faces into such vengeful, bullying dickwads so often. AND they spend way more time setting up odds against the heels than they do against the faces. Look at Rollins. So much of the story during his run has been about him getting screwed over and fucked with by Kane, treated like a putz by the bosses and forced to "prove himself" repeatedly going way back to right after he first turned when, although he did what they wanted and sided with him, he was just given the chance to get the MITB briefcase but Reigns was put right into the title match. Not to mention having to take it physically to God-killer Brock Lesnar. Rollins is lucky he has such an annoying voice and is such a natural at being a turd or he wouldn't be over as a heel at all.
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